The Mandela Catalogue Vol.4
Thatcher Davis - Thorne Baker (Teenage Disaster)
Evelin Miller - @livingifitsnot
Adam Murray - @TyDoesVoices
Sarah Heathcliff - @BeeciaratiVA
Dave Lee - Alex Kister
O'Brien / Gabriel - Kyle “ItsameWario” DeNigris
Stanley - Leon Rodriguez
Lola Adair - Christina Kister
TV Narrator - Mike Vale / Voiceover Requiem
Radio Host - Michelle Strohwig
Thorne Baker (Teenage Disaster)
FireCat Productions
https://www.youtube.com/@SpookedForky (@SpookedForky)
0:00 in the beginning
9:57 two years later
18:38 remembrance
26:15 correspondence
31:28 malignance
40:08 credits
published: 26 Nov 2022
Tutorial Nudo Celta en Cuatro Puntas
En este tutorial te explico como tejer este "ojo de Dios", con nudo Celta. Es una pieza muy simple, que consta de dos puntos y una estructura, la clave está en la estructura.
published: 23 Jun 2020
tutorial ojo de dios mandala tejido de 4 puntas - super sencillo - yarn mandala handmade
video tutorial super sencillo en el que muestro paso a paso la realización del Mandala de 4 puntas
llamados también ojo de dios, la idea es mostrar las diferentes lazadas que se pueden hacer, son una infinidad!
Justamente, cada vuelta es única, por ella y por las que la rodean, se cruzan para formas otros patrones hasta perderse en un sin fin de figuras. Todo comienza desde el centro con algo simple, sencillo relativamente y a medida que se expande va tomando formas, con el crecer aparecen mas y nuevas figuras, hasta que de pronto y al fin, todas ellas toman sentido, se convierten en uno!
published: 11 Aug 2022
tutorial ojo de dios, mandala tejido 4 puntas para principiantes, Ojo de mar. yarn handmade
video tutorial en el que muestro paso a paso la realización del Mandala ojo de mar
llamados también ojo de dios, la idea es mostrar las diferentes lazadas que se pueden hacer, son una infinidad!
Justamente, cada vuelta es única, por ella y por las que la rodean, se cruzan para formas otros patrones hasta perderse en un sin fin de figuras. Todo comienza desde el centro con algo simple, sencillo relativamente y a medida que se expande va tomando formas, con el crecer aparecen mas y nuevas figuras, hasta que de pronto y al fin, todas ellas toman sentido, se convierten en uno!
published: 11 Aug 2022
Mandala Flor de 4 Petalos
Otro tutorial con diseño especial en 4 puntas. Me gusta explorar las infinitas posibilidades dentro de la estructura más básica, el ojo de Dios, que logramos haces con tan solo dos varitas.
published: 30 Jun 2020
What is a Mandala? About Mandala art
This video is to introduce you to Mandala art. I’ll explain a little bit about their history and significance, and how they can be put to use.
If you’d like to learn about making them you should check out my other videos, and head over to inspired4nature.co.uk as I’m putting together some online and in person classes on Mandalas and other nature themed creative projects.
Hope to see you soon, until then stay inspired!
#stayinspired #MandalaMay
Any footage not my own was supplied for use courtesy of pexels.com
Thanks to Shevets, C Technical, Rodnae Productions, Cotton Bro, Yogendra Singh, Mikhail Nilov, Alesia Kozik, Brett Sayles, Drew Rae.
published: 19 May 2021
Mankhurd | मानखुर्दच्या मंडला परिसरामध्ये महिलेवर गोळीबार, महिलेचा जागीच मृत्यू
An incident of firing on a woman has come to light in the Mandla area of Mankhurd. In this incident, the woman died on the spot. The woman's name is Farzana Feroze and she has been shot in the head. Sonu Singh and his son Atis Singh are absconding in this incident. The exact reason why the woman was killed is still unclear but the sudden incident has created a stir in the area.
