Cosmic Anniversary: 'Big Bang Echo' Discovered 50 Years Ago Today

Edit Space 20 May 2014
Two Cosmic Microwave Background anomalies hinted at by the Planck observatory's predecessor, NASA's WMAP, are confirmed in new high-precision data revealed on March 21, 2013. In this image, the two anomalous regions have been enhanced with red and blue shading to make them more clearly visible. Credit ... The two radio astronomers won the 1978 Nobel Prize in physics for their work, sharing the award with Soviet scientist Pyotr Kapitsa ... ....

Cosmic Inflation Theory Confirmed? Q&A; with Robert Wilson, Co-Discoverer of Big Bang Echo

Edit Space 17 Mar 2014
Robert Wilson discovered the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation in 1964 along with Arno Penzias, putting the Big Bang theory on solid footing. Wilson and Penzias won the 1978 Nobel Prize in physics for the find. (They shared the award with Soviet scientist Pyotr Kapitsa.). Credit. Clive Grainger (CfA) View full size image ... (The duo shared the award with Soviet scientist Pyotr Kapitsa.) [Cosmic Inflation and Gravitational Waves ... ....