Federal Budget 2016

Retirees slam attack on big super balances

"People make their most significant contributions to superannuation in a short period once they reach their mid-50s, and ...

Sally Rose 5:48 PM   Advocates for wealthy savers and self-funded retirees have condemned new limits on how much people can save in the tax-advantaged settings of superannuation.

Buried in budget - a $1.6b election war chest

Cuts: Treasurer Scott Morrison unveiled $1.2bn of cuts to aged care funding.

Michael Koziol 6:00 PM   Buried deep in Treasurer Scott Morrison's first budget are the keys to eight weeks of so-called election announceables.

RBA rains on Scott Morrison's parade

Scott Morrison.

Alex Malley 5:08 PM   The Reserve Bank's decision to cut interest rates to a record low yesterday undermined the Treasurer's narrative for his budget.

Comments 9

Budget 2016: Live Q&A; with Ross Gittins


Ross Gittins   Fairfax Media's Economics Editor, Ross Gittins, answers your questions on Treasurer Scott Morrison's first budget.

The more I look. the more I like it

Treasurer Scott Morrison's budget "gave little thought to the youth voter base".

Peter Martin 7:13 AM   This type of federal budget is rare. The Turnbull government sought and adopted best practice. You can’t argue with that.

Comments 92

Skip airport queues - if you are willing to pay

Long airport waits could be a thing of the past if you're willing to pay extra.

Nicole Hasham 5:48 PM   A plan to allow wealthy airline passengers to avoid long airport queues will bring more visitors to Australia, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton says.

Comments 90

$2 cigarettes 'force smokers into black market'

Smokers will once again be socked by the budget

Heath Aston 2:22 PM   Cigarette makers and retailers claim the $40 packet of cigarettes is going to force more smokers into the growing black market for illegally imported tobacco.

Malcolm Turnbull defends 'dull' budget

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during an interview with Sunrise host David Koch.

Matthew Knott   Malcolm Turnbull has brushed off claims he delivered a "dull" first budget as prime minister and defended the fairness of only handing income tax cuts to those earning over $80,000 a year.

Greens reveal their bargaining chip

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation says there is a growing appetite from investors for renewable projects.

Peter Hannam 12:00 AM   The Greens have ambitious plans around energy storage and will use budget negotiations to advance the latest breakthroughs in renewables.

What Australia said about the budget

Budget conversation data released by Facebook revealed Australian men aged 35-44 shared their thoughts the most on ...

Lucy Cormack 5:13 PM   In the 12 hours after Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison delivered his first "quintessentially political" budget, there was one group of Australians dominating conversation online.

Winners and losers from budget 2016

How did you fare from Scott Morrison's budget?

Fergus Hunter   Will you be better or worse off after Treasurer Scott Morrison's first budget?

Tourism industry blasts retention of 'backpacker tax'

Tourism industry leaders are worried backpackers will head to New Zealand rather than Australia.

Jamie Freed   The tourism industry is bitterly disappointed that the government failed to make changes to the "backpacker tax" introduced in last year's budget.

Comments 4

Super in the spotlight in cautious budget

Man in the hot seat: Treasurer Scott Morrison will deliver the budget on Tuesday night.

Mark Kenny and James Massola   Bold superannuation changes that hit high income earners but leave 96 per cent of Australians untouched are at the centre of Treasurer Scott Morrison's first, low-spending election-eve budget.

Crackdown could add fuel to housing fire

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann brushed off fears that a crackdown on super concessions might push more money into ...

Sally Rose   A crackdown on superannuation tax concessions for the rich, coupled with a budget day cut to interest rates, could increase the flow of funds into negatively geared investment property.

Comments 147

Sales grills Morrison in post-budget interview

Leigh Sales suggested the budget contained "deficits as far as the eye can see".

Kate Aubusson 6:02 PM   Leigh Sales unleashed a blistering critique in Scott Morrison's first post-budget interview, suggesting the Treasurer's economic projections were too optimistic, with deficits "as far as the eye can see".

$A doesn't budge on budget after RBA action

Little return: There were plenty of economists around this week happy to fall into line with the central bank's decision ...

Mark Mulligan   The $A barely reacted to the budget measures, after having lost nearly 2 per cent earlier in the day after the RBA slashed rates a quarter point.

'Modest' tax cuts for top earners only

Little return: There were plenty of economists around this week happy to fall into line with the central bank's decision ...

Tom Allard   The federal government has skewed cuts in personal income tax rates to higher income earners.

Scott Morrison's budget speech in full

Treasurer Scott Morrison put the focus on growing jobs and the economy in his first budget.

"This economic plan is the foundation on which we can build a brighter, more secure future, in a stronger, new economy with more jobs."

