- published: 16 Dec 2015
- views: 1675
Michel Auclair (14 September 1922 – 7 January 1988) was an actor of Serbian and French ancestry, known best for his roles in French cinema.
Auclair was born Vladimir Vujović to a Serbian father and a French mother in Koblenz. His father was Vojislav Vujović, prominent Yugoslav Communist and secretary of the Communist Youth International. Auclair moved to Paris when he was three years old. He entered medical school but then studied acting at the CNSAD in Paris.
While a major French star, he only had two English-language roles: as Professor Flostre in the 1957 musical Funny Face with Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire, and as a French police investigator in Day of the Jackal (1973) with Edward Fox.
Les Amants de demain 1959 Édith Piaf Michel Auclair
les Amants de Demain.(1957 avec Edith Piaf,Michel Auclair).avi
Françoise Fabian, Michel Auclair - Deux heures moins le quart avant Jésus-Christ
Manon (1949) Henri-Georges Clouzot
Claude Jade Michel Auclair 1982 et 1968
How to pronounce Michel Auclair (French/France) - PronounceNames.com
Interview de Michel Auclair- CCI LYON
TCHAIKOVSKY: Violin Concerto / Michele Auclair / Kurt Woess / Viennese Symphonic Orchestra 2/3
**Brahms : Violin Concerto : Michele Auclair,Willem van Otterloo /Vienna Symphony Orchestra 1958
Comfortably Numb - The Wall Theater Experience
Pierre Montfort a tué sa femme à l’issue d’un drame passionnel. Dans sa fuite erratique, il fait étape aux Géraniums, une modeste pension de la banlieue parisienne où il est bouleversé par la chanson triste de Simone, femme bafouée par un mari vulgaire et infidèle. Simone et Pierre se reconnaissent dans leurs malheurs et tombent amoureux. Mais le portrait-robot de Pierre apparaît bientôt dans la presse…
Deux heures moins le quart avant Jésus-Christ, de Jean Yanne (1983) avec Coluche, Michel Serrault, Jean Yanne, Françoise Fabian...
Brief but dramatic scene with Manon (Cécile Aubry), Robert (Michel Auclair) and Leon (Serge Reggiani).
Claude Jade et Michel Auclair dans deux extraits: 1982 dans "Lise et Laura" de Henri Helman (Claude Jade incarne une double rôle: Lise est tuée par la Gestapo, elle était la fiancée de Frederic, qui rencontre à nos jours Laura, née bien après à Dinard) - dans "Sous le signe de Monte Cristo" de André Hunebelle la jolie Linda (Claude Jade) tend un piège pour Gérard de Villefort (Michel Auclair).
Audio and video pronunciation of Michel Auclair brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Michel Auclair
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Violin: Michele Auclair Part 2/3
♪ブラームス:ヴァイオリン協奏曲 ニ長調 作品77 ミシェル・オークレール(ヴァイオリン),ウィレム・ファン・オッテルロー指揮ウィーン交響楽団 1958年9月 Brahms : Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 77 : Michele Auclair,Willem van Otterloo /Vienna Symphony Orchestra 1958
@JonathanShrager chats with esteemed French journalist and broadcaster Philippe Auclair, renowned amongst United fans for his critically-acclaimed biography on Eric Cantona. During this in-depth sit-down, Jonathan delves deep into the world of Cantona, his idiosyncrasies and eccentricities, the French media perceptions (and misconceptions) of Eric throughout his stories career, the process of compiling a comprehensive and compelling chronicle on the captivating Cantona, the intimate sources drawn upon to do so, his love affair with Manchester United, his seemingly premature exit from the beautiful game, and much much more. Win Signed Auclair Biography http://strettynews.com/win-a-signed-eric-cantona-biography/
Extrait du film "Lise et Laura" avec Claude Jade et Michel Auclair, Claude Jade parle du film d'Henri Helman
Kristen Auclair got herself banned from Mumsnet, a parenting site, because she complained that dinosaurs never existed. She believes they were designed before their fossils were fabricated in an unbelievably cohesive globally-unified conspiracy at every level - to promote evolution, and thus deceive people who would otherwise have believed we were all created by magick. As promised, here are the additional links mentioned in the interview. Powered Flight in Pterosaurs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpQeJik4grA Pterosaurs (Flying Dinosaurs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYB1lSIgZwU Flying Monsters with David Attenborough 2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YN-oJFQMJo Paleoworld - Flight of the [robotic] Pterosaur 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WFmpEmmzOU Brachiosaur skull s...
