- published: 12 Aug 2016
- views: 10937
John Dimitri Negroponte (/ˌnɛɡroʊˈpɒnti/; born July 21, 1939) is a British-born American diplomat of Greek descent. He is currently a research fellow and lecturer in international affairs at Yale University's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. Prior to this appointment, he served as the United States Deputy Secretary of State and as the first ever Director of National Intelligence.
Negroponte served in the United States Foreign Service from 1960 to 1997. From 1981 to 1996, he had tours of duty as United States ambassador in Honduras, Mexico, and the Philippines. After leaving the Foreign Service, he subsequently served in the Bush Administration as U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations from 2001 to 2004, and was ambassador to Iraq from June 2004 to April 2005. In November 2010, some of Negroponte's letters were released on the website WikiLeaks.
Negroponte was born in London, United Kingdom on July 21, 1939, to Greek parents Dimitri John (1915–1996) and Catherine Coumantaros Negroponte (1916–2000). His father was a Greek shipping magnate. Negroponte attended the Allen-Stevenson School and graduated from Exeter Academy in 1956 and Yale University in 1960. He was a member of the Psi Upsilon fraternity, alongside William H.T. Bush, the brother of President George H. W. Bush, and Porter Goss, who served as Director of Central Intelligence and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency under Negroponte from 2005 to 2006.
Amy Goodman (born April 13, 1957) is an American broadcast journalist, syndicated columnist, investigative reporter and author. Goodman's investigative journalism career includes coverage of the East Timor independence movement and Chevron Corporation's role in Nigeria. Since 1996, Goodman has hosted Democracy Now!, an independent global news program broadcast daily on radio, television and the Internet. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Thomas Merton Award in 2004, a Right Livelihood Award in 2008, and an Izzy Award in 2009 for "special achievement in independent media". In 2012, Goodman received the Gandhi Peace Award for a "significant contribution to the promotion of an enduring international peace". Goodman is the author of five books, including the 2012 The Silenced Majority: Stories of Uprisings, Occupations, Resistance, and Hope.
Amy Goodman was born on April 13, 1957, in Washington, D.C. Her father, George Goodman, was an ophthalmologist and her mother, Dorothy, a literature teacher, then social worker. Goodman is of Orthodox Jewish heritage; her maternal grandfather was an Orthodox Rabbi. Raised in Bay Shore, New York, she graduated from Bay Shore High School in 1975, and from Radcliffe College in 1984, with a degree in anthropology. Goodman spent a year studying at the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine.
Hillary Embraces War Criminal John Negroponte-Liberals FREAK OUT!
John Negroponte: Democracy is a threat to America
John Negroponte | Charlie Rose
John Negroponte on Politics & Cybersecurity
Rev. John Fife says John Negroponte is a War Criminal
Current Issues in U.S. National Security & Diplomacy, with Amb. John Negroponte
"I Need a Stiff Drink After That": John Negroponte on Being Questioned by Amy Goodman over Iraq War
2016.03.22 John D. Negroponte - How Crucial is the U.S. Rebalance to Asia in the Global Order ?
John D. Negroponte, former US Deputy secretary of State
Documental El embajador ¿Quién es John Negroponte? 1 de 3
Hillary Clinton added to John Negroponte to her list of war criminal endorsements. All In with Chris Hayes and guests including The Nation's Joan Walsh expressed dismay at the notion that embracing many of the 20th century's worst villains might hurt her chances in November. Part 1 ▶ https://youtu.be/F2JQXszJyPM Part 2 ▶ https://youtu.be/A-yaNBquHwg Jimmy Dore breaks it down. Subscribe Here ▶ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TYTComedy Full audio version of The Jimmy Dore Show on iTunes ▶ https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/the-jimmy-dore-show/id390071758 Join our community by liking, commenting and sharing to help us reach a wider audience. Keep it positive! Strong independent media depends on your support. Here's how to contribute: ▶ Become a premium member ▶ http://...
Please visit www.veryusefulwebsites.com Hear it straight from the horse's mouth, Democracy in Latin America is a threat to the U.S. But, aren't we supposed to be spreading democracy? There were no weapons of mass destruction you say?
John Negroponte has been a diplomat for over four decades. He's been an ambassador to Iraq, Honduras, Mexico, the Philippines, and the United Nations and he now serves as Deputy Secretary of State. I recently spoke with him about the search for Osama bin Laden and Israel's attack on a suspected nuclear facility in Syria. Here's a look at that conversation: SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Charlie Rose: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseSUBSCRIBE Connect with Charlie Rose Online: Visit the Charlie Rose WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseDotCom Like Charlie Rose on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseFacebook Follow Charlie Rose on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseTwitter Follow Charlie Rose on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/CharlieRoseInstagram About Charlie Rose: Emmy award winning journalist Charli...
