Unplanned America: The Documentary Travel Series On The Weird And Wonderful United States

Unplanned America: The Documentary Travel Series On The Weird And Wonderful United States

Emily Verdouw  18.08.2015
It's no secret we're a nation of travel obsessives. So it's makes sense this documentary series on the subcultures of the United States...
This Stunning Imagery Will Inspire Your Next Road Trip

This Stunning Imagery Will Inspire Your Next Road Trip

Leigh Campbell  18.08.2015
A fruit farm based in the Adelaide Hills since 1839, Beerenberg are known for producing premium quality fruit jams and dessert sauces....
The Most Instagram-Worthy Beach Camping Spots Around Australia

The Most Instagram-Worthy Beach Camping Spots Around Australia

Leigh Campbell  18.08.2015
When you hear the word 'camping' you probably imagine rows of caravans lined up like a display village, nondescript concrete shower blocks,...
The Aussie's Definitive Guide To Beating Jet Lag

The Aussie's Definitive Guide To Beating Jet Lag

Emily Blatchford  18.08.2015
It’s no secret Australians have a special relationship with jet lag. Given we live on the other side of the world from pretty much...
10 Things Travelling Teaches You That School Doesn't

10 Things Travelling Teaches You That School Doesn't

It's easy to get caught up in your own little world, where small things like a bad haircut or spilling coffee on your favorite shirt are...
8 Reasons A Trip To The Philippines Should Be In Your Future

8 Reasons A Trip To The Philippines Should Be In Your Future

Carla Herreria  17.08.2015
There's an incredible chain of tropical islands in the Pacific that is sprinkled with pink, white and black sand beaches, ultra-relaxing...
10 Ways To Take Epic Travel Photos Alone

10 Ways To Take Epic Travel Photos Alone

MyLifesaMovie.com  17.08.2015
Is it really that hard to believe that a young, attractive female would be traveling on her own, without the financial aid or company of...
18 Incredible Beaches You've Never Heard Of, But Need To Know

18 Incredible Beaches You've Never Heard Of, But Need To Know

Suzy Strutner  17.08.2015
We've seen some pretty incredible beaches in our day, but sadly enough, this means that everyone else has seen them, too. Trash and crowding...
Majestic Photos Of Wild Animals Are Inspiration To Travel Responsibly

Majestic Photos Of Wild Animals Are Inspiration To Travel Responsibly

Ask any wildlife photographer who travels the globe, and you'll hear that exploration comes with a heavy burden of responsibility when...
18 Incredible Photos From City Sunsets Around The World

18 Incredible Photos From City Sunsets Around The World

No matter how frantic a day of travel has been, a stunning sunset always commands us to stop, look and breathe.
23 Overlooked European Cities You Must Visit In Your Lifetime

23 Overlooked European Cities You Must Visit In Your Lifetime

Lisa Miller  17.08.2015
Everybody loves a European adventure. But when we are going abroad we tend to overlook smaller cities for enduring favorites like Paris,...
The 11 Things I Did NOT Need On My Trip Around the World

The 11 Things I Did NOT Need On My Trip Around the World

My longest adventure lasted six months and brought a best friend and me through Costa Rica, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, Croatia,...