Morrison declares an end to class warfare

James Massola, Mark Kenny 10:01 PM   Treasurer Scott Morrison says voters are "over the us and them" approach to governing, dismissing claims the budget had created winners and losers.


Latest political news

The Pulse live from Parliament House

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison during question time on Wednesday.

Stephanie Peatling 10:12 AM   Speaking of the budget Opposition Leader Bill Shorten will give his formal reply tonight. Having spent much of the week congratulating the government for adopting some of his policies what else will Mr Shorten have to say?

Comments 140

'In the bag' Turnbull explains Trump's rise

Lack of Donald Trump a selling point for Melbourne

Michael Koziol 10:31 AM   Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says income inequality in the US is responsible for the rise of Donald Trump, acknowledging the outlandish billionaire has the Republican nomination "in the bag".

Comments 70

Turnbull defends 'shell out' comments

Malcolm Turnbull

Latika Bourke 7:06 AM   Joe Hockey's advice for buying a good home was regarded as an insult. Is Malcolm Turnbull's any better?

Comments 222

Bishop fires final shot at Abbott

Bronwyn Bishop delivered her farewell speech to Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday 4 May 2016. Photo: Andrew Meares

Fergus Hunter 8:20 AM   Bronwyn Bishop has formally farewelled Parliament and fired a warning shot at former prime minister Tony Abbott over his role in her demise.

Tax crackdown shows cuts cost millions: Labor

Labor MP Andrew Leigh.

Heath Aston 5:40 PM   The Turnbull Government's $4 billion raid on tax-dodging multinationals appears to amount to little more than the natural dividend of hiring extra staff to the depleted ranks of the Australian Tax Office, according to tax transparency campaigners and Labor.

The end of the one-size-fits-all university

UNSW has touted the precinct as a 'global first'.

Matthew Knott, Henrietta Cook 5:51 PM   Universities could charge as much as they like for courses they specialise in under a bold new proposal by the Turnbull government.

Skip airport queues - if you are willing to pay

Long airport waits could be a thing of the past if you're willing to pay extra.

Nicole Hasham 5:48 PM   A plan to allow wealthy airline passengers to avoid long airport queues will bring more visitors to Australia, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton says.

Comments 84

Buried in the budget: $1.6b election war chest

Cuts: Treasurer Scott Morrison unveiled $1.2bn of cuts to aged care funding.

Michael Koziol 6:00 PM   Buried deep in Treasurer Scott Morrison's first budget are the keys to eight weeks of so-called election announceables.

Rosie Batty to launch Family Court campaign 

Rosie Batty

Jane Lee 12:15 AM   Rosie Batty will front a campaign to overhaul the family law system throughout the federal election campaign, which could raise pressure on both major parties to beef up their family violence pledges.

Court bid to move asylum seekers to Australia

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has reiterated that the asylum seekers will not be resettled in Australia.

Michael Gordon 6:59 PM   A legal challenge seeking the transfer of asylum seekers from Manus Island to Australia will be heard in the third week of the election campaign.

Comment & Analysis

The more I look at the budget, the more I like it

Treasurer Scott Morrison's budget "gave little thought to the youth voter base".

Peter Martin 7:13 AM   This type of federal budget is rare. The Turnbull government sought and adopted best practice. You can’t argue with that.

Comments 71

Optimism v pessimism at centre stage

Bill Shorten and Malcolm Turnbull  – two aggressive centrists.

Julie Szego 12:00 AM   As Turnbull and Shorten deliver their competing messages, the one that speaks to fear and anxiety rings true.

Comments 3

Little in budget to counter family violence


The priority given to terrorism over violent crimes against women caused one detective to observe, "we are ignoring known threats to investigate potential ones".

Comments 1

Gen Y voters miss out again in this budget

A student outside the famous University of Sydney Quadrangle building.

Jasper Lindell 7:09 AM   Scott Morrison's budget has given little thought to this election's new youth voter base.

Comments 86

Super crackdown could fuel housing fire

Turnbull's near-autistic focus on detail blinds him to the keen feelings of voters on the issue of the cost of housing.

Sally Rose   A crackdown on superannuation tax concessions for the rich, coupled with a budget day cut to interest rates, could increase the flow of funds into negatively geared investment property.

Comments 147

University plan is promising but still falls short

Federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham wants to allow universities to increase fees.

Tim Dodd 2:07 PM   Simon Birmingham has tried his best to make university reforms under tight budget restrictions.

$1000 intern scheme worthy but risky

ANZ is lowering its interest rate ''buffer''  – a rate that tests how borrowers would cope if rates rose.

Matt Wade   On the face of it, the government's internship program to assist young people on the path work is likley to be popular with voters. But there are risks. 

Only smokers' hip pocket burned by budget

Matt Wade dinkus

Matt Wade   With revenue under great pressure in the wake of the mining boom, governments are in no position to fund handouts - even when a tight election looms.

