Melissa Browne

Melissa Browne

Melissa Browne is an accountant, adviser, author and shoe addict.


How to value your share options if you're offered a job at a start-up

Melissa Browne If you're tossing up whether to work for a start-up you need to understand how share options work.


The advantages of renting over home ownership

Renting might deliver more freedom and options than home ownership, especially if you hedge your bets with an investment property.

Melissa Browne Australians give lip service to wanting freedom and options, but how we're behaving with our money tells quite a different story.


Budget 2016: how to maximise your tax deductions

It's time to start thinking about tax deductions.

Melissa Browne An accountant shares tax strategies arising from the 2016 federal budget for individuals, businesses, and employees.


There is more than tax to consider when negatively gearing a property

Negative gearing is where a loan is used to buy an asset, such as a property, and there is a loss between the income generated and the interest and expenses.

Melissa Browne Negative gearing - what is it and how can you make it work for you?


How to claim a handbag as a tax deduction

Like many women, insurance broker Carolyn Roche carries a handbag to work rather than briefcase.

Melissa Browne Handbags can be tax deductible if you use them for work, but the Tax Office is fussy about documentation.


Your 90-day plan for the end of the tax year

Melissa Browne Use the last few months of the financial year to sort yourself out - at least as far as your taxes are concerned.


Why we need a money Nippers to stop drowning in debt

Melissa Browne The number of Australians wallowing in credit-card debt, mortgage debt, car loans and other forms of debt is a real issue, so perhaps it's time we paid the same level of attention to financial safety...


Finance: How to get comfortable with investing in shares

Melissa Browne If you think investing in the sharemarket is just a form of gambling but know you should learn more about it, read on.


Tackle suffering up front when setting goals

Melissa Browne Are we destined not to change or can we salvage our goals made for 2016? The short answer is yes and no.


Surviving the Christmas cash flow crunch for small business owners

Business cash flow can be tricky from December to March.

Melissa Browne If you're a business owner, Christmas can be a stressful time where you feel like you are simply holding your breath until you reach the end of the year.


From shared pets to swapping holiday homes: why collaborative consumption could work for you

Melissa Browne It seems natural to us when we find ourselves wanting to own, hoard and buy more.


Channel Michelle Payne and unlock your business potential

Michelle Payne, the first female to win the Melbourne Cup, says those who think women aren't good enough should “get stuffed”.

Melissa Browne Women are starting businesses at a faster rate than men but making only half the money.

How to avoid sexually transmitted debt

We should remove our rose-tinted glasses when it comes to potential partners and our finances.

Melissa Browne It's important to use financial protection in new relationships.


From armchair activist to conscious consumer

Are you a conscious consumer or a sleepwalker? Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Melissa Browne Clicking to support a cause is not enough; you need to consider your investing, spending and borrowing as well.


Six ways to cut spending down to size

Melissa Browne.

Melissa Browne Smart steps to keep waistlines in check can pull our finances into better shape too. It's all about portion control.


In sport and life we need a level playing field

Melissa Browne.

Melissa Browne It’s all very well demanding equal pay for women soccer stars, but will you go and support them?


Don't let money take control of your life

Melissa Browne.

Melissa Browne Instead of working out how to have a better relationship with money, many of us need to break up with it.


Don't let debt fears paint you into a corner

Melissa Browne.

Melissa Browne Not all debt is bad for you - so paying all your debts down at once might not be such a great idea.


Learn rules before fund builds up

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Melissa Browne.

Melissa Browne What are the pros and cons for borrowing property in your SMSF? I'm so glad you asked.


Planning eases the pain of unexpected strife

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Melissa Browne.

Melissa Browne Unforeseen things happen, and it's important to prepare yourself for them.