SamSam is a television program based on a character created by Serge Bloch and directed by Tanguy de Kermel in association with Bayard Presse. His son inspired him to base the program's eponymous character on him.
As well as being a HD program, SamSam is also a comic that is printed in many of Bayard Presse's magazines such as Pomme D'Api (French) and StoryBox (English).
Television and viewership
SamSam has been shown on TV in many countries around the world and in many different languages, including English, French, Cantonese, Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese.
In the United Kingdom, SamSam was shown on Action Stations! (ITV4 and CITV) at 6am, on weekends in the Wakey! Wakey!" and is now also being shown on Pop and Tiny Pop. It is also on ABC in Australia, on France 5 in Zouzous in France, and TV Tokyo at Japan, as well as being shown in Malaysia, Korea, Taiwan, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan,
Thailand, the US, Canada, Spain, Italy, Scandinavia, Iceland, Portugal, Poland, the UAE and Israel.