Artist Rocco Fazzari teams up with singer Denis Carnahan to satirise politics

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Turnbull ditches Abbott's policies

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Tony Abbott was well known for his strong stance on policies such as same-sex marriage and constitutional recognition but Malcolm Turnbull is working hard to dismantle these.

Bye bye, Joe Hockey 

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The former Treasurer has resigned. Denis Carnahan and Rocco Fazzari reflect on budgets past. With apologies to Don McLean (and Madonna).

I'll be watching you, Malcolm

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Every move Turnbull makes, Abbott is watching. Denis Carnahan and Rocco Fazzari, with apologies to The Police.

What does a 4-year-old know about Australian politics?

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Chewing the fat on Federal politics with Orson Morrisey Marsh, a four-year-old year old fan of Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan's political satire music videos.

Five PMs since 2010

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Here we go again. My my. Another leader. Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan with apologies to ABBA.

Tony Abbott's bittersweet refugee symphony

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Australia's decision to take in 12,000 Syrian refugees and begin air strikes on Islamic State target is a bittersweet mix. Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan with apologies to The Verve (n Mick n Keith).

Wooo-ooo they're half-way there

Rocco's blog Click to play video

With their popularity split 50/50 in the polls, Abbott and Shorten are both livin' on a prayer. Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan with apologies to Bon Jovi.

Tony's tradie's bunch

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Here's the story of families and small businesses and how the budget made them all the tradie bunch. Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan with apologies to The Brady Bunch.

I'm Baird!

I'm Baird. Click to play video

As Bambi eyes' big day looms Abbott is on a gag order and everyone is asking, Luke who? Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan with apologies to Michael Jackson.

Pyne the Fixer!

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Can he fix it? He says he can. By Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan with apologies to Bob The Builder.

Please don't preach

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Hey Mr Rapporteur give Tony some credit, where credit is due. By Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan with apologies to Madonna.

Tony Abbott - support all around!

abbott and turnbull

Rocco Fazzari   The week's theme is undoubtedly "support".

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Tony's big distractions

Abbott Click to play video

Needing to take the heat off himself, Abbott has ended up with fire all round. By Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan with apologies to Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones.

A whip around Canberra

Tony Abbott gets whipped Click to play video

Renewed and refreshed, Abbott whipped it good. By Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan with apologies to Devo.

Spinning around: Tony Abbott has survived

Rocco on Tony Abbott

Rocco Fazzari   The soundtrack for this week's attempted leadership spill and the associated hype was worthy of only one genre of music.

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Whose country is my country?

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Are we really multi-racial or just a jingoist's dream. Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan, with apologies to Hoodoo Gurus.

Broken promises and false starts

Federal politics 2014

Rocco Fazzari   As the political year comes to its end and we take a look back we see a littered landscape of broken promises and false starts from all sides.

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Do they know it's Christmas time?

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The political year in 60 seconds of song and animation. Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan's take on 2014, with no apology to Band Aid.

The buck stops here

Buck stops

Rocco Fazzari   With the dogs baying and the Team Australia bus coming to a grinding halt, Prime Minister Tony Abbott has put his hand up and claimed full responsibility.

Tony Abbott knocks off a few barnacles


This week the Abbott government's dilemmas take on a nautical theme as its boat limps into harbour for an end of year clean and preen.

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The G Two Oh

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As BrisVegas opens its arms to the world's leaders,Tony and Vlad will work their chemistry and no-one will talk about shirt-front diplomacy or global warming. By Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan, with apologies to The Beach Boys and Bob Dylan.