मानखुर्दच्या मंडला परिसरामध्ये एका महिलेवर गोळीबार झाल्याची घटना समोर आली आहे या घटनेमध्ये या महिलेचा जागीच मृत्यू झाला आहे. फर्जना फिरोज असं या महिलेचं नाव असून या महिलेच्या डोक्यात गोळी झाडण्यात आली आहे. या घटनेमध्ये सोनू सिंग आणि त्याचा मुलगा अतीस सिंग हे दोघे फरार झाले आहे. नेमकी या महिलेची हत्या का करण्यात आली याचं कारण अद्यापही अस्पष्ट आहे परंतु अचानक झालेल्या या घटनेमुळे परिसरात खळबळ उडाली आहे.
published: 29 Apr 2023
Katia Oasis Mandala CAL #4
The Oasis Mandala baby blanket is designed by @bykaterinacrochet and is a project to enjoy, learn, and share the creative process with crochet fans all over the world. The pattern will be launched in 4 parts (one part a week) during the month April 2020 in Katia’s special Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crochetalongkatia/
--- CAL details ---
- Designer: Catalina from @bykaterinacrochet https://www.instagram.com/bykaterinacrochet (make sure to give her a follow, she shares amazing crochet patterns)
- Start: First week of April.
- Duration: 4 weeks. You will follow a new part of the pattern every week.
- Kits: You can order a kit* which contains all the yarn you need to crochet the Oasis Mandala blanket: 8 balls of Katia Basic Merino in new and exclusive colors. The kit is ...
published: 22 Apr 2020
Mandala/serwetka na szydełku #4/5 (rzędy 38-45)
W tym filmie pokazuję jak krok po kroku zrobić mandalę/serwetkę na szydełku.
0:00:00 | 38th round / 38 okrążenie
0:10:41 | 39th round / 39 okrążenie
0:20:17 | 40th round / 40 okrążenie
0:29:43 | 41st round / 41 okrążenie
0:39:36 | 42nd round / 42 okrążenie
0:48:54 | 43rd round / 43 okrążenie
1:01:06 | 44th round / 44 okrążenie
1:10:03 | 45th round / 45 okrążenie
Potrzebne materiały:
- Kokonek 3 nitki 800 m + dawca (u mnie soft 172)
- Obręcz srebrna (u mnie 100 cm)
- Szydełko 2 mm
Inspiration/Inspiracja: Robótki Ręczne 2/2006
published: 18 Apr 2021
MANDALA GALLERY WALL | 4 different mandala designs in one video
In this video I walk you through how I've created four different macrame mandalas to make a gallery wall with them. These are pretty easy designs so really good for macrame beginners as well!
1. Mustard macrame mandala
You will need a 25 cm (10 in) ring and in total about 54 m (177 ft.) of 5mm single twist cord
For one section you will need to cut:
2 cords at 110 cm (43 in)
8 cords at 70 cm (28 in)
2. Natural macrame mandala
You will need a 2O cm (8 in) ring and in total about 28 m (92 ft.) of 5mm single twist cord
For one section you will need to cut:
2 cords at 50 cm (20 in)
4 cords at 40 cm (16 in)
3. Terracotta macrame mandala
You will need a 25 cm (10 in) ring and in total about 33 m (108 ft.) of 5mm 3ply cord
In total you will need to cut:
66 cords at 50 cm (20 in)
4. Sand macra...
published: 21 Apr 2021
The Mandela Catalogue Vol.4
Thatcher Davis - Thorne Baker (Teenage Disa...
