- published: 29 Feb 2016
- views: 226918
A flying wing is a tailless fixed-wing aircraft that has no definite fuselage. The crew, payload, fuel, and equipment are typically housed inside the main wing structure, although a flying wing may have various small protuberances such as pods, nacelles, blisters, booms, or vertical stabilizers.
Similar aircraft designs that are not - strictly speaking - flying wings, are sometimes referred to as such. These types include blended wing body aircraft, and microlights (such as the Aériane Swift), which typically carry the pilot (and engine when fitted) below the wing.
Tailless aircraft have been experimented with since the earliest attempts to fly. John William Dunne's swept-wing biplane designs displayed inherent stability. But it was not until the deep-chord monoplane wing, as first demonstrated by Hugo Junkers's firm as early as December 1915, became less experimental after World War I that the opportunity to discard any form of fuselage arose and the true flying wing could be realized.
A wing is a type of fin with a surface that produces aerodynamic forces facilitating movement through air and other gases, or water and other liquids. As such, wings have an airfoil shape, a streamlined cross-sectional shape producing lift.
The word "wing" from the Old Norse vængr for many centuries referred mainly to the foremost limbs of birds (in addition to the architectural aisle.) But in recent centuries the word's meaning has extended to include lift producing appendages of insects, bats, pterosaurs, boomerangs, some sail boats and aircraft, or the inverted airfoil on a race car that generates a downward force to increase traction.
Various species of penguins and other flighted or flightless water birds such as auks, cormorants, guillemots, shearwaters, eider and scoter ducks and diving petrels are avid swimmers, and use their wings to propel through water.
A wing's aerodynamic quality is expressed as its lift-to-drag ratio. The lift a wing generates at a given speed and angle of attack can be one to two orders of magnitude greater than the total drag on the wing. A high lift-to-drag ratio requires a significantly smaller thrust to propel the wings through the air at sufficient lift.
Engineered Mini Flying Wing
102" Giant flying wing
Northrop YB-49 "Flying Wing" - Taxing, Take Off & Flight Operations (1947)
Build Super Simple Flying Wing ( delta wing ) RC - High Speed - (Tiko V3)
3D Printed Flying Wing Pod
How to Build a Zagi - Flying Wing !
How to Find CG on a Flying Wing
How to launch a flying wing (3 techniques)
Episode 70 - Flying Wing Vectored Thrust?!?
This video is about the time when I ventured into the dangerous waters of engineering. It was pretty neat I guess. Endurance Record Flight: https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhEL0IVXaYo Oh Nathan, the stability guy has a youtube channel, I'll link it here : https://www.youtube.com/user/TheGospelMegaphone This video has been on the back burner for almost a year now, I just spent a solid several days working on this. Now to catch up on my homework. To see what I'm up to as it happens, follow me on https://www.instagram.com/sammsheperd/ If you feel like it supporting: https://www.patreon.com/samm_sheperd?... for monthly support https://www.youtube.com/nessfultude22 has fan funding enabled on the right side of the page Paypal email: sammshep@gmail.com Thank you Patreon supporters! St...
CAF-1307, July 25, 2013 http://www.goldengatewing.org Larry Rinek has spoken previously at various CAF - Golden Gate Wing dinner events in Alameda, reviewing famous USAF aircraft from the Cold War era. He is a published aviation historian, a guest lecturer in aero engineering for five universities, a former USAF officer, and a Senior Technology Consultant at Frost & Sullivan in Mountain View, CA. His topic for the 25 July dinner meeting is flying wings. These unusual aircraft are a blend of wing and fuselage with no vertical airframe structures (like tail fins). They have earned a special place in aviation history and aero technology. Noted for unconventional appearance, high airframe efficiency, low drag, and inherently low observability (LO) or stealth, flying wings have an interest...
A CCD collaboration. 102" wingspan, 60 class electric motor, 80A speed control, 14x7 APC prop, 6s 5000 battery. Needs a few minor tweaks before the next flight but it flies pretty sweet as is :) Servos are a little weak, blowing back at higher speeds, and the angle of attack when sitting on the ground isn't positive enough. Didn't have a Dremel at the field to shorten the gear legs, and as you can see on landing they're digging in, along with the SFG's. Oops! Minor issues that will be remedied before the next video. Just wanted to post some vide to show that it's built and flying, basically. Great job Dennis and Colton!
8 Jet Engined Flying Wing
The Building footage of Flying Wing Tiko V3 find the plans and further information here http://flitetest.com/articles/1-sheet-foam-board-24-x36-flying-wing-v3 the parts: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__6460__Hobbyking_SS_Series_25_30A_ESC.html http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__41708__Turnigy_TG9e_9g_1_5kg_0_10sec_Eco_Micro_Servo_Long_Wire_Version.html http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__18198__Floater_Jet_Replacement_Motor_AXN_2208_2150_.html http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__22423__APC_Style_Propeller_6x4_2pc_.html http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__8932__Turnigy_2200mAh_3S_20C_Lipo_Pack.html http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__12339__Turnigy_9X_2_4GHz_8Ch_Receiver_V2_.html
- Flying it FPV: https://youtu.be/gSsRhIaUJa4 - Thinsverse as requested I guess: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1412963 - Bearings used both for replacing motor bearings, and for supporting the shaft at the end of the pod: http://www.ebay.com/itm/251149974179?... - 200mm long 3mm shaft: http://www.ebay.com/itm/321896439905?... The pod's walls are made of two 1 layer thick walls separated by 3mm and 3% infill. Or you could just say 3mm thick hollow walls. To see what I'm up to as it happens, follow me on https://www.instagram.com/sammsheperd/ If you feel like it supporting: https://www.patreon.com/samm_sheperd?... for monthly support https://www.youtube.com/nessfultude22 has fan funding enabled on the right side of the page Paypal email: sammshep@gmail.com Thanks to my Patreon Suppo...
