- published: 22 Dec 2016
- views: 1921913
Vâlcea (also spelt Vîlcea; Romanian pronunciation: [ˈvɨlt͡ʃe̯a]) is a county (județ) of Romania. Located in the historical regions of Oltenia and Muntenia (which are separated by the Olt River), it is also part of the wider Wallachia region. Its capital city is Râmnicu Vâlcea.
In 2011, it had a population of 355,320 and the population density was 61.63/km².
This county has a total area of 5,765 km².
The North side of the county is occupied by the mountains from the Southern Carpathians group - The Făgăraș Mountains in the East with heights over 2200 m, and the Lotru Mountains in the West with heights over 2000 m. They are separated by the Olt River valley - the most accessible passage between Transylvania and Muntenia. Along the Olt River Valley there are smaller groups of mountains, the most spectacular being the Cozia Mountains.
Towards the South, the heights decrease, passing through the sub-carpathian hills to a high plain in the West side of the Romanian Plain.
Râmnicu Vâlcea (also spelled Rîmnicu Vîlcea, Romanian pronunciation: [ˈrɨmniku ˈvɨlt͡ʃe̯a]) (population: 92,573) is the capital city of Vâlcea County, Romania (in the historical province of Oltenia).
Râmnicu Vâlcea is situated in the central-south area of Romania. Set at the foothills of the Southern Carpathians, the city is located at about 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) from the Cozia Mountains and about 40 kilometres (25 mi) from the Făgăraş and Lotrului Mountains. The southern limit of Râmnicu Vâlcea is formed by the Getic Plateau and the Oltului Valley.
The Olt River crosses the town of Râmnicu Vâlcea as well as the E81 road of European interest and one of the main national railway routes.
The area has been inhabited since Dacian and Roman times, and was the site of a castrum. A new fortress was built on the location during the Middle Ages. Râmnicu Vâlcea was first attested during the rule of Prince Mircea cel Bătrân, as "the princely town of Râmnic" (4 September 1388), and confirmed as the seat of a Vâlcea County during the same period (8 January 1392).
The Mall Wood Green is a large shopping centre and residential complex in Wood Green, North London. It is generally still referred to by its former name of Wood Green Shopping City; the signage on the building still uses that name.
The Mall is the largest shopping centre within the North Circular, with just over 100 retail shops, seven of them anchor stores, 45 market stalls, and an average of 221,000 customers per week. The centre and the adjoining shops on Wood Green High Road constitute the commercial hub of Haringey and its surrounding areas.
The centre was built in the 1970s as "Wood Green Shopping City", on the site of the former Noel Park and Wood Green railway station. Initially it included a number of unusual features, most notably a giant wooden climbing frame in the shape of a frog.
The centre was opened on 13 May 1981 by HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Unusually for a shopping centre, the A105 road runs directly through the complex, allowing many of the stores to have entrances directly onto the street. The two halves of the mall are linked by bridges at first and second floor level. The centre is six storeys high, but only the lower two floors are occupied by shops; the upper floors make up a housing complex known as "Sky City", where in 2006, the badly decomposed body of a woman was found. Her name was Joyce Vincent and she had died three years earlier, her body lay undiscovered. Joyce's life is the subject of the film Dreams of a Life.
Adi de la Valcea si Mr.Juve - Dragostea e antidot [oficial video] hit 2017
Primul smartphone fabricat la Râmnicu Vâlcea va fi lansat în luna noiembrie
Valcea orasul hackerilor 30 DECEMBRIE 2011
ADI DE LA VALCEA si MORGANA Schimb de vieti(Official video)
Scandal între țigani și Poliția Rutieră din Râmnicu Vâlcea
Jaf la mall in Ramnicu Valcea !