Thatcher Davis - Thorne Baker (Teenage Disaster)
Evelin Miller - @livingifitsnot
Adam Murray - @TyDoesVoices
Sarah Heathcliff - @BeeciaratiVA
Dave Lee - Alex Kister
O'Brien / Gabriel - Kyle “ItsameWario” DeNigris
Stanley - Leon Rodriguez
Lola Adair - Christina Kister
TV Narrator - Mike Vale / Voiceover Requiem
Radio Host - Michelle Strohwig
Thorne Baker (Teenage Disaster)
FireCat Productions
https://www.youtube.com/@SpookedForky (@SpookedForky)
0:00 in the beginning
9:57 two years later
18:38 remembrance
26:15 correspondence
31:28 malignance
40:08 credits
Thatcher Davis - Thorne Baker (Teenage Disaster)
Evelin Miller - @livingifitsnot
Adam Murray - @TyDoesVoices
Sarah Heathcliff - @BeeciaratiVA
Dave Lee - Alex Kister
O'Brien / Gabriel - Kyle “ItsameWario” DeNigris
Stanley - Leon Rodriguez
Lola Adair - Christina Kister
TV Narrator - Mike Vale / Voiceover Requiem
Radio Host - Michelle Strohwig
Thorne Baker (Teenage Disaster)
FireCat Productions
https://www.youtube.com/@SpookedForky (@SpookedForky)
0:00 in the beginning
9:57 two years later
18:38 remembrance
26:15 correspondence
31:28 malignance
40:08 credits
- published: 26 Nov 2022
- views: 1883205
Tutorial Nudo Celta en Cuatro Puntas
En este tutorial te explico como tejer este "ojo de Dios", con nudo Celta. Es una pieza muy simple, que consta de dos puntos y una estructura, la clave está en ...
En este tutorial te explico como tejer este "ojo de Dios", con nudo Celta. Es una pieza muy simple, que consta de dos puntos y una estructura, la clave está en la estructura.
En este tutorial te explico como tejer este "ojo de Dios", con nudo Celta. Es una pieza muy simple, que consta de dos puntos y una estructura, la clave está en la estructura.
- published: 23 Jun 2020
- views: 68313
tutorial ojo de dios mandala tejido de 4 puntas - super sencillo - yarn mandala handmade
video tutorial super sencillo en el que muestro paso a paso la realización del Mandala de 4 puntas
llamados también ojo de dios, la idea es mostrar las diferent...
video tutorial super sencillo en el que muestro paso a paso la realización del Mandala de 4 puntas
llamados también ojo de dios, la idea es mostrar las diferentes lazadas que se pueden hacer, son una infinidad!
Justamente, cada vuelta es única, por ella y por las que la rodean, se cruzan para formas otros patrones hasta perderse en un sin fin de figuras. Todo comienza desde el centro con algo simple, sencillo relativamente y a medida que se expande va tomando formas, con el crecer aparecen mas y nuevas figuras, hasta que de pronto y al fin, todas ellas toman sentido, se convierten en uno!
video tutorial super sencillo en el que muestro paso a paso la realización del Mandala de 4 puntas
llamados también ojo de dios, la idea es mostrar las diferentes lazadas que se pueden hacer, son una infinidad!
Justamente, cada vuelta es única, por ella y por las que la rodean, se cruzan para formas otros patrones hasta perderse en un sin fin de figuras. Todo comienza desde el centro con algo simple, sencillo relativamente y a medida que se expande va tomando formas, con el crecer aparecen mas y nuevas figuras, hasta que de pronto y al fin, todas ellas toman sentido, se convierten en uno!
- published: 11 Aug 2022
- views: 6608
tutorial ojo de dios, mandala tejido 4 puntas para principiantes, Ojo de mar. yarn handmade
video tutorial en el que muestro paso a paso la realización del Mandala ojo de mar
llamados también ojo de dios, la idea es mostrar las diferentes lazadas que s...
video tutorial en el que muestro paso a paso la realización del Mandala ojo de mar
llamados también ojo de dios, la idea es mostrar las diferentes lazadas que se pueden hacer, son una infinidad!
Justamente, cada vuelta es única, por ella y por las que la rodean, se cruzan para formas otros patrones hasta perderse en un sin fin de figuras. Todo comienza desde el centro con algo simple, sencillo relativamente y a medida que se expande va tomando formas, con el crecer aparecen mas y nuevas figuras, hasta que de pronto y al fin, todas ellas toman sentido, se convierten en uno!
video tutorial en el que muestro paso a paso la realización del Mandala ojo de mar
llamados también ojo de dios, la idea es mostrar las diferentes lazadas que se pueden hacer, son una infinidad!