♪モーツァルト:ヴァイオリン協奏曲 第4番 ニ長調 K.218 ミシェル・オークレール(ヴァイオリン),マルセル・クーロー指揮シュトゥットガルト・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 1961年12月 Mozart : Violin Concerto No. 4 in D Major, K. 218 : Michele Auclair,Marcel Couraud /Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra 1961
Nach Michael Garcia kritisert nun auch der Journalist Philippe Auclair den FIFA-Korruptionsbericht. Für den Franzosen wird das Auftreten des Weltverbands immer unglaubwürdiger. http://www.spox.com bietet aktuelle Interviews, News, Berichte und Highlights aus der Welt des Sports. Alle Videos gratis auf YouTube! Jetzt abonnieren: http://www.youtube.com/SPORTPORTAL
A young French journalist discovers how an American company is using assassinations and other criminal methods to take over French industries. - Patrick Dewaere (Kerjean) Mel Ferrer 33:21 (Woeagen) Anny Duperey 56:51 (Laura Weber) Jeanne Moreau 07:26 (Mme Benoît-Lambert) Caroline Cellier (Hélène Kerjean) Fernand Ledoux (Guérande) Charles Denner (Walter, le détective) Jean Mercure (Holstein) / Michel Auclair (Michel Saint-Claude) André Falcon (Pierre Bayen, rédacteur en chef) Jean-Laurent Cochet (Hartmann) Jacques François (Fred Gritt) Jean-Pierre Kalfon (l'informateur) Edith Scob (Mme Bronsky) Jacques Maury (Jack Sleiter) Claude Vernier (DR Kramer) Hans Verner (Kurt von Schroeder) Marc Eyraud (Sylvestre) Jean Claudio (Vittorio Orta) Jacqueline Doyen (Arlène Robert) Edmond Bernard (Ralph vo...
Három fölösleges férfi (Trois hommes ŕ abattre) Az eredetitől, jobb hang minőségű! színes, magyarul beszélő, francia krimi, 92 perc, 1980 (12) rendező: Jacques Deray író: Jean-Patrick Manchette forgatókönyvíró: Jacques Deray, Alain Delon, Christopher Frank zeneszerző: Claude Bolling operatőr: Jean Tournier vágó: Isabel García de Herreros szereplő(k): Alain Delon (Michel Gerfaut) Dalila Di Lazzaro (Béa) Pierre Dux (Emmerich) Michel Auclair (Leprince) Pascale Roberts (Mme Borel) Egy fegyverkereskedő három emberét lelövik az országúton. Az egyik súlyos sérülésekkel fekszik a kocsiban, amikor egy gyanútlan autós, Gerfaut rátalál. Gerfaut, a hivatásos kártyajátékos elköveti azt a "meggondolatlanságot", hogy kórházba szállítja a haldokló férfit. Nem tudja, hogy ezzel ő is egy leszámolás ki...
Франция, май 1944-го года, оккупированный немцами Париж. Германское командование обороной города считает губительными планы фюрера по отражению наступления союзнических войск. Офицеры Абвера решаются на рискованный шаг: передать британцам схемы оборонительных сооружений и тем самым заставить Гитлера изменить свою тактику. Для этого они внедряют в ряды французского сопротивления своего агента, недавно вернувшегося с Восточного фронта капитана Фюрстенверта. В ролях: Krüger, Marianne Koch, Martin Held, Michel Auclair
This filmed version of the 1927 George Gershwin Broadway musical Funny Face utilizes the play's original star, Fred Astaire, and several of the original tunes, then goes merrily off on its own. Astaire is cast as as fashion photographer Dick Avery (a character based on Richard Avedon, the film's "visual consultant"), who is sent out by his female boss Maggie Prescott (Kay Thompson) to find a "new face". It doesn't take Dick long to discover Jo (Audrey Hepburn, who does her own singing), an owlish Greenwich Village bookstore clerk. Acting as Pygmalion to Jo's Galatea, Dick whisks the wide-eyed girl off to Paris and transforms her into the fashion world's hottest model. Along the way, he falls in love with Jo, and works overtime to wean her away from such phony-baloney intellectuals as Profe...
Emission "Domaine de l'esprit" : Daniel Rops avec Michel Bouquet, Maria Casarès, Sylvia Montfort et Alain Cuny. Par Michel Manoll Réalisation Raoul Auclair 1ère diffusion : 21/01/1954
Smooth instrumental saxophone piano music: Romantic Relaxing Saxophone Music. Healing Background Music - is made for Relax and Dreaming. Calm and Soulful Emotional Melody is Perfect for Dreaming, Meditation, Yoga, Sound Healing, Health Restoration, Massage, Study, Nostalgia, Sleeping and Stress Relief. Who said that the Fall is a gloomy , cold and sad time? Fall - is us. Is We. Is Everyone. Richness of colours , Richness of Emotions . Light Flow of Wind in late Park and an ankward Kiss on the bench. Fall is in the heat of serried hands. Everyone's Fall is In the Warm of contacting Hearts, so needed now. Fall is all of you...Fall is a time to falling in Love. And It's a time to let some love in . The saxophone is one of the most interested and versatile musical instruments in us...