(someone saying) Tired of those CD's that don't
leave you fufilled?
Come on down to KJ-52! Thats right! Its Funky!
Well dont take our word for it!
Listen to our sponser the Kleesder!
Thats right it slices it dices it makes these ..... (can't understand what he is saying)
But dont take our word for it, ask these satisfied
I used to be a cross eyed bowlegged
one-armed safety patrolman but since listening to
KJ-52 i've since elevated myself to crossing guard.
Thank You KJ!
Hey no problem thats what were here
Well come on down to KJ-52.
If you act now we'll throw in a mullenator! Thats right, it'll give yourself a mull haircut before you even know what happened!
So Come on down. Act now while supplies are limited. KJ-52 is not responsible for animal
attacks based on the mull haircut.