Chinese fuming at Morrison decision to block Kidman sale 

Michael Koziol   The Turnbull government has again rejected the sale of Australia's largest private land holding to a Chinese business interests, declaring the proposed deal was not in the national interest.

Latest political news

Unions back crackdown on tax breaks for rich

ACTU president Ged Kearney: "Tax loopholes that advantage the super-wealthy are fuelling inequality.''

Mark Kenny   Tax breaks used by the wealthy are exacerbating deficits and eroding essential services, while making life harder for ordinary households, according to the ACTU.

Aid worker abducted in Afghanistan: charity

The Department of Foreign Affairs is working to confirm reports an Australian woman has been kidnapped in Afghanistan.

David Wroe, Latika Bourke and Kim Arlington   An Australian female aid worker has been kidnapped at gunpoint by armed men in Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan.

Coalition shakes up vocational education

The vocational education sector "needs to be rebuilt from the ground up": Senator Scott Ryan.

Eryk Bagshaw   Brokers who recruit students who are unlikely to be able to complete vocational courses will soon find themselves out of a job.

Comments 23

Australia sent refugees to PNG for abortions 

The Federal Court is considering the case of a young woman, known only as S99, who was in the midst of a violent ...

Bianca Hall   Australia has sent at least two refugee women for pregnancy terminations at Pacific International Hospital in Port Moresby, despite the procedure being illegal, a court has heard.

Nauru refugee who set himself alight dies

A photo believed to be of the victim, Omid.

Nicole Hasham   An Iranian refugee at Nauru who set himself on fire over despair at his life on the island has died.

Morrison knocks back major Chinese bid

Cattle in field

Michael Koziol   Treasurer Scott Morrison has again knocked back the sale of Australia's largest private land holding to Chinese interests, concluding it was not in the national interest.

Sinodinos could face range of punishments

Senator Arthur Sinodinos faces possible censure over his refusal to front a Senate inquiry.

Sean Nicholls   A Senate inquiry has outlined possible actions after Cabinet Secretary refuses to front inquiry.

Nuclear waste dump site revealed

The announcement follows four months of community consultation and an expert panel assessment of six shortlisted sites.

Michael Koziol   Australia's first nuclear waste dump will be located in a remote part of South Australia, on land partly owned by a former Liberal senator.

'Not happy, Jan': Phone book outrage

Sensis insists the Yellow and White Pages won't be going anywhere soon.

Fergus Hunter   The company that prints the directories is digging in, insisting they're going nowhere despite the rise of Google.

Nurofen maker fined $1.7m for 'misleading'

The ACCC said the caplets in all four products contained the same active ingredient, ibuprofen lysine 342mg.

Jane Lee   The company that sells Nurofen has been fined more than $1 million for misleading consumers about its specific pain products.

Comment & Analysis

Behold Prime Minister Malcolm Abbott

Illustration Andrew Dyson

Michael Gordon   Malcolm Turnbull has no answer to the asylum seeker situation beyond inflicting more harm.

The return of climate scare campaigns

Illustration by Rocco Fazzari

Peter Hartcher   The Prime Minister has exhumed Tony Abbott's scare campaign against Labor's carbon tax, launching into electoral battle with the reflex action of ''oppose''.

Negative gearing put before good childcare

Anne Summers dinkus Dinkus

Anne Summers   A forward-looking government would axe negative gearing and invest in an educated and socially skilled population.

Why PM needs to dial down the 'mansplaining'

Jacqueline Maley

Jacqueline Maley   The PM was busy in the '90s, running his own investment banking firm. He probably didn't have time to read the bestseller, Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus.

Comments 104

Labor can't deny its role in Manus tragedy

Waleed Aly dinkus. Dinkus

Waleed Aly   'Stopping the boats' was a bipartisan policy and both sides of politics are responsible for its monstrous outcomes.

Crossbench cull won't help PM's Senate woes

Mark kenny dinkus

Mark Kenny   Poor polling is making the decision to defer the election until July look increasingly questionable.

Manus refugees must be sent to Australia

Madeline Gleeson Dinkus

Madeline Gleeson   Australia now has a choice. An optimistic person might expect freedom for the 900 men on Manus Island, but it's more complicated than that.

Comments 176

What's $50 billion between besties?

Needless secrecy has surrounded the decision on purchasing Australia's next fleet of submarines.

Daniel Flitton   For all the serious and weighty talk of national security, there must surely be a better way for Australia to decide on a dozen submarines.

Umpire calls time on negative gearing

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   Many voters have strong views for or against negative gearing. But when rival politicians fall to arguing about their policies, most of us find we don't know enough to decide who's right.

Libs must find ticker for real workplace reform

Peter Reith dinkus

Peter Reith   If ever there was a political opportunity to start the rebalance of Australia's labour market, then this is it.

Spin can't hide harm of negative gearing

John Daley dinkus

John Daley   By refusing to change the tax laws, the government is missing out on $5 billion a year.

Lessons for Malcolm and Bill

Housing costs may cost Mr Turnbull.

Michael Gordon   Malcolm Turnbull remains the favourite to win on July 2. But ...

Comments 87

Turnbull faces a tougher race than predicted

Mark kenny dinkus

Mark Kenny   One of the key advantages of incumbency, first dibs on announcing the election date and then framing the terms of the contest, has been squandered.

