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Rate cut gives bank margins another squeeze


Shaun Drummond

Banks will find it even harder this time to ease the squeeze on margins following the rate cut.

Banks will find it even harder this time to ease the squeeze on margins following the rate cut. Photo: Paul Rovere

Australia's big banks will take another hit to profits after passing on the full cut to the official cash rate, but most are expected to be able to maintain dividend payouts.

The banks' net interest margins – the income they get from loans, less the cost of funding them – were already under pressure on a number of fronts, including ongoing heavy discounting of loans due to stiff competition and increases in debt funding costs.

Westpac reported a lift in 2016 first-half profit on Monday, but was below market expectations. ANZ reported a reduction in its profit, although this was largely due to $770 million in one-off costs.

"I think margins will be crunched, Bell Potter analyst TS Lim said. "It is inevitable because banks tend to have more loans than deposits. So even if they equalised the drop [on both loans and deposits], their funding costs would go up."

JP Morgan analyst Scott Manning agreed but said the margin squeeze will be a modest one on top of what was already occurring.

"The rough maths is that banks need to keep about 5 basis points (0.05 per cent) of each 25 basis point rate cut to offset deposit compression and the lower return on free funds [deposits that don't pay interest]," he said.

But he could not see any factor that would reverse the margin reduction. 

The only banks so far to not pass on the full cut are ANZ Bank and Suncorp Bank. ANZ is cutting by 0.19 per cent and Suncorp is reducing its owner occupier rate by 0.2 per cent and its investor loan rate by 0.15 per cent. This is estimated to save ANZ about $80 million after tax.

Mr Manning said such cuts are roughly "neutral" for these banks.

Sharp falls in official interest rates after the global financial crisis was a major benefit to bank profits, as bad and doubtful debts declined faster than expected because borrowers could pay off their loans more easily, allowing the banks to keep adding back provisions they had made for these to earnings.

But the interest rate is so low now – it was already at a record low of 2 per cent before the cut to 1.75 per cent on Tuesday – that analysts think the benefit of further reductions will be minimal and far outweighed by margin reductions.

"Although bad debts will remain low, the benefit wouldn't be enough to offset the margin reduction," Mr Lim said.

The ultra-low interest rate also means deposits, which account for about 60 per cent of bank funding, cannot be reduced by the same amount as interest rates because a term deposit at such low returns becomes almost not worth offering.

The banks have been reporting that more deposits have been shifting to zero-rate transaction accounts, but by definition these can't offset any further interest rate reduction.

This may drive more to abandon cash for shares, which could help banks lower dividends, as ANZ Bank did on Tuesday, keeping some more earnings for themselves.

Maintain dividends

But most analysts expect the other banks to at least maintain their dividends because their return on equity is less challenged than ANZ's at the moment, particularly Commonwealth Bank and Westpac, which did keep its dividend flat on Monday, which naturally achieve higher profitability because they make more of their money from less capital intensive mortgages rather than business loans.

Morgan Stanley analyst Richard Wiles correctly predicted ANZ would cut its dividend. He expects NAB will maintain its dividend when it reports its half-year result on Thursday and at its annual result due in September, but thinks it will cut in the 2017 financial year.

He said NAB's payout ratio has risen above its target range of 70-75 per cent of earnings due to the sale of its British and US businesses, which removed about 7 per cent of its income. It has already said it is comfortable keeping it slightly above the range, but by 2017 it will move well beyond that.

"We think that NAB needs to cut the dividend, but expect they will do it next year rather than this year," he said. "We're forecasting they pay 198c for the full [2016] year, but cut it by 16 per cent to 166c for the full year next year. If they don't cut, the payout ratio will go to 84 per cent. 

Debt market pressure

Another factor hurting profitability is a sharp rise in debt market costs since the end of 2015.

Westpac said on Monday overall it was adding about 0.18 per cent to its costs. This is now translating into pressure to actually raise deposit rates now because wholesale funding cost increases have moved banks to seek more funding from deposits, raising competition there.

"Rate cuts are great for banks when, say, you are going from 6 to 5.5 per cent as was happening post GFC. But going from 2 to 1.5 per cent? – that's not going to support the bad debt cycle," another analyst said.

"And there is a natural floor on deposits, more and more approaching the zero bound … it is becoming yet another hit to the margins

"It is not interest rates that will cause mortgage stress now, it is people losing their jobs."

He did stress that banks typically delay and "smooth out" the impact of rate changes by hedging 

Lower rates can cause more people to get a loan. This has been driving huge growth in property prices in Sydney and Melbourne. This boosts bank earnings further if the cut has that effect.

But the RBA pointed out it was able to make the cut because demand had cooled due to the banking regulator imposing limits to dampen any uptick in enthusiasm, including a cap on investor loan growth at 10 per cent and interest rate "buffers" that mean banks must assess a borrower's ability to pay at about 7 per cent.

A bank investor said the banks clearly did not want to pass on the rate cut in full as it just piled on more pressure on margins, but said they didn't have much choice given the political factors, including a call for a royal commission still threatened from Labor and the election.

He and several others said they expect the banks will try to claw it back with a rate rise after the election, or by not passing on in full a further cut to the cash rate. But much will depend on who wins the election.

"Their margins are under pressure, so they really should be holding on to it, but they kind of had to pass it on due to the election and the negative prospects of a potential royal commission," said Omkar Joshi, of Watermark Funds Management.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they raise after the election as long as the Liberals win – if Labor wins, it's a whole different story given the royal commission they've talked about."

Mr Wiles at Morgan Stanley also expects the banks to raise rates again after the election or not pass on any further cuts.

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