Qatargas sponsors Qatar University’s Plant Design Competition (18 June 2016) (Qatargas Operating Company Limited)

Edit Public Technologies 19 Jun 2016
Qatargas sponsored the Best Overall Prize for the 13th Annual Plant Design Competition at Qatar University's Chemical Engineering Department ... The proposed plant is capable of producing affordable sulfur-free liquid fuel as an alternative to fossil fuel and coal by utilising natural gas ... to work on a plant design project relevant to industry....

BMW to build next-gen 3-series sedan in Mexico starting in 2019

Edit Topix 17 Jun 2016
BMW AG will revive North America output of its best-selling U.S. model when it begins producing the next-generation 3-series sedan in a new factory here starting in 2019. BMW plans to build as many as 150,000 3-series cars and possibly another vehicle annually at the plant, its second North American manufacturing hub and where the automaker plans to invest $1 billion ... ....

DuPont plant in Grindsted switches to green energy (Danisco A/S)

Edit Public Technologies 14 Jun 2016
Carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 45,000 tonnes annually, while the plant will deliver heat to half of the town's district heating. From next year, the DuPont Nutrition & Health plant in Grindsted, Denmark, will become virtually carbon dioxide neutral when the plant's large coal boiler is retrofitted to burn wood chips. 'To fire with wood chips instead of coal is a huge win for the environment,' says Plant Manager Martin K....

Geneticist studies history of mangoes (FIU - Florida International University)

Edit Public Technologies 14 Jun 2016
(Source. FIU - Florida International University). Nothing says summer like a ripe, juicy mango ... Oftentimes, it's simply picked and eaten fresh off the tree ... Biology Ph.D ... 'A lot of what we know about domestication in plants comes from annual plant species, those that bloom over spring and summer and reproduce once before they die in autumn, and it doesn't really apply to long-lived trees like mangoes,' said Warschefsky, a Ph.D ... (noodl....

Plant a wildflower garden for yourself and the earth

Edit The Examiner 13 Jun 2016
Despite many Americans shopping for flowers to beautify their homes at the big box stores where non-native annual plants are promoted, a healthier choice for the planet is to use native plants ... Other reasons are it restores some of the species which are being destroyed by land development, wildlife needs the plants for food and cover, and it ensures researchers' continued study of genetic material for medicinal potential....

Bottled Water Industry Visits Capitol Hill to Promote Healthy Hydration For All (IBWA - International Bottled Water Association)

Edit Public Technologies 13 Jun 2016
(Source. IBWA - International Bottled Water Association). FOR MEDIA RELEASE. June 8, 2016 ... Water bottlers visited with members of the Senate and House of Representatives to share this news-and to educate them about the bottled water industry ... # # #. Media Contact.. Chris Hogan. ... A key feature of the IBWA Bottled Water Code of Practice is a mandatory annual plant inspection by an independent, third-party organization....


Edit Newsday 09 Jun 2016
The club has an annual plant sale and beautifies both Massapequa libraries with spring plantings ... Meets Check website for meeting schedule and speakers at Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park in Oyster Bay ... Educational society devoted to helping gardeners learn about plants, garden design, technique and tools ... Club picnic and auction at Planting Fields Arboretum ... Annual show; Planting Fields Arboretum, Oyster Bay....

Twilight Garden Series offers three summer programs for gardeners (Colorado State University)

Edit Public Technologies 08 Jun 2016
Presentations will address gardening with ease, drip irrigation and xeriscaping and selecting the best perennials and annuals along with information about Plant Select ... The series is offered annually by CSU's Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, CSU Extension and the Gardens on Spring Creek ... Trial Gardens, 1401 Remington Street, Fort Collins Best Of Perennials Best Of Annuals Plant Select®....

Texas rice crop prospects get soggy under excessive water (Texas A&M; AgriLife Research)

Edit Public Technologies 08 Jun 2016
'The overall planted acreage is up by about 28 percent, which is good,' said Dr ... The optimum planting time for the Texas rice crop is mid-March through mid-April, he said ... 'The latest I've seen the commercial rice crop planted has been mid-June ... The station's researchers annually plant numerous plots to study everything from potential new varieties to insects and diseases that can target rice....

Texas rice crop prospects get soggy under excessive water (Texas A&M; AgriLife Extension Service)

Edit Public Technologies 08 Jun 2016
'The overall planted acreage is up by about 28 percent, which is good,' said Dr ... The optimum planting time for the Texas rice crop is mid-March through mid-April, he said ... 'The latest I've seen the commercial rice crop planted has been mid-June ... The station's researchers annually plant numerous plots to study everything from potential new varieties to insects and diseases that can target rice....

In the UK, Veolia is strengthening its position in biomass energy production (Veolia Environnement SA)

Edit Public Technologies 07 Jun 2016
Equitix ESI CHP has chosen Veolia to operate and maintain two new biomass plants in Nottingham and Sheffield in northern England ... Each plant will produce not only electricity (6.55 MWe) for over 10,000 homes but also heat (4.5 MWth) which will be reused locally. By recycling around 52,000 tonnes of waste wood - a carbon neutral fuel - every year, they will respectively save around 8,400tonnes of CO emissions annually....

UD assists historic Old Swedes with landscape design, preservation (University of Delaware)

Edit Public Technologies 31 May 2016
His poster showed plantings right against the church and large beds of ground cover, such as perennial flowers and annual plantings, that would look attractive as well as manage storm water ... I used a number of planting barriers that will allow water to infiltrate and potentially alleviate some of the issues caused by the run off. These plantings ......

Unaudited Results for the 9 Months Ended 31 March 2016 (TFS Corporation Limited)

Edit Public Technologies 31 May 2016
(Source. TFS Corporation Limited) cc8dcc35-9f57-4dc8-b2e0-a238e7d21487.pdf. ASX Release ... This is an exciting period as we have already commenced the annual planting program of at least 1,500 hectares and we will start the 2016 harvest next week ... -ENDS- ... TFS now manages the largest area of commercial Indian sandalwood plantations in the world, with over 10,500 hectares planted of which TFS owns directly and indirectly over 3,500 hectares....