The new threat to our social compact

Jessica Irvine dinkus

Jessica Irvine   In less than five months, Australia will bid farewell to its Reserve Bank governor for the past decade, Glenn Stevens.

Morrison needs a reality check on tax

Treasurer Scott Morrison during a joint press conference wirh Minister for Small Business and Assistant Treasurer Kelly ...

Peter Martin   The government's theme for selling the budget reads like a Seinfeld script.

Opaque campaign finance rules fail every test

photo montage featuring a ballot box being stuffed with money / cash
political donations
used in afr 080202
(no caption ...

Maxine McKew   Politicians on the election trail need to come clean about where their campaign funds come from.

Comments 16

Unis need funding reform, not more cuts

Michael Spence dinkus Dinkus

Michael Spence   Whatever happens on budget night, a 20 per cent cut to universities must come off the agenda.

Comments 3

Banks haven't shown contrition for bad apples

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   Corporate bad behaviour is not on. We must bring the banks to heel, and a royal commission is a fine way to do that.

Turnbull needs big win or it will be same again

Alan Stokes.

Alan Stokes   Assuming Labor falls short, simply getting back into power won't be enough for the Prime Minister to consign the Abbott era to history.

PM will fight poll as just another politician

If Malcolm Turnbull wins it will not be because he is loved or admired.

Peter Hartcher   Malcolm Turnbull will now get the election he wanted, but without the sort of advantage he'd hoped for.

History keeps repeating in politics

Peter Reith dinkus

Peter Reith   Many MPs and media commentators have little grasp of Australia’s political past. That’s a pity because knowing the past can explain today.

Comments 23

Special features

Meet Scott Morrison

The mementos that populate Scott Morrison's desk and the personal connection he has with them.

Scott Morrison reads the politics on Chinese land grab

Mark Kenny If you wanted a window into the peculiar chemistry of Coalition politics, this marriage of convenience between liberal free marketeers and nostalgic agrarian socialists, this was it.

Risk and reward: the submarine deal

The standing joke about French submarines used to be that they were as noisy as Britain's 19th century Great Western Railway.

Balance the books and win the election 

Can Scott Morrison's budget simultaneously define a government, repair the bottom line and appeal to voters?

The Productivity Commission's hands were tied on copyright

Buried within this week's landmark Productivity Commission report on copyright and patents is seething resentment at the way Australia has negotiated trade agreements.

There's less to PM's cities plan than meets the eye, for now

Yes, it's a good idea to leverage the balance sheet of the Commonwealth to build the roads and other facilities that will make cities work. But as to mechanics, that'll be the subject of a summit.

Asian anger over subs and ships deals

Chris Johnson That the Japanese are not at all pleased over losing the $50 billion contract for Australia's new submarine fleet is a given.

Sound familiar? The 2013 campaign redux

Stephanie Peatling Voters could be forgiven for experiencing political deja vu thanks to the return of immigration and climate change as key election issues.

Time for new direction on asylum seekers

When Malcolm Turnbull confessed on Wednesday that he could not produce a "definitive roadmap", he may have delivered the understatement of his prime ministership.

Verdict on Manus Island: Punitive and now illegal

Michael Gordon The PNG Supreme Court has given Malcolm Turnbull cover to do the right thing and, not a moment too soon, end the inhumanity of indefinite detention of vulnerable and damaged people.

Dear Shinzo, the Frogs know nothing about subs. Love, Tones

Tony Abbott has written to his friend, Japanese Prime Minister Shinto Abe, commiserating at Japan's failure to make the cut in the $50 billion bid to build submarines in Australia.

Votes for boats: Subs decision avoids a political meltdown in SA

Mark Kenny Luckily, South Australia does not grow balsa trees, or we might just have committed $50 billion to submarines that won't submerge. Instead, they'll be built from high-quality non-buoyant Australian steel.

Clive, Australia's political prisoner?

Tony Wright We're not sure which gulag Clive Palmer has been condemned to inhabit, nor how he might be confined - let alone what catering arrangements have been made.

Coalition MPs in need of climate refresher courses

Stephanie Peatling The international scientific community might have accepted the reality of climate change, but it is a different matter in the Coalition.

Best submarine at the best price

Analysis Two things stand out about Tuesday's announcement that France will help Australia build the new fleet of submarines.

Turnbull out on a limb over negative gearing

Peter Martin You've heard the one about the one-year-old who's buying a house.

PM rips up his script on tax reform debate

Malcolm Turnbull had only been an MP for a matter of months when he turned his mind to a fairer, broader tax system.

Sophie Mirabella: pork barrelling on its way to Indi

If Sophie Mirabella is "the most honest politician in Australia" - as Crikey called her on Friday - then the widespread malaise with Australian politics is well founded. We're all rooned.

How PM's doorstop drew attention to the housing crisis

Matt Wade A system that encourages young families to buy property, but not live in it, is not working efficiently.

How the Senate ferals will survive a double dissolution

Tony Abbott called them "feral" and Malcolm Turnbull reckons they're a "disgrace" and an "embarrassment".

Through the looking glass: Turnbull shrinks as Shorten grows

Curious and curiouser: with a July 2 election all but certain, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has begun to grow into the job, while Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been brought down to size.