Political news

Income inequality explains Trump's rise: Turnbull

Michael Koziol 10:31 AM   Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says income inequality in the US is responsible for the rise of Donald Trump, acknowledging the outlandish billionaire has the Republican nomination "in the bag".

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Bishop fires final shot at Abbott

Bronwyn Bishop delivered her farewell speech to Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday 4 May 2016. Photo: Andrew Meares

Fergus Hunter 8:20 AM   Bronwyn Bishop has formally farewelled Parliament and fired a warning shot at former prime minister Tony Abbott over his role in her demise.

Malcolm Turnbull defends advising wealthy parents to 'shell out' to buy their kid a house

Malcolm Turnbull

Latika Bourke 7:06 AM   Joe Hockey's advice for buying a good home was regarded as an insult. Is Malcolm Turnbull's any better?

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Internship program risks being a 'jobs destruction scheme'

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash.

Anna Patty 5:39 AM   A new internship program introduced to combat youth unemployment is at risk of becoming a "jobs destruction program" unless safeguards are introduced to prevent exploitation, workplace experts have warned.

Hotline to help divert children from radicalisation

Justice Minister Michael Keenan's office said the hotline would operate in a similar way to domestic violence helplines.

David Wroe 11:18 PM   Parents concerned their children are succumbing to religious radicalisation will be able to call a hotline for advice and counselling under a $4 million plan.

Shorten prepares billions in savings

Treasurer Scott Morrison.

James Massola, Mark Kenny 10:01 PM   Treasurer Scott Morrison has declared an end to class warfare in Australian politics during his post-budget sales pitch saying voters were "over the us and them" approach to governing.

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Defence votes no to pay deal - again

Defence Secretary  Dennis Richardson: "We will advise next steps over the coming weeks."

Noel Towell 8:44 PM   Union says result is a 'hammer blow' to public service industrial relations policy.

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When Dutton's face became an ever-evolving meme

The image of Immigration Minister Peter Dutton.

Timna Jacks 7:00 PM   You'd think that the staffers of of the most prominent Australian politicians, our Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, would have known by now, that asking a journalist to censor content - and then allowing them to report this - will almost certainly trigger immediate intrigue.

High Court bid to move asylum seekers from PNG to Australia

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has reiterated that the asylum seekers will not be resettled in Australia.

Michael Gordon 6:59 PM   A legal challenge seeking the transfer of asylum seekers from Manus Island to Australia will be heard in the third week of the campaign ahead of the July 2 double dissolution election.

Sinodinos referred to contempt inquiry

Cabinet secretary Arthur Sinodinos.

Sean Nicholls 6:48 PM   Cabinet secretary to be investigated for contempt over refusal to appear before a Senate inquiry into political fundraising.

Tears and hugs as idealistic maverick bows out

Melissa Parke delivers her valedictory speech at Parliament House.

Michael Gordon 6:16 PM   When Melissa Parke arrived in Canberra nine years ago, she committed herself to waging war against indifference in a national Parliament utterly preoccupied with fighting other battles.

Buried in the budget - a $1.6b election war chest

Cuts: Treasurer Scott Morrison unveiled $1.2bn of cuts to aged care funding.

Michael Koziol 6:00 PM   Buried deep in Treasurer Scott Morrison's first budget are the keys to eight weeks of so-called election announceables.

Skip airport queues - if you are willing to pay

Long airport waits could be a thing of the past if you're willing to pay extra.

Nicole Hasham 5:48 PM   A plan to allow wealthy airline passengers to avoid long airport queues will bring more visitors to Australia, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton says.

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Tax crackdown shows cuts cost millions: Labor

Labor MP Andrew Leigh.

Heath Aston 5:40 PM   The Turnbull Government's $4 billion raid on tax-dodging multinationals appears to amount to little more than the natural dividend of hiring extra staff to the depleted ranks of the Australian Tax Office, according to tax transparency campaigners and Labor.

Greens reveal their bargaining chip

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation says there is a growing appetite from investors for renewable projects.

Peter Hannam 12:00 AM   The Greens have ambitious plans around energy storage and will use budget negotiations to advance the latest breakthroughs in renewables.

Coalition MPs eye green groups' tax breaks

Nationals MP John Cobb is the chairman of the parliamentary committee inquiry.

Tom Arup 3:40 PM   Donations to major environment groups such as Greenpeace, the Wilderness Society and Friends of the Earth could be stripped of their tax deductible status under sweeping changes put forward by members of the Turnbull government.

$2 cigarettes 'will force smokers into black market'

Smokers will once again be socked by the budget

Heath Aston 2:22 PM   Cigarette makers and retailers claim the $40 packet of cigarettes is going to force more smokers into the growing black market for illegally imported tobacco.

No respite from hard times for public service

The government plans to reap extra savings of nearly $2 billion from the public service.

Noel Towell   Scott Morrison's first budget offers no respite for the public service, with more cuts.

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Burnt Somali refugee remains critical

Somali 21-year-old Hodan Yasin set herself alight at the Nauru detention centre.

Young woman's condition unlikely to improve, according to minister.

Union fails to drag PS minister to bargaining table

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash at a truck rally at Parliament House.

Noel Towell   With dozens of federal agencies and departments still in dispute, the finding is a blow to the union's cause.

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Winners and losers from budget 2016

How did you fare from Scott Morrison's budget?

Fergus Hunter   Will you be better or worse off after Treasurer Scott Morrison's first budget?


A pass mark but the hard work's left for later

In net terms, this budget is a modest effort, leaving repair as a slow, long-term undertaking.

Stephen Bartos   Governments rarely have the courage to find savings to pay for new programs.

Scott Morrison's budget speech in full

Treasurer Scott Morrison put the focus on growing jobs and the economy in his first budget.

Treasurer Scott Morrison's first budget speech in full.

'Hasty and ill-advised' CSIRO cuts: Senate report

All at sea?: Australia's marine science flagship, RV Investigator.

Peter Hannam   CSIRO should halt the implementation of deep job cuts including to climate science programs until a "thorough review" of the process, a Senate committee investigating the agency found.

Dutton blames advocates after second refugee sets self on fire

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton at a press conference in Canberra on Tuesday.

Nicole Hasham   Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has blamed refugee advocates, rather than his government's policies, for a spate of horrifying self-harm incidents on Nauru that included a young Somali woman named Hodan who set herself alight on Monday.

Cross-bench senator confident in High Court bid to scuttle voting reforms

Confident: Senator Bob Day is challenging the Senate voting changes in the High Court.

Christopher Knaus   High Court begins deliberations on a case that could disrupt the Turnbull government's plans for a July election.

Deputy mayor backs voluntary helmet trial

GENERIC- Bike paths , bikes, brisbane, cyclists, cyclist, ...

Cameron Atfield   Councillor offers up Brisbane as trial city for relaxed helmet laws.

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Dutton blames refugee advocates for Nauru self-harm

Melburnians protest over treatment of refugees, after the death of Omid.

Nicole Hasham   Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has blamed refugee advocates, rather than his government's offshore detention policies, for a spate of horrifying self-harm attempts at Nauru including a young Somali woman who set herself alight on Monday.

ABC to put people with 'difficult' accents on radio

ABC 702 Sydney morning program presenter Wendy Harmer may find herself mixing with more diverse accents in the future.

Matthew Knott   ABC radio staff have been instructed to tackle unconscious bias about who they put on air by throwing out "old ideas and assumptions about the average Aussie" and making sure their election broadcasts contain a "healthy mix of ethnicities and accents".