- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 2191
Arte Povera (pronounced [ˈarte ˈpɔːvera]; literally poor art) is a modern art movement. The Arte Povera movement was during 1967-1972 and took place in cities throughout Italy: Turin, Milan, Rome, Genoa, Venice, Naples and Bologna. The term was coined by Italian art critic Germano Celant and introduced in Italy during the period of upheaval at the end of the 1960s, when artists were taking a radical stance. Artists began attacking the values of established institutions of government, industry, and culture.
The exhibition Im Spazio (The Space of Thoughts), curated by Celant and held at the Galleria La Bertesca in Genoa, Italy, from September through October 1967, is often considered to be the official start of Arte Povera. Celant, who became one of Arte Povera's major proponents, organized two exhibitions in 1967 and 1968, followed by an influential book published by Electa in 1985 called Arte Povera Storie e protagonisti/Arte Povera. Histories and Protagonists, promoting the notion of a revolutionary art, free of convention, the power of structure, and the market place.
Arte (Association relative à la télévision européenne) is a Franco-German TV network, a European channel, that promotes programming in the areas of culture and the arts. It is made up of three separate companies: the Strasbourg-based European Economic Interest Grouping, Arte GEIE, plus two member companies acting as editorial and programme production centres, Arte France in Paris (France) and Arte Deutschland in Baden-Baden (Germany). As an international joint venture (an EEIG), its programmes cater technically to audiences from both France and Germany. This implies double-titling, opposite-language subtitling, dubbing, hosts who speak both languages alternately, and two separate audio tracks (through DVB-T, satellite television and digital cable).
Three-quarters of ARTE's programming are provided in equal proportion by the two member companies Arte France and Arte Deutschland while the remainder is being provided by Arte GEIE and the channel's European partners.
Arte France was formerly known as La Sept (La Société d'édition des programmes de télévision, but also a play on words, given that the name means the seventh (network) and La Sept existed while the fifth network was still La Cinq; it made satellite television programs at the time) and by ARTE Deutschland GmbH, a subsidiary of the two main public German TV networks ARD and ZDF.
Arte - Arte Povera
1967 - Arte povera
Arte Povera 1967-2011
The Italian Sale 2015: Arte Povera
Conversations | Artist Talk | Arte Povera Today
09 - ARTE POVERA - L'estetica dell'ordinario - Germano Celant
Lucio Bukowski X Kyo Itachi - Arte Povera
Jannis Kounellis: Gray is the Color of Our Time
The Life & Work of Pino Pascali | & The Arte Povera Movement
17-05-2012 Germano Celant | Grand Tour dell'Arte Povera
Arte povera foi uma expressão criada pelo crítico e curador italiano Germano Celant para referir-se ao movimento artístico que se desenvolveu originalmente na segunda metade da década de 1960 na Itália. Os seus adeptos utilizavam materiais de pintura (ou outras expressões plásticas não convencionais, como por exemplo areia, madeira, sacos, jornais, cordas, feltro, terra e trapos) com o intuito de "empobrecer" a obra de arte, reduzindo os seus artifícios e eliminando barreiras entre a Arte e o quotidiano das sociedades. Saiba mais com a profa. Gabi. NOSSO SITE: http://www.AulaDe.com.br FACEBOOK: http://www.Facebook.com.br/AulaDeOnline TWITTER: http://www.Twitter.com.br/AulaDeOnline INSTAGRAM: http://www.Instagram.com/AulaDeOnline GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/+AuladeBr/
Backstage della rassegna antologica sul movimento nato nel 1967 con gli artisti Giovanni Anselmo, Alighiero Boetti, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Luciano Fabro, Jannis Kounellis, Mario Merz, Marisa Merz, Giulio Paolini, Pino Pascali, Giuseppe Penone, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Emilio Prini e Gilberto Zorio. In uno spazio di circa 3000 metri quadrati sono esposte oltre sessanta opere che testimoniano l'evoluzione del percorso artistico a partire dal 1967 fino al 2011: dalle opere storiche che segnano l'esordio linguistico dei singoli artisti, alle imponenti opere realizzate dal 1975 al 2011, le quali, poste in dialogo tra loro, si intrecciano a formare un arcipelago di momenti intensi e contrastanti.
Robert Brown, International Head of Research, examines the artistic movement in Italy, alongside works featured in the Italian sale on 16 October 2015 in London. http://www.christies.com/auctions/2015/post-war-and-contemporary-art-london-october-2015/
Jannis Kounellis, Artist, Rome Santiago Sierra, Artist, Madrid Gilberto Zorio, Artist, Torino Moderator | Germano Celant, Contemporary Art Historian, Milan Date | Sunday June 17, 2012
Dal 5.03.2016 in edicola IL SALOTTO DELL'ARTE, tutta l'arte in 36 DVD da Giotto all'arte contemporanea su http://www.centauria.it/salottoarte/ Questo è un estratto. L'episodio completo è al link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/artecontem... Durante gli anni Sessanta, in Italia si verificano profondi cambiamenti sociali e politici; la città di Torino, in particolare, è teatro di grandi trasformazioni e partecipa alla svolta epocale in un clima animato da forti contraddizioni. Nel 1961, centenario dell'Unità nazionale, la città supera il milione di abitanti, diventando uno dei maggiori poli industriali d'Italia. Il boom economico è tuttavia seguito da tensioni sociali: nelle fabbriche, gli operai si battono per l’adeguamento dei salari, trovando preziosi alleati negli studenti, che reclamano i...
