- published: 30 Jul 2011
- views: 2570
Propagating Cotoneaster from cuttings
A lovely shrub when flowers and when sunny is the bees best friend. Here I'm showing you h...
published: 30 Jul 2011
Propagating Cotoneaster from cuttings
A lovely shrub when flowers and when sunny is the bees best friend. Here I'm showing you how to take cuttings from it(semi-hardwood).
- published: 30 Jul 2011
- views: 2570
Cotoneaster lacteus
Cotoneaster lacteus is a large evergreen shrub with attractive berries in the fall and win...
published: 05 Sep 2011
Cotoneaster lacteus
Cotoneaster lacteus is a large evergreen shrub with attractive berries in the fall and winter. To learn more please watch the video. To learn more about this and many other plants please visit www.designwithplants.com
- published: 05 Sep 2011
- views: 1311
http://www.giardinaggio.it/video - In collaborazione con la sezione video di Giardinaggio....
published: 30 Mar 2011
http://www.giardinaggio.it/video - In collaborazione con la sezione video di Giardinaggio.it . Esistono molte specie e varietà di cotoneaster, tutte molto diffuse nei giardini. Alcune hanno portamento eretto, anche se le più diffuse sono le varietà tappezzanti e striscianti.
Si tratta di un arbusto rustico, adatto a formare bordure, piccole siepi, o anche come esemplare singolo. Produce piccole foglie e in primavera piccoli fiori bianchi, che ricoprono quasi completamente la pianta.
Si pone a dimora in luogo soleggiato, non necessita di un terreno particolarmente ricco e tende ad adattarsi anche in condizioni non ideali.
Le giovani piante vanno anaffiate non appena poste a dimora, e in seguito è bene inumidire il terreno durante la bella stagione, ma solo dopo aver atteso che si sia ben asciugato.
A fine inverno spargiamo nei pressi delle piante dello stallatico ben maturo, oppure del concime granulare a lenta cessione.
Con il tempo i cotoneaster tendono a divenire arbusti disordinati, con rami contorti; per mantenere un arbusto più denso e compatto è bene potare periodicamente la pianta,
accorciandone tutti i rami di almeno un terzo. Tale operazione si effettua in genere a fine estate,
oppure dopo la fioritura. La potatura a fine inverno ci priva della gran parte dei boccioli, e quindi dei fiori.
- published: 30 Mar 2011
- views: 3178
Making of a Cotoneaster Bonsai Part 1 Intro and Prunning
Watch Part 2 at http://youtu.be/bYgxj-NjBrA
Part 1:OK, I feel like I cheated a little bit...
published: 10 Jul 2012
Making of a Cotoneaster Bonsai Part 1 Intro and Prunning
Watch Part 2 at http://youtu.be/bYgxj-NjBrA
Part 1:OK, I feel like I cheated a little bit, here I found a great candidate for bonsai, and with just a little bit of pruning, this Contoeaster bonsai is looking pretty good. Watch Part 1 for the prunning and Part 2 for the Potting.
- published: 10 Jul 2012
- views: 3284
cotoneaster on rock_0001.wmv
As the title says, I had this tree sitting in my collection, waiting for some inspiration....
published: 24 Apr 2010
cotoneaster on rock_0001.wmv
As the title says, I had this tree sitting in my collection, waiting for some inspiration. A lucky find of a nice landscape rock finally gave me the component to improve this tree and finally add it to the show bench.
- published: 24 Apr 2010
- views: 17140
How to propagate Cotoneaster by seed
Susan is demonstrating for Kathryn sowing seed of Cotoneaster horizontalis in autumn, thes...
published: 14 Dec 2011
How to propagate Cotoneaster by seed
Susan is demonstrating for Kathryn sowing seed of Cotoneaster horizontalis in autumn, these can take up to 18 months to germinate so just leave them in the cold frame for as long as it takes. Pot on when large enough to handle and grow on till big enough to plant in final position in the garden. Seeds of Sorbus aucuparia can also be sown in this way. Look out for Kathryn's amazing red boots and boot liners.
- published: 14 Dec 2011
- views: 513
Cotoneaster dammeri 'Lowfast' - 'Lowfast' Bearberry Cotoneaster
Cotoneaster dammeri 'Lowfast' is a dense, low growing groundcover. For more please a watch...
published: 09 Oct 2011
Cotoneaster dammeri 'Lowfast' - 'Lowfast' Bearberry Cotoneaster
Cotoneaster dammeri 'Lowfast' is a dense, low growing groundcover. For more please a watch the video. To learn more about this and many other plants please visit www.designwithplants.com
- published: 09 Oct 2011
- views: 962
Cotoneaster "Cornubia"
Kathryn is in trouble again, this evergreen Cotoneaster has been put in to screen a neigbo...
published: 14 Dec 2011
Cotoneaster "Cornubia"
Kathryn is in trouble again, this evergreen Cotoneaster has been put in to screen a neigbouring house and she has omitted to keep it watered through the summer. All newly planted shrub and trees will need watering in their first couple of growing seasons. Where this is planted it is especially important as there is great competition for moisture from surrounding mature trees. So when you plant a new plant in the garden take note of how much competition it has to deal with for moisture and nutrients and treat it accordingly to give it the best chance possible. This Cotoneaster under ideal conditions can grow to 7m (23ft), it has clusters of white flowers followed by bright red berries. So lets see how this on gets on now that Kathryn has her instructions for next year.
- published: 14 Dec 2011
- views: 324
Making of a Cotoneaster Bonsai Part 2 Potting and Watering
Watch Part 1 at http://youtu.be/YIGAsNAyhkY
Part 2 shows the root prunning and the pottin...
published: 10 Jul 2012
Making of a Cotoneaster Bonsai Part 2 Potting and Watering
Watch Part 1 at http://youtu.be/YIGAsNAyhkY
Part 2 shows the root prunning and the potting; which was relatively easy. But watering gets a little complicated due to the small size of the pot. But this plant is so cute that it it well worth the time. Check it out
- published: 10 Jul 2012
- views: 1934
Youtube results:
Monitoring Drosophila suzukii op Cotoneaster bessen Biocontrole 18 januari 2013
Tijdens monitoren van Drosophila suzukii op cotoneaster bessen een bijzondere ontdekking: ...
published: 18 Jan 2013
Monitoring Drosophila suzukii op Cotoneaster bessen Biocontrole 18 januari 2013
Tijdens monitoren van Drosophila suzukii op cotoneaster bessen een bijzondere ontdekking: mijten op de rug van enkele Drosophila's, waaronder DS. Gelukt een exemplaar te filmen. De vraag is: liften deze mijten mee of zijn er toch natuurlijke vijanden daarvan
- published: 18 Jan 2013
- views: 401
Monitoring Drosophila suzukii op Cotoneaster bessen-Biocontrole 27 januari 2013.wmv Deel II
Drosophila's suzukii met mijten gevangen met exhauster tijdens monitoring in de cotoneast...
published: 27 Jan 2013
Monitoring Drosophila suzukii op Cotoneaster bessen-Biocontrole 27 januari 2013.wmv Deel II
Drosophila's suzukii met mijten gevangen met exhauster tijdens monitoring in de cotoneaster bessen. Op de film is duidelijk te zien dat de fruitvliegen de mijten proberen kwijt te raken. Materiaal wordt aan de wetenschappers van NVWA ter beschikking gesteld. Op deze film berust copyright, Biocontrole Onderzoek en Advies BV.
- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 428