Semantic web development and publishing


I’m now working at Morpht

In March 2012 I set up a Drupal company called Morpht with Marji Cermak. If you are looking for Drupal web services (consulting, UX, IA, design, build, deploy, maintenance, devops), please take a look at the Morpht website.

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CDNs made simple fast and cheap

A few weeks ago I presented “CDNs made simple fast and cheap” at the Drupal Downunder conference in Melbourne Australia. The talk covered: the importance of good client side performance, how A CDN works, recommended CDN providers (from an Australian’s perspective), a demonstration of how to set up a CDN and a summary of the [...]

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Uriverse has been archived

The Uriverse Experiment is Over

You’ve probably landed on this page because you were redirected from I’m sorry to say that the site no longer exists. I suggest clicking the back button and selecting another search result. If you want to know a bit more about the site that was, read on…

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Customer Underground

Customer Underground is an independent customer ratings and review site for Australian businesses. It was launched mid 2010 and has steadily grown to be a reliable and fun source of information on the best businesses, mainly in the Sydney area.

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The business of Drupal

Last night I made a presentation on the “Business of Drupal” to the Sydney Drupal users meetup. The talk covered the subject areas of scalable jobs and wild randomness, basic business models in the software industry, the GPL, eight business models for Drupal in increasing order of scalability, ways developers can deepen their skills and [...]

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Mobile Drupal (part 4): Conclusions

The conclusive article on a four part series on mobile sites in Drupal. Previous articles have discussed the groundwork, setup and code required for setting up a mobile site in Drupal. It’s now time to reflect on a few of the challenges thrown up and the best way forward.

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Mobile Drupal (part 3): Code

Previous articles have discussed the conceptual groundwork and setup of mobile sites in Drupal. It’s now time to look at a number of themes and modules which will help you in your endeavours. We’ll also cover a number of custom fixes which can be made to the HTML, CSS and JS in your site.

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Mobile Drupal (part 2): Site setup

A previous article covered some basic groundwork for mobile sites in Drupal. This article goes on to look at different ways to setup a mobile site in Drupal. It covers single site, multisite, single site with settings.php tweak and the Domain Access module. Caching strategies, redirect rules and other server side settings are also discussed.

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Mobile Drupal (part 1): The groundwork

Recently I was involved in a project to convert a site into a mobile site for Drupal. During the process I had to overcome a number of problems – problems which pretty much everyone designing a mobile site will have to solve. This series of articles covers a bit of theory, the practical problems and [...]

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Drupal and the Semantic Web: RDFa in Drupal 7

Drupal 7 will ship with RDFa built into the core. This will enable thousands of Drupal websites to publish semantic markup alongside the usual HTML, enabling robots such as Google and other aggregators to extract machine understandable information from the page. This is a big leap forward for Drupal and promises to bring it to [...]

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