This budget calls for an act of faith

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   In the words of pop music legend George Michael: "You've got to have faith."

Tax relief for small business

Bill Evans spoke to Money News

Heath Aston   Modest immediate tax cuts for small business will be used to encourage jobs growth, with Treasurer Scott Morrison promising a long-term phase down in the company tax rate from 30 per cent to 25 per cent.

Victoria short-changed again on infrastructure

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is demanding money from the Commonwealth's Asset Recycling Initiative be spent on the ...

Josh Gordon   Victoria continues to be severely short-changed on infrastructure, with the Turnbull government pinning its Victorian electoral hopes on an Abbott-era promise.


A pass mark but the hard work's left for later

In net terms, this budget is a modest effort, leaving repair as a slow, long-term undertaking.

Stephen Bartos   Governments rarely have the courage to find savings to pay for new programs.

Rich hit with $1.6 million super cap

Wealthy retirees will take  a hit under new  superannuation measures.

Sally Rose   In a crackdown on superannuation tax perks, rich retirees will no longer be able to draw tax-free earnings from balances higher than $1.6 million.

Treasury upbeat despite past mistakes

Dwelling investment grew by 7.9 per cent in 2014-15, but is expected to ease to 2 per cent in 2016-17 and 1 per cent in ...

Nassim Khadem   The 2016 federal budget papers reveal once again the Treasury's previous forecasts have been far too upbeat.

Door left open to flexible uni fees

A new two-tiered fee system is being considered.

Matthew Knott   The Turnbull government has dumped one of the most controversial measures in the Coalition's politically toxic 2014 budget – the full deregulation of university fees – but opened the door to other major changes such as a new two-tiered fee system.

Tax cuts for small businesses, sole traders

Treasurer Scott Morrison and Assistant Tresaurer Kelly O'Dwyer have thrown tax cuts at small business ahead of the ...

Nassim Khadem   About 870,000 small businesses will have their tax rate reduced from July 1.

New $840m package for young jobseekers

The government has announced a new package to help jobseekers aged under 25 find work.

Chris Johnson   Work for the Dole will be massively reformed and employer subsidies reduced to help pay for an ambitious new program aimed at getting the young unemployed into jobs.

TV networks get $160m boost

Nine and Southern Cross are switching affiliates.

Mathew Dunckley   After years of furious lobbying, the free-to-air television networks have been given a prize.

Schools and hospitals win $4b in extra funding

The Coalition has pledged to grow public hospital funding by $2.9 billion for three years from 2017.

Jane Lee and Adam Gartrell   The Turnbull government will invest an extra $4 billion in schools and hospitals in an attempt to neutralise Labor's key strength ahead of the election.

Turnbull's clever but lacklustre budget

Editorial The Age

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison have fashioned a budget for everyone, and a budget for no one in particular.

Intern scheme worthy but open to exploitation

ANZ is lowering its interest rate ''buffer''  – a rate that tests how borrowers would cope if rates rose.

Matt Wade   On the face of it, the government's internship program to assist young people on the path to work is likely to be popular with voters. But there are risks as well.

How to claim new tax benefits

Small business owners will pay less tax next financial year.

Bhakthi Puvanenthiran   Scott Morrison's focus on small business means a lower tax rate for even more businesses.

The unsung heroes of the budget lock-up

michael koziol dinkus Dinkus

Michael Koziol   It's the one day of the year - the day when boffins emerge from their back rooms to bask in the limelight.

Average families ignored

Rajib Bharadi, Binida and Ragyi, 10 of Harrison. Mr Bharadi thinks the 2016 federal budget favoured high-income earners ...

Clare Sibthorpe 8:54 PM   Canberra father supports boosting innovation, helping small businesses and targeting financial crime.

$171m for the Great Barrier Reef

The federal government will spend $171 million on ensuring water quality at the Great Barrier Reef.

Nicole Hasham   Budget confirms the independent Climate Change Authority established by Labor is not funded to operate beyond 2017.

Badgerys Creek project gains extra $115m

About $115 million will be spent in the next two years on preparation works for the Badgerys Creek airport.

Jacob Saulwick   The Badgerys Creek airport is the sole Sydney transport or land use project to receive increased funding in Tuesday's budget


RBA's big budget day hint

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   Reading between the lines, the RBA is saying the outlook has deteriorated on the Coalition's watch and there's no sign of the government making a difference with fiscal policy.

RBA cuts cash rate to fight deflation

Tuesday's rates decision coincides with the federal government's third budget.

Mark Mulligan   The Reserve Bank of Australia on Tuesday cut the cash rate to a record low of 1.75 per cent in a bid to head off falling prices and an economic downturn.