Deschidere Shopping City Mall Rm Valcea 7 decembrie 2017
Ramnicu Valcea 13 Mai 2017
Vali Vijelie Si Adi De La Valcea - Aseara Te-Am Sunat
Formatia Classic din Ramnicu Valcea Colaj Sarbe Partea 2 LIVE 2017
Heckleri printre Hackeri in Vâlcea
Formatia Classic din Ramnicu Valcea Colaj Hore si Sarbe LIVE 2017
Inaugurarea Shopping City Rm. Vâlcea
Inaugurare centru Ramnicu Valcea filmare drona
DN7 Sibiu - Râmnicu Vâlcea / Romania
Parc Vâlcea
Râmnicu Vâlcea
Râmnicu Vâlcea
Cherestea Vâlcea
Accident Rm. Vâlcea
Subscribe to NekMusic:http://www.youtube.com/user/nekmusicproduction Muzica Text Orchestratie Florin Peste Video Nek Video NekMusic online https://www.youtube.com/user/nekmusicproduction https://www.facebook.com/nekmusicproduction http://www.nekmusic.ro/ Nek Music Production ® . Contact:nekmusic.ro@gmail.com All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws.
Primul smartphone inventat și produs la Râmnicu Vâlcea va fi lansat pe piaţă la începutul lui noiembrie. Patru tineri pasionați de tehnologie au lucrat la acest proiect mai bine de patru ani. Acum telefoanele lor inteligente vor putea ajunge și la utilizatori. http://www.facebook.com/fantvr1 http://www.tvr.ro http://youtube.com/TVRcanaluloficial
Il stim de capitala a judetului Valcea dar strainii il stiu de capitala a criminalitatii informatice. Vorbim despre orasul Ramnicu Valcea care a capatat porecla de -ampquotoras al hackerilor-ampquot. Sau mai pe scurt Hackerville. O spun...
Aboneaza-te https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC443bkeKGCVe0wawZ0i1-pg?view_as=subscriber Nr evenimente 0770 50 51 41.nr impresar 0723 59 15 95
Scandal între țigani și Poliția Rutieră din Râmnicu Vâlcea, din cauza asigurării auto.
Vali Vijelie Si Adi De La Valcea - Aseara Te-Am Suna
Primul smartphone inventat la Râmnicu Vâlcea va fi lansat pe piață pe data de 3 noiembrie. Telefoanele au o carcasă completă din aluminiu şi un ecran full HD. Mai mult, cei care le-au proiectat spun că nu se va sta într-un magazin mai mult de 20 de minute pentru garanţie.
Formatia Classic din Ramnicu Valcea Colaj Sarbe Partea 2 LIVE 2017 Nu copia sau reposta videoclipul, dacă îți place adaugă-l la favorite! © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED USE THIS MUSICAL WORKS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Canal asociat ZOOM STUDIO ROMANIA !
Show-ul organizat de Interact a fost super tare, precum si party-ul de după însă aici mai mult decât în alte locuri, pufoşeniile au ţinut morţiş să îşi exprime părerile... Ce a ieşit, vedeţi aici... *comenteaza constructiv si cat mai repede, iar eu iti voi raspunde!* ------------------------------------------------------------- Interacţionăm pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BRomaniaNOW Ne pozăm pe Instagram: http://instagram.com/BRomania ------------------------------------------------------------- Mersi că mă suportaţi, #BRomania
Formatia Classic din Ramnicu Valcea Colaj Hore si Sarbe LIVE 2017 Nu copia sau reposta videoclipul, dacă îți place adaugă-l la favorite! © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED USE THIS MUSICAL WORKS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Canal asociat ZOOM STUDIO ROMANIA !
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Horezu ceramics is a unique type of Romanian pottery that is traditionally produced by hand. Horezu pottery was inscribed on UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists in December 2012. Located in Valcea County, at the foot of Capatanii Mountains, Horezu Monastery is considered to be the most representative construction in the Brâncovenesc style and t has been included in the UNESCO patrimony.
Grădina Zoologică din Râmnicu Vâlcea, o frumuseţe nedescoperită ... Se întinde pe o suprafaţă de 4 ha şi este mândria vâlcenilor. Colecţia de animale este îmbogăţită permanent ajungând în prezent la un număr de 63 specii şi la un efectiv de peste 250 de animale.
