Police-press relations look rather different after the Hillsborough verdict

Edit The Observer 01 May 2016
There was supposed to be a Leveson Mark Two – an inquiry looking more forensically at police and press relations. But David Cameron isn’t keen and nor, for that matter, is Fleet Street anxious to rake over the events of 10 or 12 years ago. We’ve seen exhaustive inquiries, prosecutions, verdicts of guilt or innocence. It’s mostly over for everyone but the Bun ... Construct a cordon sanitaire of silence around the boys in blue ... ....

Laws that make us human

Edit The Hindu 24 Apr 2016
Early this month, the Maharashtra State Assembly enacted the Maharashtra Protection of People from Social Boycott (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act of 2016 ... The focus of the Act is clear ... First Act and its fall ... Long struggle ... In The Untouchables, he wrote about the practice of “territorial segregation and of a cordon sanitaire putting the impure people inside a barbed wire into a sort of a cage” ... Keywords....

'Containment' series premiere recap: The outbreak begins

Edit The Examiner 20 Apr 2016
It works ... Sabine Lommers says is just a minor inconvenience when they consider what could happen without it – the cordon sanitaire ... Day 1 begins like any other day ... "You guys are it ... Dr ... She's instituting a cordon sanitaire and placing his zone of the city under complete quarantine ... (And of course, someone's recording this speech.) With that, the lines are drawn, with some inside and some outside – the cordon, the loop and the danger....

CW's 'Containment': No zombies, but plenty to fear

Edit Philadelphia Daily News 19 Apr 2016
Sabine Lommers (Claudia Black), prefers to call it, a cordon sanitaire, a fancy French way of saying this isn't just another Grey's Anatomy plot point ... Containment, serviceably if not excitingly adapted by Julie Plec (The Vampire Diaries) from Cordon, a Belgian ......

The Real Reason Corbyn is Under Press to “Root Out Anti-Semitism”

Edit CounterPunch 14 Apr 2016
No, what they are responding to is the growing support for BDS and its success in highlighting the grotesque injustice that describes the day to day reality for the Palestinians and in breaking through the political cordon sanitaire around Israel that had long prevented any serious challenge to its right to exist as an apartheid state ... While this doesn’t make it right, neither can it be dismissed or ignored ...  ....

After the Brussels attacks, these are the lessons Belgium will not learn

Edit New Statesman 02 Apr 2016
Recent events have made some of these streams world-famous ... The response of the other parties was to agree a cordon sanitaire, promising not to enter into coalition with the Vlaams Blok in any local, regional or federal governments ... In retrospect, the combined effect of the cordon sanitaire and the socialists’ dependence in some cities on Muslim votes made taboo any scrutiny of what passed for multiculturalism ... Getty ....

China will protect its sovereignty over South China Sea: Pundit

Edit Press TV 01 Apr 2016
The waters are believed to sit atop vast reserves of oil and gas ... America’s defensive cordon sanitaire ... “This was portrayed by the US as a defensive cordon sanitaire against the spread of Communism, but it actually served as a forward military position to not only contain Communist China but press for the rollback of communism on the Korean peninsula and the Southeast Asian mainland ...   ....

Pro-Qadri protests in Pak turn violent, army called in

Edit The Times of India 27 Mar 2016
ISLAMABAD ... The police used teargas to disperse the crowd from the cordon sanitaire around the parliament building. By midevening on Sunday, the military was called in to secure the situation. "Army has been requisitioned by the Govt to control situation and secure Red Zone," military spokesman Gen. Asim Bajwa tweeted on his official account, referring to the area around the parliament ... ....

US action in South China Sea provocative: Analyst

Edit Press TV 22 Feb 2016
Press TV has interviewed William Jones, a member of the Executive Intelligence Review in Leesburg, to discuss US military build-up in the South China Sea ...   ... They won’t say that openly, they will deny it to their last breath but at the same time what they are doing on the ground is trying to create a cordon sanitaire of the old alliances aimed primarily against China and this is what China understands ... ....

How Far Will The U.S. Go If Turkey Invades Syria?

Edit Oil Price 17 Feb 2016
It is understood that the Turkish Government wishes to establish a cordon sanitaire inside Syria, along the Turkish border, to prevent the flow of Kurdish fighters from Syria into Turkey, where they are reportedly supporting the civil war which is now underway in the Kurdish areas of Turkey ... Moreover, while the cordon sanitaire may push Kurdish ......

'US challenges China's right to self-defense in South China Sea'

Edit Press TV 17 Feb 2016
The US military announced last week that it will start formal talks with South Korea on placing the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense System (THAAD) on the North Korea's doorstep ...   ...    ...  . “The US is attempting to consolidate a military cordon sanitaire along China's eastern and southern seacoasts, extending from Japan through Taiwan to the Philippines, Australia and across Southeast Asia to India ... ....

Obama caves on Syria, does nothing to help innocent civilians

Edit New York Post 07 Feb 2016
Just weeks after Secretary of State John Kerry spoke about a “new initiative” on Syria, details are emerging about what that really means ... Getty Images ... Who does this hurt? Not ISIS ... For the past six weeks, Russian air attacks have been part of a broader military strategy designed to create a cordon sanitaire around the enclave controlled by Assad on the Mediterranean and to cut anti-Assad rebels from access to the Turkish border ... AP ... ....

The BBC’s next watchdog needs more independence from politicians

Edit The Guardian 07 Feb 2016
Jane Martinson. As David Clementi prepares to publish his governance report, public opinion and impartiality should be shaping the corporation’s future. Contact author. @janemartinson ... The BBC’s charter cannot ... At a time when the BBC is under more pressure than ever before – from competition and technological change as much as political upheaval – it needs more of a cordon sanitaire from the interference of politicians, not less ... ....