Justamente, cada vuelta es única, por ella y por las que la rodean, se cruzan para formas otros patrones hasta perderse en un sin fin de figuras. Todo comienza desde el centro con algo simple, sencillo relativamente y a medida que se expande va tomando formas, con el crecer aparecen mas y nuevas figuras, hasta que de pronto y al fin, todas ellas toman sentido, se convierten en uno!
- published: 11 Aug 2022
- views: 12715
Mandala Flor de 4 Petalos
Otro tutorial con diseño especial en 4 puntas. Me gusta explorar las infinitas posibilidades dentro de la estructura más básica, el ojo de Dios, que logramos ha...
Otro tutorial con diseño especial en 4 puntas. Me gusta explorar las infinitas posibilidades dentro de la estructura más básica, el ojo de Dios, que logramos haces con tan solo dos varitas.
Otro tutorial con diseño especial en 4 puntas. Me gusta explorar las infinitas posibilidades dentro de la estructura más básica, el ojo de Dios, que logramos haces con tan solo dos varitas.
- published: 30 Jun 2020
- views: 36146
What is a Mandala? About Mandala art
This video is to introduce you to Mandala art. I’ll explain a little bit about their history and significance, and how they can be put to use.
If you’d like to...
This video is to introduce you to Mandala art. I’ll explain a little bit about their history and significance, and how they can be put to use.
If you’d like to learn about making them you should check out my other videos, and head over to inspired4nature.co.uk as I’m putting together some online and in person classes on Mandalas and other nature themed creative projects.
Hope to see you soon, until then stay inspired!
#stayinspired #MandalaMay
Any footage not my own was supplied for use courtesy of pexels.com
Thanks to Shevets, C Technical, Rodnae Productions, Cotton Bro, Yogendra Singh, Mikhail Nilov, Alesia Kozik, Brett Sayles, Drew Rae.
This video is to introduce you to Mandala art. I’ll explain a little bit about their history and significance, and how they can be put to use.
If you’d like to learn about making them you should check out my other videos, and head over to inspired4nature.co.uk as I’m putting together some online and in person classes on Mandalas and other nature themed creative projects.
Hope to see you soon, until then stay inspired!
#stayinspired #MandalaMay
Any footage not my own was supplied for use courtesy of pexels.com
Thanks to Shevets, C Technical, Rodnae Productions, Cotton Bro, Yogendra Singh, Mikhail Nilov, Alesia Kozik, Brett Sayles, Drew Rae.
- published: 19 May 2021
- views: 42549
Mankhurd | मानखुर्दच्या मंडला परिसरामध्ये महिलेवर गोळीबार, महिलेचा जागीच मृत्यू
An incident of firing on a woman has come to light in the Mandla area of Mankhurd. In this incident, the woman died on the spot. The woman's name is Farzana F...
An incident of firing on a woman has come to light in the Mandla area of Mankhurd. In this incident, the woman died on the spot. The woman's name is Farzana Feroze and she has been shot in the head. Sonu Singh and his son Atis Singh are absconding in this incident. The exact reason why the woman was killed is still unclear but the sudden incident has created a stir in the area.
मानखुर्दच्या मंडला परिसरामध्ये एका महिलेवर गोळीबार झाल्याची घटना समोर आली आहे या घटनेमध्ये या महिलेचा जागीच मृत्यू झाला आहे. फर्जना फिरोज असं या महिलेचं नाव असून या महिलेच्या डोक्यात गोळी झाडण्यात आली आहे. या घटनेमध्ये सोनू सिंग आणि त्याचा मुलगा अतीस सिंग हे दोघे फरार झाले आहे. नेमकी या महिलेची हत्या का करण्यात आली याचं कारण अद्यापही अस्पष्ट आहे परंतु अचानक झालेल्या या घटनेमुळे परिसरात खळबळ उडाली आहे.
