Bryce Fisher-Fleig

Fullstack Forrays into Web Development

Essentials for Cloud Deployment

05 Jan 2016
A good deployment pipeline can make your team much more productive and nimble. Here's my sage advice on the most crucial overlooked features of a deployment pipeline.

Testing AWS Go SDK Integrations

25 Oct 2015
If you're using Testify, getting test coverage over your AWS Go SDK integration code can be really hard. I'll show my (somewhat unconventional) strategy to cover ALL the code paths in your application.

Effective Commit Messages

25 May 2015
Knowing how to write and retrieve commit messages can make refactoring and debugging much easier. Here's my advice on using commit messages for maximum impact.

Setting up Istanbul with Jasmine on NodeJS

17 Apr 2015
Istanbul is perhaps the best test coverage tool for NodeJS, but it's tough to figure out how to get started. This post explains how to get it setup.

Handlebars Considered Harmful

02 Mar 2015
Handlebars is a DSL builder in disguise tempting you to create an undebuggable mess.

How to Kill Email: Why startups will always fail to displace email

21 Nov 2014
It's painful to watch startup after startup brand themselves the "email killer." This post is the real story of how to kill email.

Faster (and more private) page load with Static Social Sharing

17 Oct 2014
Although it's tempting to use the default social sharing widgets from Facebook, Google Plus, etc., you can speed up your page load times by creating custom sharing widgets that are Javascript-free ("static").

Securing SSH with Multiple Keys

04 Sep 2014

It’s a great idea to use specific ssh-key key pairs per service (or per repository even). Even if your keys are compromised, they don’t allow your attacker to access any other services. Unfortunately, these services often assume you’ll use the default key pair (id_rsa).

Important Iron Middleware that needs creating

25 Aug 2014
Although I love working in Iron, there's still a lot of libraries that need to be written. Here's a few that come to mind.


20 Aug 2014
I'm officially unveiling, a piece of Middleware for IronFramework which provides custom error pages.