Comments 13

Forget me, forget me not

Tony Wright dinkus

Tony Wright   There was the spooky feeling, listening to Treasurer Scott Morrison delivering his first budget, a suitably benign thing from beginning to end.

Pennies for the rich as smokers cough up

Jessica Irvine dinkus

Jessica Irvine   Tax cuts are targeted at the top end, but wealthy Australians are bigger losers than expected from this budget.

Forget jobs and growth, this budget is political

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   You get the feeling this budget was pulled together with the use of a checklist.

The do no harm budget

Mark kenny dinkus

Mark Kenny   Never before has a federal budget – especially one crafted in such tricky fiscal and economic circumstances - been called on to do so much of the political heavy lifting.

It's time for the great persuader to sell it

Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon   Scott Morrison says this is not your average budget and he's dead right. It has all the wow factor of a lukewarm bath - and that's its strength.

Myths surface over new submarines deal

Stealthy winner: A French-designed submarine will be built in Adelaide as Australia looks to its future defences.

Euan Graham   The true reasons for choosing the French bid are being ignored

Comments 18

An average budget is not enough

Peter Reith dinkus

Peter Reith   For this election the overarching issue will be Australia's rising debt. The Liberals need a fair dinkum plan.

Comments 83

$80,000 is anything but average, Teasurer

Treasurer Scott Morrison addresses the media during a doorstop interview ahead of Budget day.

Peter Martin   If Scott Morrison thinks that by offering tax cuts to Australians earning more than $80,000 he is helping average workers, he doesn't know much about what an average worker earns.

Love the budget. It's something to treasure

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   Most of us reporting the federal budget get little sleep the night after. We are busy "unwinding".

It's Scott Morrison's moment

Treasurer Scott Morrison during a press conference at Parliament House on Friday.

Adam Gartrell   If Treasurer Scott Morrison delivers a great budget this week, he'll cement his status as a potential future prime minister.

Behold Prime Minister Malcolm Abbott

Illustration Andrew Dyson

Michael Gordon   Malcolm Turnbull has no answer to the asylum seeker situation beyond inflicting more harm.

The return of climate scare campaigns

Illustration by Rocco Fazzari

Peter Hartcher   The Prime Minister has exhumed Tony Abbott's scare campaign against Labor's carbon tax, launching into electoral battle with the reflex action of ''oppose''.

Negative gearing put before good childcare

Anne Summers dinkus Dinkus

Anne Summers   A forward-looking government would axe negative gearing and invest in an educated and socially skilled population.

Special features

Palmer slouches away

Tony Wright The Titanic never did get built. The man who said he was going to build it is sunk.

Pennies for the rich as smokers cough up

Tax cuts are targeted at the top end, but wealthy Australians are bigger losers than expected from this budget.

Now it's time for the great persuader to sell it

Scott Morrison says this is not your average budget and he's dead right. It has all the wow factor of a lukewarm bath - and that's its strength.

A Tony Abbott detox that holds the line

"Of all the manifestations of power, restraint impresses men the most," said Thucydides, and the Turnbull government is hoping he was right.

Forget jobs and growth, this budget is political

You get the feeling this budget was pulled together with the use of a checklist.

The do no harm budget

Never before has a federal budget – especially one crafted in such tricky fiscal and economic circumstances - been called on to do so much of the political heavy lifting.

A budget designed to be forgotten

There was the spooky feeling, listening to Treasurer Scott Morrison delivering his first budget, a suitably benign thing from beginning to end.

The unsung heroes of the budget lock-up

It's the one day of the year - the day when boffins emerge from their back rooms to bask in the limelight.

Nauru tragedies are a failure of policy and politics

Michael Gordon Just what will it take for the Coalition government to rethink a policy that relies on punishing more than 2000 damaged people.

It's all about fairness, nothing else matters

Mark Kenny For all its enormous complexities and competing demands, Scott Morrison's first, and potentially only, federal budget will sink or swim on one question alone. 

Rich or poor, how do you stack up?

Are you as well off as you think you are, or are you just average? Compare yourself to the rest of Australia with our income calculator.

$80,000 is anything but average Scott Morrison

If Scott Morrison thinks that by offering tax cuts to Australians earning more than $80,000 he is helping average workers, he doesn't know much about what an average worker earns.

The Pulse: The day from Parliament House

Hello and welcome to budget eve. It's hard to get excited about a budget which seems to contain very few surprises. But let's try.

What not to believe in the budget

Expect plenty of crying poor and other nonsense in the budget.

A make-or-break budget

This week's budget will have a huge impact on the government's re-election chances, says James Massola.

Meet Scott Morrison

The mementos that populate Scott Morrison's desk and the personal connection he has with them.

Scott Morrison reads the politics on Chinese land grab

Mark Kenny If you wanted a window into the peculiar chemistry of Coalition politics, this marriage of convenience between liberal free marketeers and nostalgic agrarian socialists, this was it.