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The Day and Night World Map App for iOS

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UPDATE Upgraded version now also shows when there's a solar eclipse and where they're visible.

The Online Day and Night World Map by timeanddate.com is a free service now available for iPhone and iPad.

The Day and Night World Map app gives iPhone users the ability to view the current position of the sun and moon in the world map.

“Works great, love the eclipse feature.”
Comment from Pizza fan 87, July 2012

Get the optional upgrade to watch the daylight and night move across the planet. The animated map fast forwards or rewinds time at different speeds. The upgrade also features solar eclipses, various world map looks, and the option to select a specific date and time or preset seasons.

Features | User guide | Get it now from the App Store

Screenshot of Day and Night appScreenshot of Day and Night app

Images show the app's free standard version.

“Excellent app for students of astronomy and
solar technology. It gives a new experience of
how the Sun and Moon meander across the sky
on a daily basis. One can construct an accurate
solar insolation curve for any location on Earth.”

Comment from Colwin Flowers, July 2012


  • Shows daylight, night and three levels of twilight.
  • Shows the current position of the sun (☀) and moon (○).
  • Shows solar eclipses in real time.
  • Scrollable World Map.
  • Synchronizes to show the correct time (requires internet connection).
  • Fast loading time.
  • Retina display (iPhone 4 only).
  • Optional upgrade available that shows an animated map that fast forwards and rewinds time (In-App purchase).

Optional Upgrade Features

  • More options for solar eclipses: Choose any solar eclipse between 1950 and 2050 and see on the animated World Map where on Earth it is visible and exactly when it occurs.
  • Animated map: watch day and night move across the planet.
  • Fast Forward or Rewind time at 7 different speeds.
  • Change the current date and time.
  • Choose a Season (March Equinox, June Solstice, September Equinox, December Solstice).
  • 5 animated and scrollable World Maps.

For more information, read about how to use the Day and Night World Map App for iPhone.

Day & Night World Map – iPad

The Day and Night World Map for iPad

timeanddate.com’s Day and Night World Map is now available in High Definition on the Apple iPad.

More Apps from timeanddate.com

The Day and Night World Map is also available in high definition on iPad.

timeanddate.com has more apps for iPhone users that are available on our website. Keep in touch with our website for new or upgraded apps that will be available for iPhone and iPad in the near future.


The Day and Night Map is generated based on images from the NASA Visible Earth Project.


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