Thank you for watching "Zagi making" video. Video shot and edited by Huseyin Ozkan Music : Mozart This video included 100cm zagi... More detail about 120cm Zagi please visit : http://www.rcturka.com/cicoz120-kitden-cicoz120-yapalim-451.html If you need a CG Calculator : http://www.rcturka.com/model-ucak-zagi-agirlik-merkezi-hesaplama-cg.html
Learn more! http://www.mygeekshow.com/beginnertoexpert/topics/tutorials/How_to_Find_CG_on_a_Flying_Wing.html Want to learn how to find the CG point on a flying wing? http://fwcg.3dzone.dk/ is a great website, and after a few measurements, you'll know exactly where to set your CG point for it's first flights.
In this video I show 3 techniques to launch a radio controlled flying wing. Which way works best for you depends on your airplane and what you are comfortable with.
http://www.MyGeekShow.com On this episode of MyGeekShow we attempted to add thrust vectoring to our Raptor, with some very interesting results! See you Wednesday, -Trent & Nick --Raptor-- Tx: Flyer9x with er9x firmware by ParkeFlyer http://parkeflyer.com/ Battery: 20C 2.2Ah Sky http://www.hobbypartz.com/77p-sl2200-3s1p-20c-3333.html Servos: T-Pro 9G http://www.hobbypartz.com/topromisesg9.html Motor: Optima 450 2220-1800KV http://www.hobbypartz.com/75m55-optima450-2220-1800kv-2.html ESC: Exceed RC Proton 30A http://www.hobbypartz.com/07e04-proton-30a.html Produced by Trent & Nick in Arkansas, USA Main Camera: Panasonic HDC-TM900K Video Editing: iMovie
Just a short edit of summer flying with Flight Club with a little #TBT from Nick's triple wing at the end. My GoPro 3 finally died and I'm saving up for a new one, but here's a bunch of clip from Flight Club's other elite wing pilots. Kit Update: We've got a few demo kits put together but we're still finishing up the manual. Once we've got that nailed down, expect some major updates to the website. http://www.firmcore.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/norcalfpv/ Pilots: Av8orn8 - https://www.youtube.com/user/Av8orn8 Squishy654 - https://www.youtube.com/user/squishy654 Nick - https://www.instagram.com/quickerclicker05/ Music: Mike BFort - Pure Oxygen https://soundcloud.com/mikebfortofficial/mike-bfort-pure-oxygen-part-1-buy-free-download
Nothing ever goes to plan :) Learn from MY mistakes! I'm converting her to the pusher version & taking her slope soaring later today! So yea, get the PUSHER version here http://goo.gl/zZLX9b instead of the EDF one. As always thanks for watching & happy flying, Matt --- WANT MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE? --- Subscribe here for the LATEST updates: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=moggiex For more videos like this one, see my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/moggiex/ Would you like to SEE THE NEW VIDEO'S BEFORE they're published on YouTube? --- I post the videos in the FaceBalls group BEFORE they go live on YouTube. You can join the group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1441444805872970/
Look flying burritos Alphabet Chipotle test Project Wing drone delivery Virginia Tech
I've learned new things with this project. Now I have a better understanding of how CG, Dual Rates, Exponential and Mixing. A Flying wing it's a great platform for this. With the lack of individual control surfaces to manipulate flying ( rudder, elevator, Ailerons and flaps). you can mix them all in an elevon and plaperons mix just using 2 channels and a radio with mixing features. I hope you like my video. Please leave some comments. Thanks for watching
Howdy, this is the unboxing & first thoughts on the DW HOBBY Rainbow Flying Wing that arrived this morning. You can grab yours here http://goo.gl/zZLX9b Press SHOW MORE for the full details. This is the unboxing of the "DW HOBBY Rainbow 800mm Wingspan EPP Flying Wing RC Airplane KIT" which I bought from Banggood here http://goo.gl/zZLX9b Like you I'm thinking this could be a Turnigy Bonsai KILLER! Right now the Turnigy Bonsai costs $24.86 USD from HobbyKing & is also out of stock (AGAIN!!!!!!). Where as this wing, while slightly larger at 800mm rather than 600mm, is MUCH CHEAPER and it comes in two versions, a EDF version and a pusher version. Also note you have to pay shipping over at HobbyKing, whereas the price of this wing, the shipping is INCLUDED! So for me today if I bought the...
