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CCTV footage of two Perth barber shops set alight, may be related

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CCTV: Wembley and Cannington fires

Arson Squad detectives are investigating incidents in Wembley and Cannington that have happened over the last few months.

PT1M1S 620 349

Dramatic CCTV footage of attacks at two Perth barber shops have been released by WA Police to ascertain whether they are related.

Vision from February 4 shows an offender smashing the front glass door of a barber shop on Cecil Avenue in Cannington. A short time later the shop was alight, causing a damage bill of around $500,000. 

On January 21, the same shop was attacked between 9pm and 7.45am the following day when a four-wheel-drive rammed the front shutter door and window before taking off.

Meanwhile, on April 12, police attended a another suspicious fire at a barber shop on Cambridge Street in Wembley.

The shop was broken into about 11pm before the offender, or offenders, set it alight causing approximately $150,000 damage. 

Anyone with any information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.



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