
Larissa Waters
Larissa Waters is the Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Senator for Queensland.

Entries by Larissa Waters

We Need To Get Our Priorities Sorted When It Comes To Funding Domestic Violence Services

(0) Comments | Posted 3 May 2016 | (02:32)

When we announced a plan to double funding for women's shelters last week, I knew the first thing I'd be asked about was where the money would come from.

So did Barb, the women's refuge worker who accompanied me at the announcement to explain why the funding...

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Our Addiction To Coal Is Forcing Us To Farm Coral

(0) Comments | Posted 26 February 2016 | (19:06)

Farming coral -- this is what our addiction to coal is forcing scientists to explore, as we brace for a mass bleaching event in the Great Barrier Reef and more sobering ocean acidification research emerges.

New data in Nature, collected on One Tree Reef in the southern Great...

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COP21: Two Degrees Of Preparation

(0) Comments | Posted 3 December 2015 | (02:58)

Forty thousand people have travelled across the world to try to secure a safe climate for our future. It was pretty incredible to arrive in Paris and walk through bustling crowds of thousands of delegates fighting for the same thing I am -- an end to dangerous, toxic pollution and...

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It's Time To Talk About Equal Pay

(0) Comments | Posted 4 September 2015 | (19:12)

After 7 years of student life, balancing casual hospitality work with study, I was pretty excited to finally have a regular, full-time wage when I started working as a junior lawyer.

But my excitement crumbled a couple of months in when I learnt that the guy sitting next to me,...

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