Pop Culture

It's a Strange World, After All

Christopher Shea   Banksy has done it again with his anti-Disney mock theme park Dismaland, which opened last weekend in southwest England.

Marcy's Diner owner Darla Neugebauer faces backlash for screaming at crying toddler

"Being physical is not something I cower from": Daria's Diner owner Darla Neugebauer.

Kate Aubusson   A US restaurateur has made international headlines and split public opinion after she yelled at a two-year-old child crying incessantly in her busy diner as the child's parents sat idle.

Phallic poppy

ZOO removes images of model holding poppy

The front page of ZOO Weekly's special Anzac commemorative issue.

Kate Aubusson   Lad mag ZOO Weekly has removed all "offending" images of a bikini-clad model brandishing a long poppy stem to mark the centenary of Gallipoli, according to the Department of Veterans' Affairs.

Phallic poppy

ZOO courts controversy over Anzac edition front cover

The front page of ZOO Weekly's special Anzac commemorative issue.

Kate Aubusson   Lad mag ZOO Weekly has marked the centenary of Gallipoli by featuring a bikini-clad model brandishing a long poppy stem in classic phallic pose.

F*#k yes

Swear more - it's good for you

Kim Sears’ mouth got her into trouble.

Jo Hartley   Dropping an F-bomb is preferable to planting a punch so why does swearing still upset people?

The dark side of the selfie

Male selfie takers 'show strong links to psychopathic tendencies'

Bad look: The research showed that men who are fond of a selfie display a range of antisocial behaviours.

Eamonn Warner   There's something unsettling about a man constantly posting selfies. Now we have an explanation as to why.

The selfie stick evolves

First the selfie stick, now the Belfie stick - or is it?

Belfie sticks ... a sign of the impending apocalypse?

Eamonn Warner   Selfie sticks have become so popular that now there looks to be a market for specialised products. Enter the 'Belfie' ... which allows you to take photos of your own butt.

Fluffy puppy Munchkin dons bear suit for cute exercise video

Walkies: Munchkin is the latest YouTube star.

Livia Gamble   Munchkin the shih tzu wearing a special suit while walking on a treadmill is the cutest thing you will see today.

Long live the corporate lunch

Corporate lunch

Peter Barrett   Shorter, healthier, earlier and, well, stingier. That's what restaurateurs and business people say has happened to the corporate lunch. It seems restaurants and corporate patrons are still feeling the pinch from the 2008 global financial crisis.

Parisian mistresses of the lie

 How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are authors Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret, Sophie Mas and Anne Beret.

Anne-Elisabeth Moutet   New book How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are lists an infuriating series of style commands, delivered only partly tongue in cheek.

Never be fooled online again

Larissa Ham   This business will check out anything you want to buy on the net before you commit.

YouTube is killing the movie star?

The top five teen idols are people you’ve never heard of


Nedahl Stelio   The top five teen idols in the US are YouTube stars, not movie stars.

Weasel words

Vibrant, situation, fascist: the words we're killing through overuse

The Matisse exhibition at Tate Modern brings real meaning to the word 'vibrant'.

Ivan Hewitt   Many of us have our pet hates in the English language. Ivan Hewett runs through the weasel words that have lost their original meaning.

Comments 3

A comprehensive guide

A comprehensive guide to YouTube's dumbest and most dangerous teen trends

YouTube challenge

Caitlin Dewey   It’s impossible to guess what “the kids” will dream up next — as long as they have cameras and underdeveloped prefrontal cortexes, there’s really no saying.

'They don't look good in selfies'

Are black cats being abandoned because they don't look good in selfies?

black cat

Edward Malnick   Black cats are apparently facing a new existential challenge – the rise of the “selfie” in the age of social media.

Rise of the fistbump

Five reasons why fistbumps beat handshakes


Researchers have found that greeting people with a fistbump rather than a handshake can reduce the spread of bacteria by up to 90 per cent. But that's one of many reasons why we should all adopt the gesture.

Creepy cat fact

What the Internet can see from your cat pictures

Pictures of cats, as cute or as grumpy as they can be, can offer clues to the location of their owners.

Derek Willis   Your cat may never give up your secrets. But your cat photos might.

Best selfie ever?

Best selfie ever? Teen's snap with Paul McCartney and Warren Buffet goes viral


Rachel Clun   An American teenager has been catapaulted to worldwide fame after taking a selfie with Sir Paul McCartney and Warren Buffet.

The man who 'invented' the celebrity selfie


Daniel Miller   The Hollywood cameraman who insists he invented the celebrity selfie in 1981.

The Nick Kyrgios 'juicy wiggle'

Nick Kyrgios continues dancing tradition at Wimbledon

Nick Kyrgios

Jenna Clarke   Forget Dancing With The Stars and other versions of reality television, for drama and dance moves usually seen in pubs an hour before last call, one cannot look past the world of professional tennis.