
Author: Tom Engelhardt

Trump: Candidate of American Decline

By Tom Engelhardt | ( | - - "Low-energy Jeb." "Little Marco." "Lyin’ Ted." "Crooked Hillary." Give Donald Trump credit. He has a memorable way with insults. His have a way…

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Kicking Down the World’s Door

Tom Englehardt writes at Offshore Everywhere How Drones, Special Operations Forces, and the U.S. Navy Plan to End National Sovereignty As We Know It By Tom Engelhardt Make no mistake: we’re…

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Iran Through the Looking Glass

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Iran Through the Looking Glass Posted by Tom Engelhardt at 5:57pm, January 29, 2012. Tom Englehardt writes at The Nation Institute's "Iranian Aircraft Carriers in the Gulf of Mexico…

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Restless Planet

From Tomdispatch: "On the streets of Moscow in the tens of thousands, the protesters chanted: “We exist!”  Taking into account the comments of statesmen, scientists, politicians, military officials, bankers, artists, all the…

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The 1% Election

Sometimes words outlive their usefulness.  Sometimes the gap between changing reality and the names we’ve given it grows so wide that they empty of all meaning or retain older meanings that only…

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Into the Whirlwind

He was 22, a corporal in the Marines from Preston, Iowa, a “city” incorporated in 1890 with a present population of 949.  He died in a hospital in Germany of “wounds received…