Take a look behind Greek artist Jannis Kounellis’ raw and powerful work: “There’s no distance between me and the dialogue established years ago, which sees man as the centre. That’s what compels me to create art all the time, every day.” Known for using raw and untraditional materials, such as wool, stone and metal, Kounellis nonetheless considers his artwork to be similar to painting. The canvas has simply been replaced with material which – unlike canvas – polarizes the space: “It determines the space. It determines it and then polarizes it.” The fragmentation and alienation of contemporary society is something which Kounellis is concerned with and confronts in his artwork by introducing elements of traditional culture: “I don’t think we are in a Belle Époque now. It’s another time of...
Arte Povera & the life and work of artist Pino Pascali (1936--1968) with Chris G. Bennett and Leslie Deere. This is for hardcore art fans and art students - includes a full interview with an expert on Arte Povera and Pino Pascali at the Pino Pascali Museum in Bari, Italy 2007. Pino Pascali (1936--1968) artist, sculptor, set designer and performer. Pino Pascali was born in Bari, Italy in 1936 and moved to Rome in 1955 to learn scene painting and set design at the Academy of Art. Pascali worked as an advertisement illustrator and designer for a number of years before his first solo exhibition in 1965 at the Galleria La Tartaruga. Pascali showed his "fake sculptures," a series of shaped-canvases that first appear to be solid sculptures but are actually paintings that present abstract forms ...
l’Accademia Nazionale di San Luca ospita, all’interno del ciclo “Le mostre Raccontate”, una conversazione con Germano Celant sul tema "Grand Tour dell’Arte Povera". Introdotto da Francesco Moschini, Germano Celant, curatore del progetto “Arte Povera 2011”, ripercorre l’esperienza espositiva che in occasione dei 150 anni dell'unità di Italia, ha coinvolto otto musei e istituzioni culturali costituendo un’esposizione di oltre trecento installazioni e opere, collocate sia in spazi interni che in contesti urbani svolta in simultanea nelle diverse città italiane di Torino, Milano, Bologna, Roma, Napoli e Bari. Il progetto espositivo ha come fulcro il movimento artistico che, nato nel 1967 attraverso la definizione coniata dallo stesso Celant, coinvolge gli artisti Giovanni Anselmo, Alighier...
6° Estratto da Amor Fati Ep. Rec, Mix & Master presso TDS.
For my HNC Contemporary Art Project involving Arte Povera, I filmed myself wiping my face with charcoal and oil. Inspired by the fairytale of The Girl With The Matchsticks by Hans Christian Andersen I looked at how charcoal embodies the died out flames and the death of the girl, and how the oil represents melting ice, but also melted flesh. Contrasting the paste against the human body creates an intense and unearthly effect.
Read your free e-book: http://hotaudiobook.com/mebk/50/en/B004QWZA26/book Russian Povera is an introduction to a fascinating and largely undocumented corner of the art world that is sure to attract anyone with an interest in art, culture, or design. Known as Russian Poor Art, Russian Povera became the marquee term for post-soviet artists who shared a tendency to pick up trash and turn it into art. Arte Povera is not a movement; it has no manifesto, and many of its members are self-described outsiders. But the retroactive label has stuck. This book is an exclusive manifest of the concept.
Col·lecció SS16 MIRIAM PONSA, Arte Povera, en moviment. Coreografia i Dansa: Colectivo Ache - Maria de Acha i Helena Canas Imatge: Marta Romero Fotografia: Boris Favereau Estilisme: Nú de Nú Muntatge: Martí Alharilla Música: Ghostpoet Vestuari: Miriam Ponsa Direcció: Frederic Mas
Performance e instalación en la Playa de la Victoria (Cádiz) 25 de marzo de 2016 "movámonos como olas que parecen unirse y se separan jugando con la esperanza"
- Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/promitheas-web-tv
25 gennaio 2012 - Accademia Albertina delle Belle Arti di Torino: "La ricerca artistica negli anni Sessanta a Torino e la nascita dell'Arte povera". Proiezione del documentario "Arte povera + azioni povere, Amalfi 1968". Relatore Michelangelo Pistoletto. La conferenza, diretta da Massimo Melotti e Maria Teresa Roberto, è stata organizzata nell'ambito del Corso di Specializzazione Accademia Albertina - Castello di Rivoli.