An Actual Quantum Physics Expert Reacts To Canadian PM Justin Trudeau's Explanation Of Quantum Computing

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Video by Tom Compagnoni


Justin Trudeau can do no wrong, so when the Canadian PM gave an impromptu explanation of the rather complex field of quantum computing, we were all very impressed.

Well, not all of us.

Sure, Trudeau can do a one-armed push up to impress any veteran, or pull a desk handstand to win over any yogi, but what does an experimental quantum physics expert think of his explanation of quantum computing?

We asked The University Of Sydney's experimental physicist David Reilly, who spends his days pondering quantum nanoscience in the Quantum Nanoscience Laboratory in the School of Physics.

justin trudeau(Photo courtesy Greg Kolz)

"I think he does a really good job," Reilly said.

"He starts to get a little bit off the track there in the details of quantum but I think he does a fantastic job and it's really great to see a politician have some knowledge of the field."

Watch the above video for his full assessment, but the overall score is "A+ for effort".
