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Score the job without jumping through hoops

If you find the process of applying for a new job confusing or frustrating, you may need to rethink your strategy.

How? Bypass the clutter.

Prue, a 30 year-old Sydney graphic designer, knows how time consuming, disempowering and disheartening this longwinded process can be.

“I was a designer at an advertising agency and quite happy, but after three years I realised there were no opportunities for promotion – my creative director wasn’t going anywhere!” she laughs.

“So I started looking at the recruitment sites, but I was so disillusioned by the whole process. Half the listings didn’t reveal the company the job was for. Then, when I went to apply for roles, I had to register my personal details, then upload my CV and cover letter, and just wait. I didn’t receive any feedback let alone get interviews. Worse, I started getting all of these unsolicited irrelevant jobs clogging up my inbox, spam for training courses, and job recruiters calling me up at work – and I have no idea how they got my details. The recruiters would dangle these job carrots and get me to apply for roles without revealing the company or the salary, but none of those jobs ever materialised.”

It’s a common problem. Many job boards, agencies, recruiters and sites won’t reveal who the company is because they don’t want you to apply direct – that’s because they get a cut of up to 20% of your salary if they place you. As for the spam Prue received, well, this can happen when you register your details with recruitment and job sites.

Smart job seekers, on the other hand, apply direct to the company – bypassing all the red tape, hoop jumping and hurdles. The process is streamlined and simplified. It’s just you and the employer liaising direct. And these ‘smart job seekers’ know where they want to work and what they have to offer. They have a targeted approach to scoring a job and they make the job application process as simple as possible.

Bryan Petereit is the Managing Director of ApplyDirect. He believes that applying direct to the company rather than third party websites has many advantages.

“Applying direct gives you a direct relationship with the person hiring,” he explains. “You can research the company in advance to work out whether it’s a good cultural fit for you, and you can see exactly what the job involves and what the company benefits are; like the salary, bonuses, entitlements and more. Another advantage is you can tailor your CV and cover letter to the specific role and company, then follow up. And it’s in your best interest to follow up, ask for feedback and develop a relationship with the employer.”

This eliminates the registration process of other job sites, handing over your personal details, and sifting through hundreds of job listings that may or may not be suitable. It also eliminates the risk of applying for the same role multiple times (yep, many recruitment agencies pitch for the same jobs so you’ll see multiple listings for the role), and applying for fake jobs. Some recruitment agencies also advertise jobs in order to build a database of candidates and then sell or pitch that database to other companies.

Instead, you are empowered and own your job search with a clear, targeted strategy. You apply direct, follow up direct, and your resume is just with the employer – no one else.

And the best part? Employers love it too. They know the candidates applying direct are more likely to want the job because they’ve applied through the company website, and have a clear understanding about the role and the brand.

They also save money on job placement commissions, time, and, if they have HR teams and the infrastructure to recruit themselves, why wouldn’t they?

“Companies want to attract good people who want to work for them,” explains Bryan. “In fact, the power has shifted – no longer does the employer have the power, the candidates do. And this is why companies are advertising on their own websites – to show their brand, culture, benefits and values in the best light – in order to attract the best people.”

So whether you’re happy in your role but may be tempted by a great opportunity, looking for a promotion, or want to move to a better company, do it the smart way. Apply direct.


ApplyDirect is a unique job search website that lists thousands of real job opportunities then connects you directly to the employer. With no recruitment agencies allowed, it’s a hassle free experience that is easy to use. Reclaim your job search with