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Police car t-boned by four-wheel-drive in Whitfords

Police car wiped out by 4WD in Whitfords.

Police car wiped out by 4WD in Whitfords. Photo: Radio 6PR

A police car has been involved in a crash in Whitfords on Wednesday morning.

A caller through to Radio 6PR said the police car had been "t-boned" at the intersection of Marmion Avenue and Whitfords Avenue.

"It's a pretty nasty one," the caller, Travis, said.

"Looks like a police car has been t-boned and gone into another couple of cars.

"Four lanes have been taken out - one in each direction at Whitfords and Marmion and it's absolute chaos out there at the moment.

"There is an ambulance... and a couple of tow trucks and as I said it's absolute chaos."

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