- published: 07 Jul 2014
- views: 4488
Lord is an appellation for a person or deity who has authority, control, or power over others acting like a master, a chief, or a ruler. The appellation can also denote certain persons who hold a title of the peerage in the United Kingdom, or are entitled to courtesy titles. The collective "Lords" can refer to a group or body of peers.
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, the etymology of the word can be traced back to the Old English word hlāford which originated from hlāfweard meaning "loaf-ward" or "bread keeper", reflecting the Germanic tribal custom of a chieftain providing food for his followers. The appellation "lord" is primarily applied to men, while for women the appellation "lady" is used. However, this is no longer universal: the Lord of Mann, a title currently held by the Queen of the United Kingdom, and female Lord Mayors are examples of women who are styled Lord.
Under the feudal system, "lord" had a wide, loose and varied meaning. An overlord was a person from whom a landholding or a manor was held by a mesne lord or vassal under various forms of feudal land tenure. The modern term "landlord" is a vestigial survival of this function. A liege lord was a person to whom a vassal owed sworn allegiance. Neither of these terms were titular dignities, but rather factual appellations, which described the relationship between two or more persons within the highly stratified feudal social system. For example, a man might be Lord of the Manor to his own tenants but also a vassal of his own overlord, who in turn was a vassal of the King. Where a knight was a lord of the manor, he was referred to in contemporary documents as "John (Surname), knight, lord of (manor name)". A feudal baron was a true titular dignity, with the right to attend Parliament, but a feudal baron, Lord of the Manor of many manors, was a vassal of the King.
The "lordship salvation" controversy (also "Lordship Controversy") is a theological dispute regarding key soteriological questions within Evangelical Christianity, involving some non-denominational and Evangelical churches in North America since at least the 1980s. The dispute spawned several books, pamphlets, and conferences.
"By grace alone" and "By faith alone" are two of the so-called "Five Solas" of the Protestant Reformation (see five solae). While many Protestants affirm these phrases as Protestant distinctives, the Lordship Salvation controversy concerns what grace and faith must include, and what they must exclude, for a person to "have salvation" in the evangelical Protestant sense. The language of what must be included permeates the whole debate and is often transferred from the meaning of the concepts to the status of someone's experience: thus, "As a part of his saving work, God will produce repentance, faith, sanctification, yieldedness, obedience, and ultimately glorification. Since he is not dependent on human effort in producing these elements, an experience that lacks any of them cannot be the saving work of God."
John MacArthur may refer to:
Kent E. Hovind (born January 15, 1953) is an American Christian fundamentalist evangelist and tax protester. He is a controversial figure in the Young Earth creationist movement and his ministry focuses on attempting to convince listeners to deny scientific theories including evolution, geophysics, and cosmology in favor of a literalist interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative found in the Bible. Hovind's views, which combine elements of creation science and conspiracy theory, are dismissed by the scientific community as fringe theory and pseudo-scholarship. He has been criticized by Young Earth Creationist organizations like Answers in Genesis for his continued use of discredited arguments that have been abandoned by others in the movement.
Hovind established Creation Science Evangelism (CSE) in 1989 and Dinosaur Adventure Land in 2001 in Pensacola, Florida. He frequently spoke on Young Earth creationism in schools, churches, debates, and on radio and television broadcasts. His son Eric Hovind took over operation of CSE after Kent began serving a ten-year prison sentence in January 2007 for federal court convictions for failing to pay taxes, obstructing federal agents, and structuring cash transactions. In a separate federal court case in early 2015, a federal court jury found Hovind guilty of contempt of court in connection with a charge of disobeying a prior court order. The trial court, however, threw out the verdict and rendered a judgment of acquittal, concluding that Hovind could not have disobeyed that order.
You Are Here may refer to:
Lordship (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez
What is Lordship Salvation?
You Are Here - Lordship - Pastor Robert
Paul Washer Discusses Lordship Salvation
Kent Hovind Rebukes Ray Comfort and his Heresy of Lordship Salvation
KINGDOM Commonwealth: Concept of LORDSHIP —Dr. Myles Munroe
Is Lordship Salvation A Works Salvation?
