News & Views

Ugly words

How 'ugly' comments remind women of the beauty tax we owe to be in public

When veteran journalist Paul Bongiorno quipped about Monica Lewinsky being "ugly" last week, the only ugliness on show was sexism.

Election 2016

How to survive Election 2016

Yep, we've got about 70-odd days of this thing. Dom Knight has some suggestions on how to pull through.


The war on sex: PM axes school sex-ed program

Online resource will replace program using youth educators to deliver sex education in schools and universities.


Why Purple Rain, the movie, matters

Prince made one great rock movie, the semi-autobiographical star-is-born psychodrama 'Purple Rain, released in 1984 in tandem with the album.


Michaelia Cash's message to men

It's time for a "two-way exchange" when it comes to gender and careers, says the Employment Minister.

Trans rights

Target welcomes customers in fitting rooms, ...

Last August, Target transformed its toy section so that toys were no longer grouped together by gender.

VIDEO News & Views


Replay video

Chaika: Pussy Riot's new satire

Pussy Riot's latest music video Chaika takes a satirical look at corruption in Vladimir Putin's Russia. 01:06