Foreign Affairs Focus: Politics & Cybersecurity with John D. Negroponte Editor Gideon Rose interviews former Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte on challenges of the digital age and keeping the internet open, global, and secure. Negroponte highlights the need to acknowledge cybersecurity in free trade agreements and build additional protections for intellectual property. As the rise of the digital age creates issues that impinge on personal privacy and geopolitical relationships, navigating how the internet should be regulated provides an increasingly complex challenge. Read John Negroponte's Task Force report, "Defending an Open, Global, Secure, and Resilient Internet" at http://www.cfr.org/ and learn more about the challenges of the digital age at http://www.foreignaffai...
From democracy now Monday, April 23rd, 2007. John Negroponte should be questioned about his ignorance of death squads under his watch when ambassador to Honduras and why he didn't see the briefing book compiled by previous Ambassador Jack R. Binns.
Ambassador John D. Negroponte, Former Ambassador to the United Nations and Former Director of National Intelligence, discussed "Current Issues in U.S. National Security & Diplomacy" at The Institute of World Politics on May 4, 2015. This event was sponsored by the Center for Human Rights and International Affairs, a project of IWP and Good of All.
http://democracynow.org - During a conference Tuesday at Hofstra University that assessed the George W. Bush presidency, Amy Goodman asked panelists if senior administration officials should be tried for war crimes. Her question to former national intelligence director and U.S. ambassador to Iraq, John Negroponte, drew this response: Amy Goodman: "Do you think that, Mr. Negroponte, that knowing what we know today, the Iraq War was wrong? And do you think torture is wrong?" John Negroponte: "Look, well, torture is never right. And ..." Amy Goodman: "Do think the Bush administration was wrong to engage in it?" John Negroponte: "I say torture is never right. That’s my first point. But my second point was, I’ll just stick with the way I felt during the time I lived through those events. And...
THE FRANCE 24 INTERVIEW: Former US Deputy secretary of State and former Ambassador to the UN an Iraq, John D. Negroponte
¿Quién es Negroponte? Ha sido un diplomático de Estados Unidos que ha desempeñado el trabajo de embajador en diferentes partes del mundo, en momentos convulsionados y es uno de los más grandes ejecutores de la injerenCIA estadounidense. Desde la guerra sucia en Vietnam, en Centro América y en Iraq su paso dejo solo muerte y la evidencia de cómo funcionan las cosas en el mundo por medio de la impunidad que el tipo goza con el pasar del tiempo, evidentes casos de violación de derechos humanos, testimonios de ex militares le señalan como el implementador de métodos inhumanos en la guerra sucia que ejecuto Estados Unidos en estas tierras. Un documental como no hay otro sobre Honduras, imágenes inéditas, podremos apreciar al Padre Guadalupe Carney, el vehículo tiroteado de Álvarez Martinez, el ...
We met former deputy secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte. In an exclusive interview with Greek Reporter he spoke about his Greek background, Bin Laden and terrorism, and the crisis in Greece.
Raghida Dergham's pre-war Interview with UN Ambassador John Negroponte, and analysis with Lester Holt. MSNBC - 2003
Kofi Annan, seventh secretary-general of the United Nations, will take part in a Jackson Institute Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, Feb.7, at 4:30 p.m. in Levinson Auditorium of Yale Law School, 127 Wall St. The event is open to the public. Annan served two terms as secretary-general from 1997 to 2006. One of his main priorities in that role was a comprehensive program of reform aimed at revitalizing the U.N. and making the international system more effective. Since leaving the U.N., Annan has continued to press for better policies to meet the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable through his work with the Kofi Annan Foundation and other venues. During the Town Hall Meeting Annan will be interviewed by John Negroponte, the Brady-Johnson Distinguished Practitioner in Grand Strategy at Ya...
Guest Host Marty Goldensohn reviews three interviews you might have missed: Two major newsmakers, Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte and Arizona Senator and Presidential hopeful John McCain, and one major news mocker, Comedian George Carlin. (Taped: 2/20/2008) Brian Lehrer, the popular host of WNYC's "Brian Lehrer Show," hosts an hour-long weekly television program on CUNY TV. Watch more at www.cuny.tv/series/lehrer
Amb. John Negroponte, Chairman, Americas Society/Council of the Americas At the 2015 Concordia Summit we had the opportunity to interview a number of our speakers off the main stage. Hear what they had to say as part of the Concordia Conversations Interview Series.
A Conversation with President Alvaro Uribe of Colombia and US Ambassador John Negroponte, on the importance of the private sector in the fight against extremism and the security of Colombia and South America.
Afshin Rattansi interviews Executive Intelligence Review in Washington about the swearing in of Nuclear Pakistan's new Prime Minister under the watchful eye of Negroponte..via Iran.
