The Age Editorials

Trump wins and Republicans lose

12:15 AM   Donald Trump's policies, such as can so far be identified amid his dissembling and incendiary attacks, could be catastrophic.

Comments 2

Budget 2016: Malcolm Turnbull's clever but lacklustre budget

Editorial The Age

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison have fashioned a budget for everyone, and a budget for no one in particular.

May 3

Kidman rejection demands clarity

Editorial The Age

Coming as the nation prepares for an election, this decision rings like an appeal to populism.

Turnbull sets scene for crucial investment

Age Editorial dinkus.

The Smart Cities program announced by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Friday presages a surge in infrastructure investment across Australia.

Bankrupt policy is costing the nation

The Age - Sunday - Editorial - Sunday Editorial

Our political leaders should have the courage to confront the vilification of asylum seekers, or the nation will be poorer as a result.

Comments 2

April 30

Stop bowing to unions, Mr Andrews

Editorial The Age

The Premier needs to back his minister and resist harebrained and unjustifiable union demands for power.

April 29

Our duty to refugees is to settle them here

Editorial The Age

The asylum seeker "solution" is no solution at all.

April 28

A budget for growth and expansion

Editorial The Age

The Andrews government presents a coherent and convincing plan to meet key needs of Victorians.

April 27

Tighten gun laws to keep nation safe

Editorial The Age

After the Port Arthur tragedy, Australia united in grief and was made stronger. We must retain our resolve.

April 26

Turnbull fails to tackle a tax flaw

Age Editorial dinkus.

Changes should be made to negative gearing, and the Prime Minister should treat voters as decent and intelligent.

Politicians’ duty to unite in the war for justice

Age Editorial

Anzac Day is a fitting time to stress that our politicians must not let gormless ideology and undue partisan positioning swamp the higher ideals they should be striving to implement.

Hell YEAH, let’s talk about sex

The Age - Sunday - Editorial - Sunday Editorial

Arch-conservative voices in the community appear  determined to conflate even a whisper of sex education in schools with perversion, rather than the protection of young people for which it is so clearly designed.

Comments 2

April 23

Mirabella's grubby deal is unacceptable

Editorial The Age

We do not believe Ms Mirabella is fit to represent the people of Indi.

Comments 24

April 22

Banks and ASIC need to step up – big time

Editorial The Age

The banking industry and the corporate regulator have sullied their own shingles through gross errors or failure to take action.

April 21

Real voices that must be heard

Editorial The Age

'The hardest part of being a Muslim Australian is fitting into society without compromising who I am.'

Comments 1

April 20

Parties must present plans to buttress nation

Editorial The Age

Voters are entitled to a positive and open-minded campaign, one that generates ambitious ideas and practical plans for what this nation can really be.

Comments 2

April 19

Mental health funding is a human investment

Editorial The Age

People who endure anxiety do not just deserve support; they are entitled to it.

April 18

Lift taxes to pull the budget into shape

Editorial The Age

If higher taxes will help resolve Australia's budget deficits and bring into line some of the vital ratios that are monitored by ratings agencies, then we believe the electorate would accept such measures, as long as they were properly and accurately explained.

Raising the volume of the global voice

The Age - Sunday - Editorial - Sunday Editorial

The challenge for the next UN leader is to ensure the relevance of this flawed but essential global organisation.

Mandatory provisions make a mockery of law

Editorial The Age

John Silvester's column makes sadly illuminating reading about gormless legistation and the urgent need for judicial discretion.

April 15

Boost this nation with high-speed rail

Editorial The Age

Cut the politics, and bring some hard heads to bear on developing this major infrastructure project.

April 14

Clive Palmer must be held to account

Editorial The Age

Too many people have been hurt, their livelihoods damaged, their families' hopes crushed by Mr Palmer's business activities.

Comments 1

April 12

Sex education is about more than religion

Editorial The Age

Insightful and properly managed discussions about premarital sex, homosexuality, gender identification, intimate relationships and similarly sensitive issues must remain in the general curriculum.

April 12

Disease clusters should raise big concerns

Editorial The Age

EDITORIAL   Links between Parkinson’s disease and pesticides have been long suspected, but it took the innovative comparison of vast data banks of government records to identify a frightening connection in north-western Victoria.

April 11

Aboriginal prison rates shame our nation

Editorial The Age

The rates of imprisonment of Indigenous people in Australia are soaring. So, too, are suicide rates in the general Aboriginal community. Have we learnt nothing?


Refuge housing urgently needed

The Age - Sunday - Editorial - Sunday Editorial

Transforming the properties intended to be demolished for the East West Link into social housing is a chance to ease the burden on women in abusive relationships.

Mired steelmaker must forge its own future

Editorial The Age

Rather than using precious public funds to prop up essentially unprofitable or wasteful activities, it is far better to robustly support displaced workers into training and new jobs.

April 8

Review student loans, but keep uni affordable

Access to education must remain accessible to all, not just the wealthy, and it must be properly focused and flexible to ...

Considering the costs of providing concessional interest rates on student loans, it is clear there must be some reassessment of the generosity of their terms.

Science cannot afford cuts to the CSIRO

Age Editorial dinkus.

An important question Australians will need to consider when weighing the benefits of government-initiated cost cuts is how they affect institutions such as the nation's pre-eminent taxpayer-funded scientific organisation, the CSIRO.

April 6

Why it is wrong to stash cash in Panama

Editorial The Age

Companies and wealthy individuals must grasp the inherent moral duty to pay tax at appropriate rates.