2016 Christmas Tree Recycling on January 9 & 16 (City of Corpus Christi, TX)

Edit Public Technologies 28 Dec 2015
(Source. City of Corpus Christi, TX). The City of Corpus Christi Solid Waste Operations and the Clean City Committee advises citizens from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. on Saturday, January 9th and Saturday, January 16th, there will be an opportunity to recycle Christmas trees at eight convenient locations ... to 3.00 p.m. on Saturday, January 9th. ... · Padre Island Property Owners Association - 14015 Fortuna Bay Drive (across from Billish Park)....

Corpus Christi, Texas is not just for cowboys: it's an artistic mecca

Edit The Examiner 31 May 2015
While many folks think cowboys, armadillos and barbeque when they envision the Lone Star State, anyone actually from Texas knows it's as complex as seating arrangements at a divorced couple's kid's wedding ... It sports a generous outdoor pool, restaurant overlooking Corpus Christi Bay, free breakfast, and easy proximity to the Texas State Aquarium ... Fortuna Bay Bed & Breakfast offers something the high-end chain hotels cannot ... ....

To the White Continent by Ice-Blue Sea

Edit Huffington Post 02 Feb 2015
We are on a bus, which is carrying us to a port, where we will load up a ship. Nothing unusual about that. Nothing strange, except for our fat wool hats, our puffy penguin-y parkas, our knee-high insulated boots ... Luckily, the guides from the ship know expert tricks with tripods and clapping hands to keep them at bay ... With the ship's doctor along just in case, a band of us staggers up into the hills over South Georgia's Fortuna Bay ... ....