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Esther Han

Esther Han is the consumer affairs editor for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Sun-Herald. She was previously the food and wine news writer for Fairfax Media.

More than a million Menulog customers' private data at risk of theft

Esther Han Private information of more than a million customers of online takeaway giant Menulog such as names and addresses is at risk of being stolen, with experts deeming the website as "vulnerable" and "not...

Free range eggs: Ministers sign off on a controversial definition

Consumer affairs ministers have set a legal definition for free range eggs.

Esther Han There is now a legal definition of "free range" eggs - and it's not acceptable, says consumer group Choice.

'Hijacked': Fears grow Big Egg's free range definition could be made official

A free range egg labelling standard is being developed.

Esther Han, Consumer Affairs editor Consumers are about to get some certainly over free range egg labelling. But consumer and animal welfare groups say the options reflect what the egg industry, not shoppers, want.

Bitter battle: chocolate makers fighting to save the world's cocoa supply

Lots of chocolate will be consumed on Sunday.

Esther Han We're eating more chocolate than ever before. But cocoa farmers are struggling to meet demand, and some are abandoning the crop altogether, worrying chocolate makers.

Paediatrician calls for stronger product safety laws

Erin Phillips did a lot of research on the best cot for her son Max, but when it came to mattresses she found herself in the dark.

Esther Han Parents would be shocked to know the vast majority of products in the Australian market have not been tested to any safety standard.

Samsung overhauls washing machine recall as it faces potential coronial inquiry

Di Fisher and Tarnya Allen are affected Samsung customers.

Esther Han Two Sydney mothers are pushing for a state coronial inquiry into Samsung's execution of a massive recall of washing machines that have sparked house fires across the country.

Medibank and NIB spruiking some of the worst 'junk' private health insurance policies

Special treatment: There may be an incentive for policyholders to buy shares in the insurer's market listing later this year.

Esther Han When people look to downgrade their health policies as prices rise, they need to watch out for plans that offer little more than the public Medicare system, say consumer advocates.

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'Treated like a criminal': Insurance industry's fraud investigations hurting innocent claimants

Insurers claim fraud costs the industry more than $2 billion each year, lifting premiums for honest policyholders.

Esther Han, Consumer Affairs editor When her car was stolen and she lodged a claim on her insurance policy, Nina thought it would be a smooth process. She was wrong.

Owners of 'lemon' cars are struggling to use their consumer rights to end nightmare

Nearly 70 per cent of Holden owners said they experienced problems with their new car within five years.

Esther Han Two-thirds of new car buyers have experienced problems with their vehicles in the first five years, with some struggling to access their legal right to a free repair, refund or replacement.

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Fed-up restaurants have banned more than 3000 no-shows from booking

Joel Best chef of Bondi's Best

Esther Han Joel Best is tired of people booking at his restaurant and not showing up. Now he is doing something about it.

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Women cocoa farmers struggle with less pay, land and training compared with men

Female worker at Agathe Vanie's cocoa farm.

Esther Han, Consumer Affairs editor Cocoa manufacturers make hundreds of millions of dollars profit a year. The cocoa farmers get 50¢ a day – and the women even less.

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Colgate-Palmolive, Johnson&Johnson;, and PepsiCo fail to keep palm oil promises

Colgate uses palm oil in soap, toothpaste, antiperspirant and deodorant products.

Esther Han Companies behind everyday products such as toothpaste, shampoo, packaged bread and chocolate are still breaching our environmental trust.

Comments 2

New appointee will scramble ACCC's free range egg work, animal activists claim

The federal government has released a consultation paper as a step towards developing a national free-range egg standard.

Esther Han There are concerns the ACCC's action on accurate free range egg labelling could change with the installing of a former farming lobbyist as commissioner.

Valentine's Day warning: Australians lost nearly $23 million to dating scams in 2015, says ACCC

Jan Marshall fell in love and sent $260,000 to a scammer.

Esther Han Jan Marshall lost $260,000 to a romance scam artist. And that was only the start of her troubles.

All Italian tomato exporters to Australia slapped with anti-dumping measures

Granora tinned tomatoes

Esther Han The days of cheap tinned tomatoes are over, with the federal government backing a decision to slap anti-dumping measures on two Italian giants that account for half of Australia's tinned tomato...

Leafy greens linked with salmonella exported to Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong

One of the Coles salads included in the recall.

Esther Han Australian leafy greens, linked with a growing salmonella outbreak, may have been exported to Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong.

Dodgy Sydney builder Paul Logan ordered to pay $90,475 for fleecing customers

Tradesperson generic.

Esther Han, Consumer Affairs Editor Mark carried out a quick licence check for Sydney builder Paul Logan before paying him thousands to carry out work in his new North Bondi home. So what went wrong?

Woolworths ordered to pay $3 million penalty for selling unsafe products

Woolworths supermarket generic. shopping, groceries, retail. Thursday 10th April 2014 AFR photo Louie Douvis

Esther Han Woolworths has been hit with a $3 million penalty for selling faulty home-brand goods that injured consumers and for failing to meet recall requirements.

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Big stones and bold colours: How celebrities are influencing engagement rings

A diamond ring on display at Fairfax & Roberts Jewellers in Sydney.

Esther Han Gus Hashem thought he had enough emerald-cut diamonds to last him several months. Then James Packer proposed to Mariah Carey.

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Salmonella outbreak: Lite n' Easy warns customers not to eat salad in its meals

One of the Coles salads included in the recall.

Esther Han Lite n' Easy has warned its customers to not eat the salad component of meals delivered this week because it may be contaminated with salmonella.