Road Trip across the Wonderful Transylvania in Romania. Travelling from Cluj-Napoca, Turzii, Turda, Deva, Sibiu, Sibiului, Sighisoara...
The above footage has been taken by myself in a sunny day of April 2011 just in order to show both the scenic location of A1 motorway that bypass Sibiu city on its eastern neighbourhood as well. The Transylvanian Alps are to be seen in the far background. One can see closer the Bungard village.
Carpathian Mountains, Maramures Region, Black Sea - great country, wonderful people!
Un video tutorial in care va arata cum sa pacaliti limitarea de 70 minute!
EN: A selection of photographic images taken over a century at Sibiu and the surrounding area. As a bonus offer you a video taken during a ride on the city's ring road. As musical background, I have chosen several songs sung by Lucreția Ciobanu(1924-2015): THE USE OF ANY COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL IS USED UNDER THE GUIDELINES OF "FAIR USE" IN TITLE 17 § 107 OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CODE. SUCH MATERIAL REMAINS THE COPYRIGHT OF THE ORIGINAL HOLDER AND IS USED HERE ONLY FOR THE PURPOSES OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND COMPARISON. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS INTENDED. RO:O selecţie de imagini fotografice realizate de-a lungul a peste un secol în oraşul Sibiu şi în zona înconjurătoare. Bonus: o filmare pe centura ocolitoare a municipiului de pe cursul mijlociu al râului Cibin. Sursa unora dintr...
Visited places: Olanesti, Ramnicu Valcea, Ocnele Mari salt mines, the Pyramids
INTERMEDLINE - dental implant in Romania, from which you can choose the one corresponding from all points of view to your requirements. www.intermedline.com
http://romaniavideomedia.blogspot.com/ Tourism.html - VIDEO TRAVEL,Europe Tourism,Romania, Transylvania,Historical monument Peleş Castle ,(Romanian: Castelul Peleş) Castle is a Neo-Renaissance castle placed in an idyllic setting in the Carpathian Mountains, near Sinaia, in Prahova County, Romania, on an existing medieval route linking Transylvania and Wallachia, built between 1873 and 1883.Piatra Arsa region becomes The Royal Domain of Sinaia- -video media presentation
Located in the village Posaga, Alba, 50 km from Campeni. Church carved in wood. Situated in a picturesque area in 1933 on the river Many lauded "Posaga Valley" - "Healing Spring" Situat in comuna Posaga , judetul Alba , 50 km de Campeni . Biserica sculptata in lemn . 1933 , Situata intr-o zon deosbit de pitoreasca pe paraul " Valea Posagai " -" izvorul tamaduirii "
O alta perspectiva asupra Romaniei
Enjoy an insightful and inspiring journey through Transylvania County's history as this North Carolina community celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2011. Aerial footage courtesy of and © by Ken Hackney and Virtual Image Productions.
http://hotelzbox.com/48079926 Get Cheapest Prices Ever Pensiunea Casa Palosi Featuring free WiFi, Pensiunea Casa Palosi offers accommodation in Horezu, 26 km from Polovragi Monastery. Guests can take pottery classes at this property. Rooms are equipped with a TV, while some units include a terrace or a balcony. Latitude 45.1457874203738, Longitude 24.0069587245674, zip 245800, County Romania, City Horezu, Address Strada Ulmului 35
Vívelo, vívelo, vívelo, vívelo
Esta noche queremos bailar,
Levanta las manos y sentirás,
La alegría que mueve tu cuerpo,
Levanta las manos, ponte a bailar
Vívelo, vívelo, vívelo, vívelo, vívelo,
Vívelo, vívelo, lololololo
Sale de tu cuerpo,
Toma mi energía,
Juntos vamos a bailar,
Mírame a los ojos, nuestro amor
Es magia, la belleza de soñar.
Sale de tu....(estrofa 2)
(Bis Coro)