
A management challenge for the ages

Tony Featherstone 12:00 AM   Reporting to people much younger, or managing those much older, is beyond many employees.

Why tech businesses fail

Alexandra Cain

Alexandra Cain   What's the real reason the big players still dominate?

Workplace bullying not to be undermined

James Adonis.

James Adonis   To victims of undermining at work, it's undeniably a pretty big deal.

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Who is responsible for a healthy home workplace?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   As more companies encourage workplace flexibility, their safety policies may not be keeping up.

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How tax reform could help small business

Taxes can cripple businesses according to some experts.

Louis White   Some of the biggest barriers to the growth of small business in Australia are high taxes and too many compliance measures.

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Just one worker but 'not small business'

Not small: The Gardens of Italy showroom and production facility in Kyalami, South Africa.

Bhakthi Puvanenthiran   Jobs in Africa count the same as ones in Australia, industrial umpire rules.

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When can you claim a business loss?

Claiming a loss on your business comes with stringent rules.

Max Newnham   High income earners wanting to save tax by starting a business must pass one of four tests.

The upside of a bad mood

James Adonis.

James Adonis   Bad moods may not be such a bad thing and can even be empowering and motivating.

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The bias of head office

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   "Out of sight" could mean out of a job for more employees who work in satellite offices.

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The pursuit of happiness (at work)

James Adonis.

James Adonis   A happy workforce makes for a more pleasant environment but there are also business benefits to having happy employees.

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Are double degrees worth it?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Too much education upfront and not enough during one's career is a risk to young employees and industry.

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Labor open to truckies' pay compromise

Bill Shorten warned the abolition of the road safety watchdog could end up threatening all road users.

AAP   Bill Shorten has bowed to pressure from independent truckies who say their livelihood is at risk if minimum payments are implemented.

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Sacked for taking drugs

Failure to comply with a drug test request can result in dismissal.

Cara Waters   Family business sacks the owner's brother after he failed drug tests and survives an unfair dismissal claim before the Fair Work Commission.

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What your face says about you

James Adonis.

James Adonis   Most of us have an ingrained view of what a leader should look like.

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Do parents get a better workplace deal?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Risks of more favourable treatment compared to singles, non-parents.

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Truckies warn livelihood at risk

Owner operator truck drivers are concerned about the push for minimum payments.

Cara Waters   More than 70,000 small businesses' livelihoods are potentially under threat if minimum payment requirements are brought in.

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The Roxy factor

Roxy Jacenko started Sweaty Betty PR at the age of 24.

Cara Waters   PR Queen Roxy Jacenko has built a $13 million business all while playing out her private life in the public sphere.

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Hard work is never enough

James Adonis.

James Adonis   The number of successful people who think "I worked hard and made it" implies "you will make it if you just work hard enough" is astounding.

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Has workplace flexibility gone too far?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Companies should question whether entitlements are out of sync with a challenged white-collar employment market – and rorted by staff.

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Ombudsman open for business

Kate Carnell dinkus

Kate Carnell   Australia's first Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman has some questions for small businesses.

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Backing the double-dissolution election

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has won the support of small business following his gamble of potentially calling a ...

Cara Waters   Move to threaten a double-dissolution election has the support of the small business community that wants an end to uncertainty.

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Are you a hypocrite and don't know it?

James Adonis.

James Adonis   Malcolm Turnbull has been accused of being one. Are we all guilty of hypocrisy without realising it?

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Not just 'Yes Minister' for the Small Business Ombudsman

Kate Carnell is continuing Mark Brennan's investigation into payment terms.

Cara Waters   The outgoing Small Business Commissioner Mark Brennan has some tips for Kate Carnell as the new Small Business Ombudsman.

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The big price freeze

Elyse Daniels, founder of Exodus Wear, has diversified her product range so she can keep fixed pricing.

Caroline James   Is your business's price list stuck in a time warp?

Do companies still need to hire uni graduates?

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   Technology is forcing a rethink of business models and recruitment processes.

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Is your business cool enough?

On hot days ice-creams are on the agenda for some small businesses.

Caroline James   Forget the airconditioning, keeping staff cool, calm and collected these days requires ice creams and swimming pool passes.

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No winning battle of the blowhards

James Adonis.

James Adonis   Blowing your own trumpet is an idiom for idiots.

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Big win for small business on effects test

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull with Treasurer Scott Morrison and Kelly O'Dwyer, Minister for Small Business and ...

Cara Waters   Cabinet's approval of an effects test is set to transform competition law for small business.

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Cash-only is the new black for more businesses

Tony Featherstone.

Tony Featherstone   It's gone way beyond tradies, restaurants and service enterprises that offer generous "discounts" for cash payment.

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Baby-proofing your business

Marie de Vera with her son Harrison who started The Style Co.

Cara Waters   Who's left holding the baby when you're a small business owner?

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