Subscribe : https://bit.ly/3K6xDvv
24 Taas LIVE TV : https://youtu.be/jU6w3YHoWAs
Website : https://zeenews.india.com/marathi
Social Media Links :
- Like Page - www.facebook.com/zee24taas
- Subscribe Us - www.youtube.com/zee24taas
- Follow Us - www.twitter.com/zee24taasnews
- Follo Us - www.instagram.com/zee24taas
Playlists :
Headlines Today | हेडलाईन्स - https://bit.ly/3nBVF7Q
Special Report | स्पेशल रिपोर्ट - https://bit.ly/3IcxfK0
Marathi Leaders । मराठी लीडर्स - https://bit.ly/3tyISH7
Maharashtra SuperFast | महाराष्ट्र सुपरफास्ट - https://bit.ly/3A9JSCF
24 Taas SuperFast | 24 तास सुपरफास्ट - https://bit.ly/3FETKp2
Zatpat Fast News | झटपट फास्ट बातम्या - https://bit.ly/3Ictqo4
5 Minitat 25 Batmya । 5 मिनिटांत 25 बातम्या - https://bit.ly/3nDwdyG
गावोगावी २४ तास | Gavogavi 24 taas - https://bit.ly/3FFcwNp
#MarathiNews #Zee24Taas #zee24taasLIVE
An incident of firing on a woman has come to light in the Mandla area of Mankhurd. In this incident, the woman died on the spot. The woman's name is Farzana Feroze and she has been shot in the head. Sonu Singh and his son Atis Singh are absconding in this incident. The exact reason why the woman was killed is still unclear but the sudden incident has created a stir in the area.
मानखुर्दच्या मंडला परिसरामध्ये एका महिलेवर गोळीबार झाल्याची घटना समोर आली आहे या घटनेमध्ये या महिलेचा जागीच मृत्यू झाला आहे. फर्जना फिरोज असं या महिलेचं नाव असून या महिलेच्या डोक्यात गोळी झाडण्यात आली आहे. या घटनेमध्ये सोनू सिंग आणि त्याचा मुलगा अतीस सिंग हे दोघे फरार झाले आहे. नेमकी या महिलेची हत्या का करण्यात आली याचं कारण अद्यापही अस्पष्ट आहे परंतु अचानक झालेल्या या घटनेमुळे परिसरात खळबळ उडाली आहे.
Subscribe : https://bit.ly/3K6xDvv
24 Taas LIVE TV : https://youtu.be/jU6w3YHoWAs
Website : https://zeenews.india.com/marathi
Social Media Links :
- Like Page - www.facebook.com/zee24taas
- Subscribe Us - www.youtube.com/zee24taas
- Follow Us - www.twitter.com/zee24taasnews
- Follo Us - www.instagram.com/zee24taas
Playlists :
Headlines Today | हेडलाईन्स - https://bit.ly/3nBVF7Q
Special Report | स्पेशल रिपोर्ट - https://bit.ly/3IcxfK0
Marathi Leaders । मराठी लीडर्स - https://bit.ly/3tyISH7
Maharashtra SuperFast | महाराष्ट्र सुपरफास्ट - https://bit.ly/3A9JSCF
24 Taas SuperFast | 24 तास सुपरफास्ट - https://bit.ly/3FETKp2
Zatpat Fast News | झटपट फास्ट बातम्या - https://bit.ly/3Ictqo4
5 Minitat 25 Batmya । 5 मिनिटांत 25 बातम्या - https://bit.ly/3nDwdyG
गावोगावी २४ तास | Gavogavi 24 taas - https://bit.ly/3FFcwNp
#MarathiNews #Zee24Taas #zee24taasLIVE
- published: 29 Apr 2023
- views: 9843
Katia Oasis Mandala CAL #4
The Oasis Mandala baby blanket is designed by @bykaterinacrochet and is a project to enjoy, learn, and share the creative process with crochet fans all over the...