'Black hole' claim doesn't stand up to scrutiny

The plan would see a packet of 25 cigarettes cost more than $40 by 2020, up from about $25  a pack today.

Heath Aston   Modelling of the impact of higher tobacco taxes completed just five weeks ago has hung a question mark over the Turnbull Government's budget-eve claim of a "black hole" in Labor's policy costings.

How to read the budget papers

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   If you've got yourself the budget papers. Here's what to do next.

Comments 2

Who is right about Labor's alleged blowout?

Budget 2016

Daniella Miletic   Separate official costings calculate very different amounts of revenue will be generated by taxing smokers.

Morrison to raise billions from tax crackdown

Treasurer Scott Morrison during question time on Monday.

James Massola, Mark Kenny   Treasurer Scott Morrison will unveil a suite of multinational tax avoidance measures.

Ghost of Abbott adds billions 

The budget will be propped up by about $13 billion of "zombie measures" from Tony Abbott's time as prime minister.

Peter Martin   The first Turnbull budget will be propped up by around $13 billion of so-called "zombie measures", which are still on the books from the first and second Abbott budgets but not yet passed by the Senate.

Budget 2016: What we know so far

Man in the hot seat: Treasurer Scott Morrison will deliver the budget on Tuesday night.

Peter Martin   The full details of the 2016 budget will be released by Scott Morrison on Tuesday night at 7.30pm, but there is plenty that we know already.

It's all about fairness, nothing else matters

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison during question time on Monday.

Mark Kenny   For all its enormous complexities and competing demands, Scott Morrison's first, and potentially only, federal budget will sink or swim on one question alone.

Guthrie's call to action in first staff email

Michelle Guthrie, who will replace Mark Scott as managing director of ABC in May.

Matthew Knott   In her first official day on the job, Michelle Guthrie has used an email to outline a new commitment.

Include South Yarra station in Metro Rail plans, urges opposition

Treasurer Scott Morrison has said $857 million will be allocated in Tuesday's federal budget for the Melbourne Metro ...

Benjamin Preiss, Adam Carey   Victoria will receive $857 million in Commonwealth funding for the Melbourne Metro Rail tunnel but the state government says it is not new money and accused the Turnbull government of breaking a key funding promise.

Lawyers to rally over legal aid shortfall

George Brandis

Jane Lee   The principle that everyone is equal before the law is "not a priority" for the government, a senior barrister has declared, after Attorney-General George Brandis all but confirmed the budget would not add funding needed to quell the legal aid crisis.


The do no harm budget

Never before has a federal budget – especially one crafted in such tricky fiscal and economic circumstances - been called on to do so much of the political heavy lifting.

Forget jobs and growth, this budget is political

You get the feeling this budget was pulled together with the use of a checklist.

Pennies for the rich as smokers cough up

Tax cuts are targeted at the top end, but wealthy Australians are bigger losers than expected from this budget.

A Tony Abbott detox that holds the line

"Of all the manifestations of power, restraint impresses men the most," said Thucydides, and the Turnbull government is hoping that he was right.

Only smokers hip pocket burned by budget

With revenue under great pressure in the wake of the mining boom, governments are in no position to fund handouts - even when a tight election looms.

Now it's time for the great persuader to sell

Scott Morrison says this is not your average budget and he's dead right. It has all the wow factor of a lukewarm bath - and that's its strength.

Forget me, forget me not

There was the spooky feeling, listening to Treasurer Scott Morrison delivering his first budget, a suitably benign thing from beginning to end.

A balanced budget, at last!

The government's task was to discriminate between strategy and tactics without ignoring either, and Scott Morrison has given it a pretty good go.


What's in a slogan?

"Jobs and growth" is stamped all over the budget papers, but Ross Gittins is not that impressed.

Budget 2016: win or lose?

Who are the big gainers and who comes out worse in Scott Morrison's first budget as Federal Treasurer?

Rates cut to 1.75 per cent

For the first time in a year, the Reserve Bank has cut interest rates. Peter Martin explains why.

'An important day for Australia'

Treasurer Scott Morrison addresses the media, just hours before delivering the budget.

Chris Bowen claims 'Morrison seeks an alibi'

Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen addresses the media, mere hours before the budget is delivered.

Bracket creep back on budget agenda

The on-again, off-again issue of income tax and bracket creep appears to be back in budget considerations. Mark Kenny explains the risks.

Budget v RBA on Super Tuesday

Comment: With the RBA board meeting and the Budget on the same day this year, Michael Pascoe considers the potential policy conflict.

The budget's big decisions

Scott Morrison's first budget will help determine the government's re-election chances. Here are the big questions it must address.

Govt's big super plan

The Coalition is set to reveal on budget night, a superannuation tax plan that will rake in more money than Labor's will.