Pat Toomey tells
Jake Tapper why
Marco is the most prepared to be
Commander in Chief.
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For Marco Rubio,
America is not just the country where he was born -- it is the place that changed his family’s history. His parents came to America from
Cuba in
1956 to pursue a better life. His father became a bartender, and his mother became a cashier, a maid and a
Kmart stock clerk.
Growing up in
Las Vegas and
Miami, Marco watched how his parents worked hard and sacrificed to give their children a life better than their own. They never made it big, but they were successful. They achieved the
American Dream. And that is why he is running for president. For too many people, the American Dream feels impossible.
Opportunity and success seems far away. But Marco has worked tirelessly to restore the hope and promise that the American Dream is real and that every
American can achieve their own unique version of that dream. As
U.S. Senator, Marco has led a bold offensive to institute innovative, conservative ideas to address the fundamental issues our country is facing and to restore hope in the American Dream. His ideas are firmly rooted in this simple truth – the
American economy has changed significantly in recent decades and our policies must change with it. He has proposed conservative reforms to our nation’s anti-poverty laws, tax code, regulatory policies, higher education system, vital senior safety net programs and national defense. For Marco, this country has provided him so much -- the chance to graduate from the
University of Florida and then the
University of Miami’s law school. The chance to marry his wife
Jeanette in
1998, with whom he is raising four children:
Amanda, Daniella,
Anthony and Dominick. And the chance for both of them to give back through public service as a
West Miami city commissioner; a
Florida state legislator that rose to become majority whip, majority leader and speaker of the house; and since
2011, as a U.S. Senator.
For all the opportunities this country has provided Marco and his family, including all that Jeanette has accomplished through her charitable work, he is indebted to this great country. He believes that he owes America for the opportunities that this country has given him and his family. He believes the American Dream is still possible for all
Americans. But make no mistake: it will require new leadership and a bold conservative reform agenda built for the
21st century.
Join Marco today to reclaim the American Dream and make sure this century becomes a
New American Century.
Welcome to the official Marco Rubio for
President YouTube channel. This is THE hub for videos related to
Marco’s presidential run, where you’ll find media clips, debate highlights, information on issues, snippets from the campaign trail, and more. Here, you can watch Marco’s TV interviews, learn about his platform and where he stands on issues, and how he plans to bring us into a new
American Century. Watch speeches and event highlights, like Marco’s official campaign launch speech in Miami. Stay up to date with all the new Marco Rubio ads and the videos going viral online. Watch him answer the top google searches about himself, and yes, watch Marco drink water. Follow Marco on the campaign trail as he travels in
New Hampshire,
South Carolina,
Nevada and many more states.
Hear Marco talk about his
Christian faith and belief in God. Get inspired by Marco’s ideas, and learn how to
sign up to volunteer or donate to the campaign. Learn about Marco’s background, the story of his father working as a bartender to provide for his family, and how his story is the essence of the American Dream. Marco Rubio is running for president because he wants the American Dream to be possible for more people than ever before.
Yesterday is over and we’re never going back. Join Marco Rubio to reclaim the American Dream and make sure this century becomes a New American Century.
- published: 03 Feb 2016
- views: 2467