The Oasis Mandala baby blanket is designed by @bykaterinacrochet and is a project to enjoy, learn, and share the creative process with crochet fans all over the world. The pattern will be launched in 4 parts (one part a week) during the month April 2020 in Katia’s special Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crochetalongkatia/
--- CAL details ---
- Designer: Catalina from @bykaterinacrochet https://www.instagram.com/bykaterinacrochet (make sure to give her a follow, she shares amazing crochet patterns)
- Start: First week of April.
- Duration: 4 weeks. You will follow a new part of the pattern every week.
- Kits: You can order a kit* which contains all the yarn you need to crochet the Oasis Mandala blanket: 8 balls of Katia Basic Merino in new and exclusive colors. The kit is available on katia.com: https://www.katia.com/EN/yarns-all-kitcaloasismandala-793.html
- Hook size: Crochet 4 mm / G6 (US)
- Pattern: The free pattern is available in Katia’s Crochet-Along Facebook Group during the month April: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crochetalongkatia/
- Languages: this pattern is available in English, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian and French
*Shipping available in Portugal, Spain (Peninsula and Balearic Islands), France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Austria.
--- About this video ---
My name is Alice and I’m a crafter from the Netherlands living in Germany. I have a website (https://www.crochething.com) on which I share crochet stitches, tutorials and free patterns. I’m participating in this CAL and in collaboration with Katia I have made a video tutorial of this beautiful pattern. We thought it would be a great tool for people who can use some extra help.
In this video I speak Dutch, but I’ve made sure to crochet very slowly so everyone could see and understand what I’m doing, even without sound. I would love if you subscribe to my YouTube channel on which I share more crochet stitches and tutorials.
You can also find me on social media:
* Instagram: @crochethingmom https://www.instagram.com/crochethingmom/
* Pinterest: @crochethingmom https://pinterest.com/crochethingmom
* Facebook page: @crochething https://www.facebook.com/crochething/
* Blog: https://www.crochething.com
#crochet #babyblanket #CAL
The Oasis Mandala baby blanket is designed by @bykaterinacrochet and is a project to enjoy, learn, and share the creative process with crochet fans all over the world. The pattern will be launched in 4 parts (one part a week) during the month April 2020 in Katia’s special Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crochetalongkatia/
--- CAL details ---
- Designer: Catalina from @bykaterinacrochet https://www.instagram.com/bykaterinacrochet (make sure to give her a follow, she shares amazing crochet patterns)
- Start: First week of April.
- Duration: 4 weeks. You will follow a new part of the pattern every week.
- Kits: You can order a kit* which contains all the yarn you need to crochet the Oasis Mandala blanket: 8 balls of Katia Basic Merino in new and exclusive colors. The kit is available on katia.com: https://www.katia.com/EN/yarns-all-kitcaloasismandala-793.html
- Hook size: Crochet 4 mm / G6 (US)
- Pattern: The free pattern is available in Katia’s Crochet-Along Facebook Group during the month April: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crochetalongkatia/
- Languages: this pattern is available in English, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian and French
*Shipping available in Portugal, Spain (Peninsula and Balearic Islands), France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Austria.
--- About this video ---
My name is Alice and I’m a crafter from the Netherlands living in Germany. I have a website (https://www.crochething.com) on which I share crochet stitches, tutorials and free patterns. I’m participating in this CAL and in collaboration with Katia I have made a video tutorial of this beautiful pattern. We thought it would be a great tool for people who can use some extra help.
In this video I speak Dutch, but I’ve made sure to crochet very slowly so everyone could see and understand what I’m doing, even without sound. I would love if you subscribe to my YouTube channel on which I share more crochet stitches and tutorials.
