Super & Funds


How the super changes affect you

John Collett 12:15 AM   Superannuation was the big hit in the budget. This is your guide to what's changing.


Retirement transition scheme hobbled in budget

The transition-to-retirement scheme helps older workers build their retirement nest eggs at the time they need it most.

Mark Bouris 12:15 AM   Financial expert Mark Bouris gives his verdict on whether the transition-to-retirement (TTR) scheme is still worthwhile.

Flexible super caps little help to most women

More flexibile contribution limits will not help Bernadine Lawrence find the extra cash needed to grow her ...

Sally Rose 7:48 PM   "Flexibility" measures to help women are fine in principle, but for most women the obstacle to saving more for retirement is finding the extra cash.


Super strategies for the rest of us

The Wynne family in Engadine know the cost of raising a family can make it more difficult to save in your 30s and 40s.

Catherine Robson 5:58 PM   Financial planner Catherine Robson explains how average Australians should respond in light of the changes to superannuation.

Self-funded retirees slam attack on big super balances

"People make their most significant contributions to superannuation in a short period once they reach their mid-50s, and ...

Sally Rose 5:48 PM   Advocates for wealthy savers and self-funded retirees have condemned new limits on how much people can save in the tax-advantaged settings of superannuation.

Super fund members pay more for less disability insurance

APRA deputy chairwoman Helen Rowell has told a Productivity Commission superannuation review she is concerned about the ...

Sally Rose   Workers are getting slugged with higher insurance premiums via their superannuation fees, prompting the regulator and other industry experts to question if they are getting value for money.


How green is your super?

Local Government Super in 2014 said it would exclude companies with a material exposure to ''high carbon-sensitive'' ...

John Collett   Some of Australia's largest superannuation funds rank among the best in the world in protecting their members from the adverse effects of climate change.

Libs split on super for women

A new Senate report titled 'A husband is not a retirement plan' has called for tax reform, changes to the superannuaiton ...

Sally Rose   Two senators have broken party ranks to back tax reform, better parental leave, and other measures.

Super heroes clash in mummy wars

Women on low incomes struggle to put extra into super.

Sally Rose   Will putting an annual limit on super contributions hurt mothers more?

Senate probe into women's super to focus on equal pay

Labor Senator Jenny McAllister wants the superannuation gender gap to become an election issue.

Sally Rose   A Senate probe into the superannuation gender gap, where women retire with half the savings of men, will urge drastic action on equal pay and push for new tax incentives.


Super under threat

The budget could spoil the appeal of super.

Daryl Dixon   Tuesday's federal budget may well irrevocably damage its attractions as a retirement savings vehicle for many Australians.

Budget should backflip on scrapping low-income super contribution

Superannuation industry experts are hopeful the 2016 federal budget will dump plans to scrap an important tax rebate for ...

Sally Rose   Superannuation experts say if the government is serious about making the system fairer, rather than just revenue raising, it will have to backflip on plans to scrap a tax rebate for low-income earners.


Fairness in super is looking after lower earners

The budget super reforms will hit higher income earners.

John Collett   Budget changes to super should go further than just reining in the tax super breaks going to higher-income earners.


While you're at it Malcolm, change this


Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon   In next week's budget the federal government intends to make harsh but fair changes to super contributions. And they could go even further ...


How to beat superannuation uncertainty

Superannuation is, above all, a tax regime to allow your savings to grow.

Mark Bouris   Too much talk about changing superannuation creates uncertainty and complexity and that's when normal working people can become passive and disengaged.

Super's seven-year streak in danger

Enjoing a super quarter: QSuper CEO Michael Pennisi.

Sally Rose   Average superannuation balances tanked over the March quarter.


Investors need to look beyond China: PM Capital

Busy traffic in Saigon, Vietnam.

John Collett   The volatility of China's sharemarket may drive Australian investors away from the Asian region despite the opportunities, says one of Australia's most astute investors.


DIY super funds not safe from fraud


John Collett   A new ruling makes it plain DIY super fund members are on their own if they lose money through fraud or theft.


Don't be disillusioned by super savings of the wealthy


John Collett   It can be demoralising to see how the wealthy are accumulating massive amounts of money in their super compared to how much the rest of us have.

Plan to ease pain of super cuts

SMSF Association managing director Andrea Slattery wants more flexibility for people to top up their super later in life ...

Sally Rose   The government is likely to slash the amount of money people can stash in super, but the super lobby wants more flexible time limits.


Borrowing to buy property in your SMSF?

Borrowing to buy property for a self-managed super fund carries risks.

Richard Livingston   Self-managed super fund borrowing may not be a problem for the government, however it's likely to cause financial distress for some investors in coming years.

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More to a super fund's returns than its size

Industry super funds have higher exposure to unlisted infrastructure such as ports.

John Collett   The great divide in the performances of super funds is between not-for-profit and retail funds and not so much their size, figures from SuperRatings show.

Super funds look at options amid market turmoil

Super funds with a higher allocation to unlisted assets have fared better during the recent sharemarket turmoil.

Sally Rose   Most superannuation members are on track for a gain in March after five months of consecutive losses, but many funds are diversifying ahead of further expected turmoil.


Rock-star fund managers mostly yesterday's heroes


John Collett   It doesn't seem all that long ago that some fund managers had almost rock-star status, at least among investors.

REST wants contributions at 15pc

REST Industry Super member Jacqui Foley, pictured with daughter Abbey-Mae, 10, backs the fund's call to lift the ...

Sally Rose   REST Industry Super chief executive Damian Hill wants compulsory superannuation contributions raised to 15 per cent.


Some accountants to give up on DIY super fund trustees


John Collett   DIY fund trustees who use the services of accountants need to ask them what licensing arrangements they will have in place from July 1.

QSuper offers cash bonus to take pension over lump sum

QSuper chief executive Michael Pennisi "would welcome" a decision from the Queensland government to open the $50 billion ...

Sally Rose   QSuper has become the first major superannuation fund to offer its retiring members a cash bonus for moving their accumulated savings into a pension account rather than taking a lump sum.

Aberdeen's Gilbert says China won't repeat market mistakes

Martin Gilbert, global CEO, says while Aberdeen is fundamentally positive about Chinese growth, there are better ...

James Eyers   Martin Gilbert, founder of Aberdeen Asset Management, met Chinese market regulators and central bankers in the past week - he shares their insights.

Super funds push for more ESG disclosure

Sally Loane, chief executive of the Financial Services Council, says ESG reporting is a must-have for companies.

Ruth Liew   One out of three ASX 200 companies have poor disclosure when it comes to reporting their environmental, social and governance practices, research has found.


Early retirement? You're dreamin'

Many Australians would love to finish work in their 50s, but reality is that they will have to keep going well into ...

John Collett   More Australians want to retire early than just about any other nationality, but we are also less likely to afford it.