How To Identify A Lordship Salvationist
January DTS - Week 6, Lordship & Fear of the Lord with Mark Parker
What is "The Will Of The Father" anyways, Lordship Salvationists? Pastor Steven Anderson
It Will Cost You Everything
Slaves for Christ - John MacArthur
Lordship Salvation - Nathan Busenitz Part 25
Lordship Salvation
Pastor Robert Morris - You Are Here - Lordship Watch us live this weekend at http://www.gatewaypeople.tv http://gatewaypeople.com/sermons/213521 or www.gatewaypeople.com/sermons Search for: Pastor Robert Morris - 04/12/14 Sermon Series: You Are Here Sermon Title: Lordship If you would like to contact us for prayer. Email us at: freshstart@gatewaypeople.com
No matter what side you're on in the debate of lordship salvation, I would recommend watching this to the end before making any judgement. You may be surprised. Feel free to comment and even debate here, but if you're not amiable (trolling) your comments will be removed and you'll be blocked. The Tom Roten Morning Radio Show on 12-9-11; Roten interviews Paul Washer, a itinerant preacher and director of HeartCry Missionary Society. Full interview: http://www.800wvhu.com/media/podcast-...
Ray Comfort teaches lies about Salvation and talks out of both sides of his mouth. He will say salvation is by faith alone but then teaches people they must turn from sin in order to be saved. This is hypocrisy and lies. Kent Hovind expresses his opinions about this teaching and its application. To see the full video of Kent Hovind ( ~20 minutes in ): Dr. Kent Hovind Q&A; - Tardigrades Rewrite Evolution Theory - UFOs, Holiness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQKnxLzPr7M
In this video I'm going to show some of my tips on how to identify a Lordship Salvationist. Featuring: Heretic Paul Brainwasher Heretic Billy Graham Heretic Robert Lyte And many other lordship salvationist heretics/false prophet
We fear God so little because we fear man so much. YWAM Lausanne January DTS had an amazing week with Mark Parker.
(Job 25 Study - Justification by Faith Alone - YT: sanderson1611) Being Justified By The Grace of God In The Old And New Testament - Pastor Steven Anderson Against Works Salvation - Against Lordship Salvation "The Will Of The Father"- Bible Twisting of Lordship Salvationists!!! The verse reads (John 6:39-40): "And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. 40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day." !!!
Steve Lawson preaching on Luke 14:33 at Resolved.org conference. This is a powerful message on the Lordship of Jesus Christ. http://illbehonest.com www.resolved.org www.gccsatx.com
Slaves for Christ - John MacArthur http://www.gty.org/ John MacArthur
Ed Underwood, Author and Pastor at Church of the Open Door in Southern CA, takes a question on different facets of understanding the doctrine of salvation
Every child of God, when born again, was born to win. God wants you to live with authority -- kingdom authority. Join Adrian Rogers as he looks at God's Word and explains how you can be born to win! http://LWF.org
http://www.gty.org/resources/sermons/80-338 In this time period, as I thought about it, and particularly in anticipation for the fortieth coming up, I wanted to reach back and perhaps answer the question as to why God has blessed our church. There's no question about the fact that He has, we have all lived in that blessing. I've lived in it for the duration of my years here. I can honestly say to you that there has never been a moment in 40 years, not a single moment in which I wished that I was not here and wish I wished I was somewhere else. There have been times when I wanted to be used by the Lord somewhere else when I wished I could be two people so I could go somewhere else, particularly in a mission-field environment and minister there. But there has never been a fleeting moment wh...
A short film we produced during the AW12 lingerie shoot for Lingerie Buyer. Director - James Lightbown DOP | Editor | Colourist - Adam Roberts Assistant - Karl Gregory Model - Anastasia Grawe from Union Models Styling - Cat Watson Hair & make-up - Jo Clayton Shot on location at Lordship Park, London Music - Clair de Lune by Debussy performed by Eileen Joyce
Mark Seekins preaching on 1 Samuel 8:1-22. When we choose life for ourselves we... choose our way over God’s perfect plan. When we choose life for ourselves we... choose our selfish motives over God’s timing. When we choose life for ourselves we... choose our comfort over faith.
Questions answered: What happens to people who never hear the Gospel? (1:06) (4:08) What is Lordship salvation? (1:30) (35:04) 2011OCT30