- published: 31 Oct 2006
- views: 344726
The Serbian Orthodox Church (Serbian: Српска православна црква / Srpska pravoslavna crkva) is one of the autocephalous Orthodox Christian churches. It is the second oldest Slavic Orthodox Church in the world (after the Bulgarian Orthodox Church).
The Serbian Orthodox Church comprises the majority of population in Serbia, Montenegro, and the Republika Srpska entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is organized into metropolises and eparchies located primarily in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia, but also all over the world since many Serbs have emigrated to foreign countries.
The Serbian Orthodox Church is an autocephalous, or ecclesiastically independent, member of the Orthodox communion. The Patriarch of Serbia serves as first among equals in his church; the current patriarch is Irinej. The Church achieved autocephalous status in 1219 under the leadership of St. Sava, becoming independent Archeparchy of Žiča. Its status was elevated to that of a patriarchate in the 14th century, and was known afterwards as the Patriarchate of Peć. This patriarchate was abolished by the Ottoman Turks in the 18th century. The modern Serbian Orthodox Church was re-established in 1920 after the unification of the Patriarchate of Karlovci, the Metropolitanate of Belgrade and the Metropolitanate of Montenegro.
Serbian may refer to:
The Eastern Orthodox Church, officially the Orthodox Catholic Church, also referred to as the Orthodox Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Orthodoxy, is the second largest Christian Church in the world, with an estimated 225–300 million adherents.
The Eastern Orthodox Church is one of the oldest religious institutions in the world, teaching that it is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ in his Great Commission to the apostles, and practicing what it understands to be the original faith passed down from the Apostles.
United in communion with the Latin Church before the East–West Schism in 1054, and with the Oriental churches for the first quarter of its history, Eastern Orthodoxy spread throughout the Roman and later Byzantine Empires and beyond, playing a prominent role in European, Near Eastern, Slavic, and some African cultures. Its most prominent episcopal see is Constantinople.
Eastern Orthodoxy has no Papacy or similar authority, but instead teaches that all bishops are equal by virtue of their ordination, and each autocephalous church is typically governed by a Holy Synod. This is one of the main reasons for the division between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. The commonly-used but unofficial designation "Eastern" derives from the geographical location of the main centers of Orthodoxy in relation to the "Western" churches (now known as the Roman Catholic Church), and from Constantinople being the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire.
Orthodox may refer to:
All Saints' Day is a Christian holiday.
All Saints, All Saints Day or Feast of All Saints may also refer to:
Serbian Orthodox
Serbian Sacred Orthodox Chants
Orthodox Music (Serbian, Greek, Russian, Arabic) - Over 600 photos
135. Psalam - Slavite Gospoda (Praise the Lord)
Serb Orthodoxy Documentary
Serbia: Belgrade's Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Eve with oak log fire
Serbian Orthodox Chrismation
KOSOVO Serbian ORTHODOX century-old Monasteries & Chants
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral after fire
Tanja + Velimir :: A Serbian Wedding Film :: Le Jardin Banquet Hall | Woodbridge ON | Dave Thomas Visuals
Slava tebje Gospodi : Serbian Easter Orthodox Song
To the Holy King Stefan of Decani This is a compilation of photos I took during the two years I spent in Kosovo, Serbia. The photos were all from Serbian Orthodox Churches and Monasteries in Kosovo. The chants are from the Decani Monastery in the Pec Region of Kosovo. Please keep comments respectful. I didn't create or post this video for controversy.
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Beautiful Orthodox greek- serbian byzantine music, arabic and russian orthodox chant Related Videos: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. (0:00 - 6:34) Serbian Orthodox Choir Trojeručica https://soundcloud.com/igor-zirojevic/gmo0vmz8zusm 2. (6:35 - 15:38) Serbian Orthodox - Zica Monastery - Byzantine chant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCGqXNPUK6c 3. (15:39 - 24:02) Greek Orthodox - Psalm 135 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yAPaPvmUUY 4. (24:03 - 29:23) DYNAMIS KABARNOS - Concert of Orthodox byzantine music in Montenegro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKiZiZzI2ns 5. (29:24 - 32:59) DYNAMIS KABARNOS - Greek Orthodox Christian Byzantine Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwFYUJb03d0 6. (33:00 - 38:54) Arabic Orth...
Srpsko pravoslavno crkveno pjevačko društvo "Vila" ( Serbian Orthodox Singing Society "Vila") Dirigent: Aljoša Novaković Materijal zabilježen u Hramu Svete Trojice u Prijedoru na Duhove, 11.6.2011. godine, na koncertu održanom povodom obilježavanja krsne slave Opštine Prijedor.