This just arrived on my desk! Also checking the details it's on sale right now here http://bit.lc/4TOl and even when it's not on sale it's cheaper than the Turnigy Bonsai from HobbyKing. FULL REVIEW shortly! Banggood were in touch yesterday after posting this video & asked that I share the sale that they are running at the here http://bit.lc/4TOl As always thanks for watching & happy flying, Matt --- WANT MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE? --- Subscribe here for the LATEST updates: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=moggiex For more videos like this one, see my YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/moggiex/ Would you like to SEE THE NEW VIDEO'S BEFORE they're published on YouTube? --- I post the videos in the FaceBalls group BEFORE they go live on YouTube. You...
The return of cheap tiny wing. Its not the end for my APM (Arduplane V3.4) powered mini UAV Wing Wing Z-84, this time I’m pushing further more up to 63km of flight distance flying autonomously across many interesting and scenic places. Unlike previous flight this time the plane is upgraded to 4S Li-on pack instead of the default 3S with just extra gram of weight added and yes of course I did reduce some other weight to compensate extra load . This will give extra speed, longer run-time and lower current draw and resulting longer distance and high endurance performance on such a tiny size fixed wing plane. Overall really happy with the current flight and after landed it seems that based on the remaining power left in the cell pack looks like it could go for another extra distance soon. ...
There are videos available for people flying a RC Plane or Flying Wing using a Naze32 board, but no-one actually covers the setup of the board for a flying wing. Doing this is actually really straight forwards to do AND you can use the advanced features of the Naze32 board with your RC plane too! By adding a Naze32 board you can give your flying wing or plane several new features such as: - Stabilization (3 modes!) - Height lock - Heading lock - GPS Home & GPS Hold - Add a sonar sensor for low level flying (3M or less!) - Waypoints (with an adapted firmware) - Loiter mode - Provide data back via a cheap OSD such as: -- Heading (with flight sim styled screen display) -- GPS coords -- Height/Altitude -- Current consumption -- Voltages -- Ground speed -- And so on... - Record flight data -...
The Flying Wing was the brainchild of Jack Northrop, who started work on the concept in the 1930s. Northrop advocated "The Wing" as a means of reducing drag and structural weight. It may be hard to believe today, but the original Northrop Flying Wing's innovative design was often used against it by detractors from competing aircraft companies ("An airplane that doesn't have a tail??!!") So, Northrop Aircraft produced this information film to extol the Wings virtues and answer her critics. The result is a film that gives a compelling overview of the principles of advantages of the Wing design, delivered by Northrop's Director of Engineering, Harrison F. Burke. You'll see color film of the jet powered Wing in operation, supplemented by an extensive use of instructive animations. You'll learn...
No copyright infringement intended. Please contact me directly, and I will remove the film. This ultra-rare documentary from 1979 has never been released on home video in any format, and hasn't been on PBS TV since 1980. Includes John K. Northrop's final interview. Also included are test pilots Max Stanley & Robert Cardenas. Be sure to check my channel for the best in VINTAGE & RARE airliner videos! "The Boxart Den" World's largest display & collection of FULLY RESTORED rare & collectable model kit box art http://boxartden.com http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Box-Art http://www.facebook.com/craviola990 http://www.youtube.com/mcdonnell220
This episode is sponsored by Audible.com Flite Test fans can download a free audio book here: http://audible.com/flitetest The RV JET from RangeVideo.com is an EPO flying wing designed for FPV, setup with an advanced gimbal system. More details and images available in the article here: http://flitetest.com/articles/rv-jet Check out the Skywalker X8 Review: http://flitetest.com/articles/skywalker-x-8 More FPV fun here: http://flitetest.com/articles/fpv-woggle-course
I demonstrated in the previous video called "Two Dollar Radio Control Flying Wing Breaks 70 mph", just how fast and agile this flying wing is. It is the best flying plane I have built to date for any price and the best part is that the plane will cost you less than two dollars to build once you've purchased the electronics. This means you can "Fly It Like You Stole It" because you don't have to worry about loosing a $100+ investment. If you destroy the plane, just build another for two dollars and less than two hours of your time. In all the wings I have crashed so far (which has been quite numerous as I have perfected this design), I have only broken one $4 servo. Every time I crash one, I simply pull the parts from the broken plane and transfer them to a new one, trimming the glue ...
Everyone else is playing with Quadcopters, but I have a need for a decent "Flight Control" board for FPV flying wings which has GPS RTH & loiter modes. But which one is the best & cheapest? That is the goal of this series! Naze32 + Cleanflight ------ I tried this first time around and it failed badly. The GPS Hold & GPS RTH features caused the model to either dive into the ground or prop hang. Neither are desirable. You can watch my first attempt at setting up Cleanflight for a Flying Wing in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dUomn5jPf4 Orange RX3S Stabilizer ------ If you just want stabilization for your flying wing or normal fixed wing model, these stabilizer are brilliant & super cheap. They even do V-Tail's too! Link to HobbyKing: http://goo.gl/ypQi0U Naze32 + PatrikE "...
Building flying wing from one sheet foam board more information is here http://flitetest.com/articles/flying-wing-from-one-sheet-foam-board I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)