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Eat to cheat dementia


Paula Goodyer

Eat avocados and other unprocessed foods for brain health.

Eat avocados and other unprocessed foods for brain health.

With headlines warning of a tsunami of dementia as the population ages, it's easy to forget that most of us don't get dementia. Of all Australians aged 65 and over only 9 per cent have dementia while of the over 85s around 30 per cent have the disease - and although that number is high it also means that 70 per cent of us evade dementia.   

So how can we improve our chances of remaining in that 70 per cent?

Genes, luck (and dodging head injuries) all influence our odds of developing dementia, but  there's also a lot we can do to reduce the risk ourselves - and the younger we start the better says dietitian Ngaire Hobbins, a lecturer with the University of Tasmania's Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre. She's the author of Eat to Cheat Dementia, a new book that explains how to keep your brain in peak condition  - as well as how to support it if you or someone close to you has a diagnosis of dementia.  

Ideally we'd be living an anti-dementia life style from childhood onwards - but failing that we should be working to prevent dementia at midlife, says Hobbins who maintains that  eating  foods that are as close to nature as possible and regular exercise - including strength training - all work together to protect the brain from dementia in a number of ways.

"Food and exercise can both reduce the chronic inflammation thought to help drive the build-up of the amyloid plaques that can disrupt or sever communication between brain cells," she says, explaining that inactivity, high intakes of processed food - and eating too much - all conspire to cause the low level inflammation that contributes to dementia, as well as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

On the other hand, foods like oily fish, nuts, seeds, legumes, avocado and a broad mix of vegetables and fruit deliver a range of anti-inflammatory substances and antioxidants that help protect the brain.

"You don't need to know much about nutrition to make sure you get plenty of antioxidants, you just need to eat a variety of colours - ideally five or six different coloured foods or shades of colour at each meal. You don't need much of each different food - you just need to think variety," she says.

"But foods that are commercially processed, especially if this involves heating or cooking at high temperatures and/or adding extra fats, sugar or salt tend to increase inflammation."

But the anti-inflammatory effect of fresh food and regular exercise isn't the only brain bonus -they also help prevent insulin resistance. This is the condition - often linked to overweight and inactivity - where the body's insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels, isn't working as effectively as it should be.  This results in the body producing more and more insulin to try and keep blood sugar levels normal.

It also means more insulin going into the brain - and that's not a good thing, says Hobbins.

"Some insulin is essential for the brain - it's involved with memory and plasticity as well as fuelling the brain but too much insulin can overload the system that also helps clear amyloid waste from the brain. If this system is busy clearing out excess insulin then it's less able to remove amyloid plaque," she explains.

There's also evidence that what's good for the  microbes in our gut, including fermented foods and foods rich in fibre,  may also  be good for the brain, she adds.

"Emerging research has linked a wider variety of microbes in the gut to a higher production of a protein called BDNF - short for brain derived neurotrophic factor - that promotes the growth of brain cells and the connections between them."

Then there's the role of food and exercise in maintaining another good friend to the brain - muscle.

"Muscles do more than help you move around - they contribute a vital reserve of protein and amino acids to be used for a wide variety of body functions - including fuelling the brain," says Hobbins. "But when muscle reserves decline with age, this back up reserve of protein declines with it, compromising the function of the brain and other organs."

In other words, we need to actively maintain muscle as we get older - and that means regular exercise, including resistance training, and sufficient protein.

"Aim to have a source of protein - animal or plant - at every meal and surround it with plenty of colour," she says.

Eat to Cheat Dementia by Ngaire Hobbins is available in bookstores or online, RRP $29.99, or as an ebook, $11.99.


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