To take on the problems not accept them

--DATE CHANGE--DEFEND THE JOY ORGANISE THE RAGE! Community and wobblies picnic

Friends and friends and friends

Let's have some fun! food, games, sport, music, face painting, bubbles

Wheelchair, kids and pets accessible

Saturday 9 February 12:30 Enmore Park                                  


India Gurgaon Workers News

GurgaonWorkersNews no.53 - December 2012


*** A worker's Life - What all we/you do - FaridabadMajdoorSamachar no.288


War, Media and Wikileaks

War, Media and WikiLeaks



Public Meeting

Thursday 6th December, 8pm

Support PAMSU activists sacked


I'm emailing in support of  a union activist who's been victimised for standing up on the job.  I'm demanding he get his job back and that Pret stop victimising all union activists.  Until this happens, I won't be shopping at Pret and I'll be spreading word of this campaign to everyone I know.I'm also concerned that I've heard of complaints of food safety violations in the York Way store.  I hope this isn't true.Viola Wilkins

support PAMSU (


Grubby Creatures Geelong


NEGOTIATIONS have broken down between brewing giant Lion and the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union over the Little Creatures development in Geelong.

HSU Jacksonville - clean sweep team up



Danny Glover, the star of Lethal Weapon and other Hollywood blockbusters, delivered a message to the LabourStart conference which opened yesterday in Sydney, Australia.  

I'd like to ask you to take a minute to watch the video:

Then please sign up to the online campaign, here:

Here's why:

Management at Nissan’s plant in Mississippi is running an aggressive and sophisticated anti-union campaign against its employees who are forming a union to achieve a voice in the workplace. 

Sydney IWW branch meeting, SAT 17th 3pm

Our monthly meet is on again at the Petersham Bowling club, disscusion on exposure of workers whistle blowing in social media, the ongoing Domonios drivers action and Organiser training late Novermber early Decmber fro more details contact our Delegate Laura at 


Sydney IWW branch meeting, SAT15th 3pm

to one and all the next meeting of the Sydney IWW is SAT 15th Sept 3pm Petersham bowling club, lots to get involved in, Dominos Pizza campaignr to start with. For info contact

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