Political Opinion

Donald Trump is the Republican nominee after last man standing John Kasich bows out

Latika Bourke 5:11 AM   Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

Morrison delivers passable first budget but fails to tackle the deficit

Treasurer Scott Morrison in the Budget lock up on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Latika Bourke   Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

Nauru tragedies are a failure of policy and politics

Melburnians protest over treatment of refugees, after the death of Omid.

Michael Gordon   The day a young Iranian husband died after setting himself alight on Nauru last week, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton released not one but two media statements accusing Labor of being weak on border protection.

Google Tax looms on budget day

Treasurer Scott Morrison will present his first budget today.

Latika Bourke   Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

It's all about fairness, nothing else matters

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison during question time on Monday.

Mark Kenny   For all its enormous complexities and competing demands, Scott Morrison's first, and potentially only, federal budget will sink or swim on one question alone. And it's a question that has little to do with the dismal science nor even with the reams of graphs, tables, and explanations accompanying the economic blueprint.

High-flying NBN execs pass up on virtual meetings

Labor senator Anne Urquhart.

Mark Kenny   For all the cost-saving potential of the internet, it seems there's nothing quite like being there.

Make the most of budget. It's something to treasure

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   Most of us reporting the federal budget get little sleep the night after. We are busy "unwinding".

Budget eve bonanza, high court challenge, Trump could seal the deal this week

Treasurer Scott Morrison ahead of delivering his first budget.

Latika Bourke   Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

Scott Morrison reads the politics on Chinese land grab

Mark kenny dinkus

Mark Kenny   If you wanted a window into the peculiar chemistry of Coalition politics, this marriage of convenience between liberal free marketeers and nostalgic agrarian socialists, this was it.

The Productivity Commission's hands were tied on copyright


Peter Martin   Buried within this week's landmark Productivity Commission report on copyright and patents is seething resentment at the way Australia has negotiated trade agreements.

Behold Malcolm Abbott

Illustration Andrew Dyson

Michael Gordon   The PM has no answer to the asylum seeker situation beyond inflicting more harm.

Australian aid worker kidnapped in Afghanistan

Afghan soldiers take cover during the attack in Kabul.

Latika Bourke   Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

We are all at sea, paralysed, when it comes to riding the rails

Mark Twain was decidedly unimpressed that he had to change trains on the journey between Melbourne and Sydney because of ...

Tony Wright   Mark Twain didn't mince words when he wrote of one of Australia's most absurd and enduring cock-ups.

Sound familiar? The 2013 campaign redux

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Stephanie Peatling   Voters could be forgiven for experiencing political deja vu thanks to the return of immigration and climate change as key election issues.

Crossbench cull won't improve Turnbull's Senate woes

Mark kenny dinkus

Mark Kenny   Poor polling is making the decision to defer the election until July look increasingly questionable.

Trump's foreign policy pitch

Donald Trump swept five states in Tuesday's primaries.

Latika Bourke   Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

The understatement of Malcolm Turnbull's prime ministership

Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon   When Malcolm Turnbull confessed on Wednesday that he could not produce a "definitive roadmap", he may have delivered the understatement of his prime ministership.

Good times, bad times: a tale of two treasurers

Tim Pallas is right to argue that the state government can take advantage of low interest rates to invest in productivity.

Peter Martin   Victorian treasurer Tim Pallas luxuriates in surpluses, but he’s also protecting his revenue base, unlike another treasurer in Canberra.

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Dear Shinzo, the Frogs know nothing about subs. Love, Tones

Tony Wright dinkus

Tony Wright   Tony Abbott has written to his friend, Japanese Prime Minister Shinto Abe, commiserating at Japan's failure to make the cut in the $50 billion bid to build submarines in Australia.

Labor unveils ambitious carbon targets and promises ETS

Bill Shorten has announced a far more ambitious carbon emissions reduction target than the Coalition.

Latika Bourke   Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

What's $50 billion between besties?

Needless secrecy has surrounded the decision on purchasing Australia's next fleet of submarines.

Daniel Flitton   For all the serious and weighty talk of national security, there must surely be a better way for Australia to decide on a dozen submarines.

Votes for boats: Subs decision avoids a political meltdown in South Australia

When he was education minister Christopher Pyne failed to sell his tertiary sector reforms.

Mark Kenny   Luckily, South Australia does not grow balsa trees, or we might just have committed $50 billion to submarines that won't submerge. Instead, they'll be built from high-quality non-buoyant Australian steel.

Punitive, immoral and now illegal: the verdict on Manus Island

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Michael Gordon   The PNG Supreme Court has given Malcolm Turnbull cover to do the right thing and, not a moment too soon, end the inhumanity of indefinite detention of vulnerable and damaged people on Manus Island.

Clive, Australia's political prisoner?

A screen grab from the ad.

Tony Wright   We're not sure which gulag Clive Palmer has been condemned to inhabit, nor how he might be confined - let alone what catering arrangements have been made.

Coalition MPs in need of climate refresher courses

Attorney-General George Brandis told the Senate "it doesn't seem to me that the science is settled at all".

Stephanie Peatling   The international scientific community might have accepted the reality of climate change, but it is a different matter in the Coalition.

Malcolm Turnbull to name winner of $50b bid to build submarine fleet

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will reveal who gets to build Australia's next submarine fleet.

Latika Bourke   Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

Turnbull out on a limb over negative gearing

Perhaps perplexed by the sudden invite to connect on LinkedIn, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is yet to respond.

Peter Martin   You've heard the one about the one-year-old who's buying a house.

Turnbull rips up his own script on tax reform debate

Perhaps perplexed by the sudden invite to connect on LinkedIn, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is yet to respond.

Heath Aston   Malcolm Turnbull had only been an MP for a matter of months when he turned his mind to a fairer, broader tax system.

Sally Faulkner reveals her daughter's 'don't forget me' ring

Sally Faulkner is reunited with her baby, Eli, and her mother, Karen.

Latika Bourke   Your personally curated news with six things you need to know before you get going.

Election 2016: How Turnbull's doorstop drew attention to the housing affordability crisis

Kim and Julian Mignacca and 11-month-old daughter Addison talk to Malcolm Turnbull, Scott Morrison and local MP David ...

Matt Wade   A system that encourages young families to buy property, but not live in it, is not working efficiently.