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Military fairy tales

"So, this little girl was getting ready for a trip to her grandma’s house. Red Riding Hood started by doing a map recon and checking with the intel bubbas to see what was going on along her route."

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You have to be Chinese to get Sun Tzu?

“If one had to be Chinese to understand strategic thought, can only a German (A European? a Westerner?) understand On War?”


Is Brazil the Chicago of Latin America?

We shouldn’t be surprised that Brazil — and other countries in the BRICS — is dealing with the stumbles and falls of an emerging economy. Meaningful progress takes decades.


Why Is America So Bad at Promoting Democracy in Other Countries?

There’s no quick, cheap, or military-based way to bring peace to places like Afghanistan, Yemen, and Iraq. It’s time we changed our approach, and we can start at home.

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Why I think Adm. McRaven is wrong

Adm. William McRaven is a smart and likable guy, but I think he is wrong in this essay arguing against the removal of Rear Adm. Brian Losey.

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Impressive judge

He sentenced a troubled Special Forces vet to 24 hours in jail for lying about a urine test.


Avoiding the New Cold War With Russia

With two risky flyovers of U.S. military assets in a week, tensions with Moscow are high. We need to tone things down, before flyovers become bombing runs.

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Time for a war on space-time ripplers?

If we don’t control our sense of time, what DO we control? Who do these ripplers think we are, chumps?

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What the water looks like waaay out there

One of the surprises to me the first time I was on a Navy ship way out there was that when you are well out to sea, the water really is that strong blue color captured in this photo.


The Two Faces of Modern Iran

Massoumeh Ebtekar and Hossein Sheikholeslam both were radical Islamist students who took part in the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. Over three decades later, they’re political rivals battling to define the future of the Islamic Republic.


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