• Living with Dignity; HIV-sensitive Social Protection in India

      UNDP in partnership with India’s National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) and state AIDS Control Societies, has implemented a multi-pronged strategy to strengthen social protection to support affected communities in becoming resilient and coping better with the impact of HIV. Its supported states like Rajasthan, in taking steps to extend social protection to people living with HIV.

    • UNDP@50 in India: Towards Sustainable Development

      For over 50 years, the Government of India and the United Nations Development Programme have partnered in virtually every area of human development, from democratic governance to poverty eradication, to sustainable energy and environmental management. We are proud to present a glimpse of this journey over time..

    • New Video | UNDP@50 in India

      The Government of India and UNDP have partnered for over five decades in almost all areas of human development, from democratic governance to poverty eradication, to sustainable energy and environmental management.

    • मानव विकास रिपोर्ट 2015 - मानव विकास के लिए कार्य

      वैश्विक मानव विकास रिपोर्ट 2015 एक मौलिक सवाल पूछता है – कार्य कैसे मानव विकास को बढ़ा सकता है। रिपोर्ट, कार्य का एक व्यापक दृष्टिकोण लेता है जो नौकरियों से परे है और अवैतनिक देखभाल का कार्य, स्वैच्छिक कार्य और रचनात्मक कार्य के रूप में आते हैं। इस तरह की गतिविधियों को ध्यान में रखकर, कार्य सार्वजनिक अच्छा करने के लिए, असमानता को कम करने के लिए, मानव विकास को बढ़ाने के लिए, आजीविका हासिल करने और सशक्त बनाने के लिए एक साधन हो सकता है। इस रिपोर्ट ने मानव क्षमता के दोहन और न्यायसंगत और सतत प्रगति हासिल करने के लिए नीतियों की सिफारिश की है, और मानव विकास सूचकांक में भारत की प्रगति पर नवीनतम निष्कर्ष प्रस्तुत किऎ हैं।

    • Real-Time Data is Improving India’s Vaccine Systems

      On a visit to India, Dr. Orin Levine of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation saw the impact of eVIN, an important tool to modernize and strengthen India’s vaccine logistics systems. eVIN is an electronic, real-time monitoring system that helps healthcare officials ensure adequate supply of vaccines to every child in need, being rolled out in 12 states in the country.

    • Innovating to Achieve Energy Efficiency

      Companies in the highly polluting steel-rerolling sector in India are introducing measures to improve energy efficiency as a result of a partnership between UNDP and the Ministry of Steel. In doing so, they are demonstrating that the industry can become more energy efficient, more environmentally conscious and more profitable. Mr. Haoliang Xu, Assistant Administrator and Regional Director, UNDP visited one such success story in Jaipur, Rajasthan and saw first-hand how the company has innovated to improve productivity and reduce specific fuel consumption.

UNDP at a Glance

UNDP has worked in India since 1951 in almost all areas of human development from democratic governance to poverty eradication to sustainable energy and environmental management.

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Partnering to Deliver Development Support Services in India

UNDP’s Development Support Services aim to help improve the administrative efficiency and effectiveness of government operations and schemes at the central and state level.

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