You can also find me on social media:
* Instagram: @crochethingmom https://www.instagram.com/crochethingmom/
* Pinterest: @crochethingmom https://pinterest.com/crochethingmom
* Facebook page: @crochething https://www.facebook.com/crochething/
* Blog: https://www.crochething.com
#crochet #babyblanket #CAL
- published: 22 Apr 2020
- views: 93733
Mandala/serwetka na szydełku #4/5 (rzędy 38-45)
W tym filmie pokazuję jak krok po kroku zrobić mandalę/serwetkę na szydełku.
0:00:00 | 38th round / 38 okrążenie
0:10:41 | 39th round / 39 okrążenie
0:20:17 | ...
W tym filmie pokazuję jak krok po kroku zrobić mandalę/serwetkę na szydełku.
0:00:00 | 38th round / 38 okrążenie
0:10:41 | 39th round / 39 okrążenie
0:20:17 | 40th round / 40 okrążenie
0:29:43 | 41st round / 41 okrążenie
0:39:36 | 42nd round / 42 okrążenie
0:48:54 | 43rd round / 43 okrążenie
1:01:06 | 44th round / 44 okrążenie
1:10:03 | 45th round / 45 okrążenie
Potrzebne materiały:
- Kokonek 3 nitki 800 m + dawca (u mnie soft 172)
- Obręcz srebrna (u mnie 100 cm)
- Szydełko 2 mm
Inspiration/Inspiracja: Robótki Ręczne 2/2006
W tym filmie pokazuję jak krok po kroku zrobić mandalę/serwetkę na szydełku.
0:00:00 | 38th round / 38 okrążenie
0:10:41 | 39th round / 39 okrążenie
0:20:17 | 40th round / 40 okrążenie
0:29:43 | 41st round / 41 okrążenie
0:39:36 | 42nd round / 42 okrążenie
0:48:54 | 43rd round / 43 okrążenie
1:01:06 | 44th round / 44 okrążenie
1:10:03 | 45th round / 45 okrążenie
Potrzebne materiały:
- Kokonek 3 nitki 800 m + dawca (u mnie soft 172)
- Obręcz srebrna (u mnie 100 cm)
- Szydełko 2 mm
Inspiration/Inspiracja: Robótki Ręczne 2/2006
- published: 18 Apr 2021
- views: 25101
MANDALA GALLERY WALL | 4 different mandala designs in one video
In this video I walk you through how I've created four different macrame mandalas to make a gallery wall with them. These are pretty easy designs so really good...
In this video I walk you through how I've created four different macrame mandalas to make a gallery wall with them. These are pretty easy designs so really good for macrame beginners as well!
1. Mustard macrame mandala
You will need a 25 cm (10 in) ring and in total about 54 m (177 ft.) of 5mm single twist cord
For one section you will need to cut:
2 cords at 110 cm (43 in)
8 cords at 70 cm (28 in)
2. Natural macrame mandala
You will need a 2O cm (8 in) ring and in total about 28 m (92 ft.) of 5mm single twist cord
For one section you will need to cut:
2 cords at 50 cm (20 in)
4 cords at 40 cm (16 in)
3. Terracotta macrame mandala
You will need a 25 cm (10 in) ring and in total about 33 m (108 ft.) of 5mm 3ply cord
In total you will need to cut:
66 cords at 50 cm (20 in)
4. Sand macrame mandala
You will need a 2O cm (8 in) ring and in total about 23 m (75 ft.) of 5mm 3ply cord
For the bigger section you will need to cut:
2 cords at 60 cm
1 cord at 55 cm
1 cord at 30 cm
1 cord at 40cm
1 cord at 20cm
For the smaller section you will need to cut:
2 cords at 50 cm
1 cord at 35 cm
1 cord at 20 cm
Ask in the comments if you are not sure about some of these measurements ;)
Blossom geometric wall hanging https://bit.ly/3wPvZb3
Black chandelier https://bit.ly/3LLqVMd
Green wreath https://bit.ly/3JRMzwx
Sunflower wall hanging https://bit.ly/3z13la8
Niroma Studio (US based) have some incredible cords and an awesome selection of fibers, yarns and cool accessories: https://niromastudio.com/?rfsn=5770913.294554
The Bobbiny cords that I am using in my tutorials are unfortunately not available on Amazon US so I am linking different cords with relatively similar colors that I was able to find:
5 mm braided cord in the color Natural https://amzn.to/3KqQKzo
Dowels https://amzn.to/3kd6dZB
Metal ring https://amzn.to/3w3rDvy
Fine bristle triangular brush (wooden handle) https://amzn.to/3w2rNTR
Fine bristle triangular brush (cheaper option) https://amzn.to/3y1FBzM
Clothing rack (not an exact match to mine but close) https://amzn.to/3y8BO3O
Hot glue gun https://amzn.to/33Lm20G
Scissors https://amzn.to/2WOYnwN
MUSIC in my videos:
Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/xhzjfz/
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description are affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I receive a small commission but of course there is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with the content you want to see!
