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Marryum Kahloon Pakistani, South African, Australian with a 'difficult' name. Recent law graduate, aspiring activist, enjoys freelance writing

A Victory For Those With Unpronounceable Names

Getty Editorial
This year Australian audiences sent a clear message that they were willing to embrace Waleed Aly despite his 'strange' name. He did not need to simplify his name to 'Wally' or 'Wazza' to be included in the mainstream of Australian media.

Happy 90th Birthday, David Attenborough

Getty Images
There will be thousands, possibly millions of people sending him best wishes for the day. On the phone to his daughter Susan on Thursday she told me she could see the postman staggering up the path with three huge crates of post and I suspect it's been the same all week.

Mike Gunton BBC Creative Director of factual and natural history unit

Internships Are Not Exploitation, They're An Opportunity

Twentieth Century Fox
Internships are not coercion or exploitation. It is a voluntary, mutually beneficial activity where one party recognises that, due to inexperience, their labour is not yet particularly valuable.

Matthew Lesh Research Fellow, Future of Freedom Program at the Institute of Public Affairs

Five Things Brown People Hear That White People Don't

wgmbh via Getty Images
I've spent my whole life subjected to assumptions and biases based on the colour of my skin. My working life has been no exception -- from the ubiquitous 'Are you in IT?' to 'Where do you keep your cold and flu tablets?'

Colin Peters Second-generation Australian, husband and father.

Everything I've Learned In Life, I've Learned From Being A Mother

Getty Images
It's fair to say when you hold your newborn child in your arms for the first time you are clueless to the road ahead of you. When I embarked on this journey of motherhood at 21 years old, I knew there were many things in life I still needed to learn.

Kathy Parker Writer, blogger, author. Speaker of love, grace, truth and hope

Thank For The Memories, My 'Make-Do' Mother

My mother was of the make-do-and-mend generation, a woman skilled at making the old new, and money stretch. In rural Victoria, we were working-class poor. Life was a constant struggle to make the ends meet. It was just the way things were.

Ross McSwain Journalist and communications professional

Why I Don't Want Any Presents On Mother's Day

Getty Images
I decided to take advantage of this annual opportunity to inflict my lifestyle on my kids by making them come rock climbing. What could possibly go wrong in a team activity when one family member holds another family member's life in their hands and a momentary lapse in concentration can end in sudden death?

Di Westaway CEO of Wild Women On Top and Coastrek

Kids Don't Need Political Correctness, Just Ask Roald Dahl

Getty Images
In rediscovering Dahl's books while reading to my son, I have been surprised by the cheekiness, sometimes bordering on offensiveness, of the language. At a time when children's self-esteem is cushioned with bubble wrap, the brutal depictions of his characters is decidedly un-PC. The fat, the skinny, the short, the tall, the elderly, the smelly and the drunk are all fair game for Dahl.

Fleur Morrison Reader, writer, blogger at www.readability.com.au

A Mother Of A Job

Getty Images
In the delivery room of a hospital, as women become mothers, apparently the most common words uttered -- or shrieked, yelled and howled -- are "I'm never having sex again!"

Chris Harrison Blog Editor, HuffPost Australia

When A Man Snaps...

This week's three photions include the Honda Disco, proof there is now an emoticon for everything, and where the word Ugg boot came from.

When A Man Snaps Publisher of photions... photographs with captions

A Mother's Day Survival Guide For The Fertility-Challenged.

by Christopher Wesser - www.sandbox-photos.com via Getty Images
Mother's Day -- if you're struggling with infertility, it is possibly the cruelest of all commercialised celebrations. As if spending an entire day being reminded of what you are missing isn't bad enough, there are also the weeks leading up to that day with every shop, petrol station, TV show and magazine capitalising on the event. Aside from retreating into a cave there is literally no escape.

Claire Hall Life coach at Authentic Empowerment. Co-author of Empowered Fertility: A Practical Twelve-Step Guide

How A Rumour About Rudd Almost Killed Off The Killing Season

The making of 'The Killing Season' matched the intensity of the story we were telling. There was a contest between Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard to assert their own narrative as the true version of history. We had to find a path through the no-man's land between each side, the former leaders and their supporters. Finding the truth in such disputed circumstances was bound to be difficult.

Sarah Ferguson ABC journalist. Author of The Killing Season Uncut

We Need A Cash Cow For The Dining Boom

Where are the BHPs, the Glencores and the Rio Tintos of the agriculture sector who are going to drive this "Dining Boom? Where will the investment in Australian agriculture come from?

Joel Fitzgibbon Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs. Member for Hunter

A New Coalition for Urban Transitions to Help Cities Thrive

More than 490 cities have committed to reducing emissions and publicly reporting their progress. These include our home cities of New York, Rio de Janeiro and Paris, along with London, Tokyo, Mexico City, Jakarta, and myriad others.

Michael R. Bloomberg Michael R. Bloomberg is a former three-term mayor of New York City and founder of Bloomberg Philanthropies and Bloomberg LP.

This Budget Was A Travesty For The Environment

Stringer . / Reuters
For the Government, economic transition doesn't include the need to restructure our energy and transport systems to address Australia's contribution to climate change. In fact, the budget laid out no vision on how the government conceives of Australia's place in a carbon constrained world.

Matt Rose Economist for the Australian Conservation Foundation

Our Views On Ageing Need A Facelift

Chris Jackson
The Queen recently turned 90. By doing so, she has already lived six years longer than the average Australian female. One might expect this would be the case given her privileged life, but science suggests that she has more in common with us than we think.

Michelle Newton Director of Cultural Forecasting, GalKal Australia

This Syrian Refugee From Aleppo Will Do Whatever It Takes to Get an Education

What if you had to make a decision between continuing to work as a child laborer to make ends meet for your family or planning to risk the choppy waters and dangerous journey of taking a refugee boat from Turkey to Greece? This is the dilemma of Shrivan, a 16-year-old boy who fled Aleppo, Syria three years ago to southern Turkey.

Oula A. Alrifai and Mouhanad A. Al-Rifay Co-founders and executive directors of SANAD

Don't Make A Ms. Stake With A Person's Preferred Title

freemixer via Getty Images
The changing or not changing of the name is, in my opinion, an unnecessarily charged issue. And with the title business (Miss, Ms, Mrs) that goes with it, it all just gets a bit confusing.

Nikki Stamp Heart surgeon who supports women in surgery and women's heart health