
Southern Insurgency: The Coming of the Global Working Class

In Southern Insurgency, Immanuel Ness provides a thorough and expert perspective of three key countries where workers are fighting the spread of unchecked industrial capitalism: China, India, and South Africa. In each case, he considers the broader historical forces in play, such as the effects of imperialism, the decline of the international union movement, class struggle, and the growing reserve of available labor. He then narrows his focus in each case on the specifics of the current grassroots insurgency: the militancy of miners in South Africa, new labor organizations in India, and the rise of worker insurgencies in China.

Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century

Labor and Monopoly Capital was one of the most important sociological books of its era. It revived academic interest in both the history and the sociology of workplaces setting the agenda for many subsequent historians and sociologists of the workplace. The work started what came to be called, using Braverman's phraseology, "the labor process debate". This had as its focus a close examination the nature of "skill" and the finding that there was a decline in the use of skilled labor as a result of managers strategy for control. It also documented the workers resistance to such managerial strategies

The economics of fascism

An uncredited article on the economics of fascism from the April 1937 issue of The One Big Union Monthly.

Editorial: We are not Gandhis

An anti-pacifist editorial from the September 1925 issue of Industrial Pioneer.

Industrial Pioneer (September 1925)

Articles from the September 1925 issue of Industrial Pioneer.

Le capitalisme : une introduction

Petite introduction au capitalisme et son mode de fonctionnement par

Les classes : une introduction

Une explication sur ce que nous entendons par "classe" chez, et d'autres termes reliés tel que "classe ouvrière" et "lutte des classes"