You can jump through the different designs:
00:00 Mandala gallery wall
01:20 Mustard colored mandala
04:21 Natural colored mandala
05:48 Terracotta colored mandala
07:04 Sand colored mandala
In this video I walk you through how I've created four different macrame mandalas to make a gallery wall with them. These are pretty easy designs so really good for macrame beginners as well!
1. Mustard macrame mandala
You will need a 25 cm (10 in) ring and in total about 54 m (177 ft.) of 5mm single twist cord
For one section you will need to cut:
2 cords at 110 cm (43 in)
8 cords at 70 cm (28 in)
2. Natural macrame mandala
You will need a 2O cm (8 in) ring and in total about 28 m (92 ft.) of 5mm single twist cord
For one section you will need to cut:
2 cords at 50 cm (20 in)
4 cords at 40 cm (16 in)
3. Terracotta macrame mandala
You will need a 25 cm (10 in) ring and in total about 33 m (108 ft.) of 5mm 3ply cord
In total you will need to cut:
66 cords at 50 cm (20 in)
4. Sand macrame mandala
You will need a 2O cm (8 in) ring and in total about 23 m (75 ft.) of 5mm 3ply cord
For the bigger section you will need to cut:
2 cords at 60 cm
1 cord at 55 cm
1 cord at 30 cm
1 cord at 40cm
1 cord at 20cm
For the smaller section you will need to cut:
2 cords at 50 cm
1 cord at 35 cm
1 cord at 20 cm
Ask in the comments if you are not sure about some of these measurements ;)
Blossom geometric wall hanging https://bit.ly/3wPvZb3
Black chandelier https://bit.ly/3LLqVMd
Green wreath https://bit.ly/3JRMzwx
Sunflower wall hanging https://bit.ly/3z13la8
Niroma Studio (US based) have some incredible cords and an awesome selection of fibers, yarns and cool accessories: https://niromastudio.com/?rfsn=5770913.294554
The Bobbiny cords that I am using in my tutorials are unfortunately not available on Amazon US so I am linking different cords with relatively similar colors that I was able to find:
5 mm braided cord in the color Natural https://amzn.to/3KqQKzo
Dowels https://amzn.to/3kd6dZB
Metal ring https://amzn.to/3w3rDvy
Fine bristle triangular brush (wooden handle) https://amzn.to/3w2rNTR
Fine bristle triangular brush (cheaper option) https://amzn.to/3y1FBzM
Clothing rack (not an exact match to mine but close) https://amzn.to/3y8BO3O
Hot glue gun https://amzn.to/33Lm20G
Scissors https://amzn.to/2WOYnwN
MUSIC in my videos:
Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/xhzjfz/
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description are affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I receive a small commission but of course there is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with the content you want to see!
You can jump through the different designs:
00:00 Mandala gallery wall
01:20 Mustard colored mandala
04:21 Natural colored mandala
05:48 Terracotta colored mandala
07:04 Sand colored mandala
- published: 21 Apr 2021
- views: 4177