Documentary about Serb Orthodoxy and the Serbian Orthodox Church. Details the Serb community in Pittsburgh, USA. 1990. Документарац о српском православљу и српској православној цркви. Снимљен у Питсбергу, САД, 1990 Slava, Vidovdan, Gracanica, Saint Sava, Vaskrs, Badnje Vece, Serbs
Orthodox Christians celebrated Christmas Eve in front of the St. Sava temple in Belgrade on Friday with a traditional oak log fire. Traditionally, an oak log fire is set alight in front of the church during Christmas Eve celebrations and the head of the church, currently Patriarch Irinej, blesses the oak log called 'badnjak'. Believers normally bring their own oak logs too, which they put on the fire. In Serbia, Christmas is celebrated on January 7, according to the Julian calendar. In addition to the Serbian church, Orthodox Christmas is celebrated by the Russian, Georgian, Bulgarian and Macedonian churches, as well as the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, among others. SOT, Patriarch Irinej, Head of Serbian Orthodox Church (Serbian): "This day and this custom came from our old ...
In Serbian Orthodox Church, the Sacrament of Baptism is entry into the Church as a member of the Body of Christ. Baptism is the new birth by which we die to the world, and are raised with Christ to eternal life. Music: Divna Ljubojevic Slavoslovije Gavrilu Vjescavsu
Since 1999, thanks to albanian terrorists over 150 ORTHODOX centuries-old monasteries and churches some of them dating before 1200,like those presented in this film, were distroyed using EXPLOSIVES, or desecrated. Some of them were even turned into PUBLIC TOILETS by Albanians, in an atempt to distroy every trace of serb orhodox existence from KOSOVO. If you don't believe me, search aditional materials. You will find out that this is the sad truth... :(
On May 1st, Orthodox Easter Sunday, a fire ravaged and destroyed St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral a church that had been built over 160 years ago. While the cause remains unknown the mission to rebuild is clear. Please help in anyway you can to bring this beautiful church back to life.
Guns, Fireworks, Accordians & a lot of Dancing! Serbian Weddings are quickly becoming my favourite to shoot. They're so full of ENERGY! Very little about the wedding day is "Static" or "Still" everything is in constant motion. Their's a real fluidity to them. Which make's for great shooting/editing options. Not too long ago I had written on here about wanting to focus less on "Weddings" and more on the "People" involved in my productions. While Tanja and Velimir's Highlight strays quite a bit from that original sentiment, the idea of individuality in a world of standard wedding video cliches remains … as wedding and event filmmakers (or photographers) we are given such an incredible opportunity to tell stories. Each couple is a chance to dive deeper, learn more, and explore a whole new...
Thank You! (Тханк Иоу!) to my Christian Brothers & Sisters, ''Stupovi'', who conceived and produced this pious video...and to whom FULL attribution is acknowledged. He hell in hell laid low; Made sin, He sin overthrew, Bowed to the grave, He destroyed it so... And death by death slew. Lives again our Glorious King! Where, O Death, is now thy sting? And where's your victory-boasting grave? I shall enter unto Him, And see my Saviour's face Forevermore. CHRIST IS RISEN! Indeed, He IS Risen! --Z'Toulouse d'Amélie Renoncule a'Chevalier
With the kind Christian-granting of permission of the creator & copyright holder of this production/
Christmas in Serbia is 7th of January because Serbian Orthodox church still use Julian's Calendar. Christmas Greeting in Serbia is: Mir Božiji, Hristos se rodi! (it means: God’s peace, Christ is born!) and traditional answer have to be: Vaistinu se rodi! (it means: Indeed He is born!)! Merry Christmas to all people around the World! Media Education Centre, Belgrade www.mediaeducationcentre.eu International Youth Media Summit www.iyms.eu
"March Pogrom" committed by Muslim Albanians against the Serbs in Kosovo & Metohija during three days: March 17-19, 2004. Video is showing how Albanians are setting in flame Serbian Orthodox Church in the town in Podujevo on March 19, 2004. NATO troops around are just watching the scene.
Boris + Jelena Autumn Wedding Video – What can I say about Boris + Jelena … I feel like I’ve known them, their family+friends for years. Maybe its just a byproduct of spending so much time working on their edit (well over 100hours!) or maybe its just that they have an uncanny ability to make everyone around them feel incredibly comfortable and appreciated. Either way I’m so glad I got to know them! It was a great wedding for me personally to be a part of. One of those weddings that time almost ceases to exist. It was jam packed with such a variety of great shooting moments that as a vendor you almost didn’t want it to ever end! Their Ceremony was held at the beautiful All Saints Serbian Orthodox Church in Mississauga Ontario. A Photo-shoot at Village Centre Place shortly followed – aside ...