Hillary Clinton added to John Negroponte to her list of war criminal endorsements. All In with Chris Hayes and guests including The Nation's Joan Walsh expressed dismay at the notion that embracing many of the 20th century's worst villains might hurt her chances in November. Part 1 ▶ https://youtu.be/F2JQXszJyPM Part 2 ▶ https://youtu.be/A-yaNBquHwg Jimmy Dore breaks it down. Subscribe Here ▶ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TYTComedy Full audio version of The Jimmy Dore Show on iTunes ▶ https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/the-jimmy-dore-show/id390071758 Join our community by liking, commenting and sharing to help us reach a wider audience. Keep it positive! Strong independent media depends on your support. Here's how to contribute: ▶ Become a premium member ▶ http://...
Nicholas Negroponte Nicholas Negroponte ist ein amerikanischer Informatiker und Professor am Massachusetts Institute of Technology .Er ist Mitbegründer des MIT Media Lab sowie die Galionsfigur der gemeinnützigen Initiative One Laptop per Child.Er ist der jüngere Bruder des ehemaligen stellvertretenden US-Außenministers John Negroponte. ✪Video ist an blinde Nutzer gerichtet ✪Text verfügbar unter der Lizens CC-BY-SA ✪Bild Quelle im Video
#2016PBIF - Key Quotes - Amb. John Negroponte: 'The anniversary of EDSA' 2016 Philippines Business & Investment Forum: Over the past five years, the Philippines has gone from being known as the “sick man” of Asia to the region’s stellar performer, lauded by international investors and analysts as one of the most promising countries for future growth and investment. As evidence, in 2013 the three major international credit rating agencies – Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch - all raised the Philippines’ sovereign debt to an investment grade rating, the first time it has achieved this status. The country’s GDP grew at an average of 6.3 per cent from 2010-2014, the highest five-year average in the past 40 years. In order for the country to realize its potential over the next decade, th...
#2016PBIF - Key Quotes - Amb. John Negroponte: 'Investment and Trade with the Philippines' 2016 Philippines Business & Investment Forum: Over the past five years, the Philippines has gone from being known as the “sick man” of Asia to the region’s stellar performer, lauded by international investors and analysts as one of the most promising countries for future growth and investment. As evidence, in 2013 the three major international credit rating agencies – Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch - all raised the Philippines’ sovereign debt to an investment grade rating, the first time it has achieved this status. The country’s GDP grew at an average of 6.3 per cent from 2010-2014, the highest five-year average in the past 40 years. In order for the country to realize its potential over t...
Thierry Meyssan: ISIS wurde 2007 von den USA im Irak gegründet, um den Widerstand gegen die amerikanische Besatzung zu spalten (Divide et impera). Entscheidende Personen waren John Negroponte & David Petraeus. John Negroponte war bis 2005 US Botschafter im Irak, später Geheimdienstkoordinator. Er hat in den 80ern in Nicaragua, Salvador und Honduras die Contras-Todesschwadrone ins Leben gerufen und gilt als Fachmann für den "Dirty war". Diese Strategie wurde in den Irak übertragen. In Abu Ghuraib wurde durch Folter und Ausbildung der Grundstein für den Islamischen Staat gelegt. John Negroponte: "Zwischen 1979 und 1989 verschwanden im Zuge der CIA-Operationen zahlreiche Menschen in Honduras. Negroponte überwachte unter anderem die Errichtung der Luftwaffenbasis „El Aguacate“ im Dschunge...
1. Wide of Senate room 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) John Negroponte, National Intelligence Director: "We expect (Venezuelan President Hugo) Chavez to deepen his relationship with (Cuba President Fidel) Castro, and seek closer economic military and diplomatic ties with Iran and North Korea." 3. Cutaway of room 4. SOUNDBITE: (English) Lt. General Michael Maples, Defence Intelligence Agency Chief: " We see their efforts, as you are aware, to purchase both aircraft and patrol boats that the department has taken an active interest in attempting to deny that purchase going through. So Venezuela is seeking a number of capabilities both for their own defence but also to give them greater capabilities to operate elsewhere in South.. Latin South America and within the Gulf area." . 5. Wide shot of ...
Former Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte talks about how diplomacy and intelligence influence each other, the "competitiveness" between them, the secret NSA programs, and the "WMD fiasco" in Iraq.
On Feb. 11, 2015, former Ambassador to the UN John Negroponte spoke to the University of Virginia community about global security challenges facing the United States. His talk was a part of the Batten School’s Batten Hour lecture series.
John Negroponte discusses what makes a good leader and the lessons learned from successes and failures in national security and foreign policy. February, 2014.
This Wheatley Distinguished Lecture in International Affairs was delivered by Ambassador John Negroponte, former Deputy Secretary of State, on September 25, 2014 at Brigham Young University. This lecture was sponsored by The Wheatley Institution
With Admiral (Ret.) Dennis Blair, Former Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte, Former Director of National Intelligence; Former Deputy Secretary of State; Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations; Former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Moderator: Steve Coll, Staff Writer, The New Yorker; President, New America Foundation. From the 2012 Aspen Security Forum, www.aspensecurityforum.org