- published: 04 Jan 2017
- views: 294264
MoonTV was a free Finnish cable network channel. It started off as a channel for programmes about computer and video games but later grew into a channel covering several areas of youth culture. In its prime it was the first interactive TV channel in the world. At its best MoonTV could reach 1.3 million potential viewers in the 12 biggest cities across Finland. In 2003 the channel was shut down after the company that owned it filed for bankruptcy.
MoonTV was relaunched in 2010 online with new hosts and a new program line-up.
Mika Koivula and Hannu and Pekka Kossila were the founding members of MoonTV. Koivula came up with the name "MoonTV" back in 1996. Pekka Kossila was in charge of creating economical interactive TV formats which were the core of the channel when it started its test broadcasts in November 1996. Hannu Kossila, CEO, took care of the marketing and expansion of the channel.
MoonTV is noted for bringing forth youth-icon and political representative Wallu Valpio former member of the music group "Arto Muna ja Millennium Orkesteri".
New Year Spl I Dubaagkur Maaghaan's I MOON TV
What Is Your ID I College Spoof I MOON TV
Moon TV series 1 ep 1
News and Views I 23/07/2017 I MOON TV
PM Modi Troll I New Currency Troll I Dubaagkur Maaghaan's I MOON TV
Lupu huutaa
Drunken Master I Dubaagkur Maaghaan's I MOON TV
Kalyana Maalai Troll I Dubaagkur Maaghaan's I MOON TV
Italialaiset arvioivat suomalaiset pizzat
MoonTV Kaivopuiston Kesäkonsertti 2002 - Osa 1/2
Me MoonTV:llä ollaan aina trendien aallonharjalla ja huomattiin, että useita kuukausia sitten ihmiset pelailivat Chicken Screamia, joten mekin päätettiin tehdä siitä erittäin tärkeätä sisältöä teille. Discord: https://discord.gg/Arrgqg6 TILAA MOONTV:n YOUTUBE-KANAVA: http://goo.gl/z4ReA8 Uusimmat videot aina osoitteessa http://www.moontv.fi Liity FB-ryhmäämme: https://www.facebook.com/moontvfi/ Seuraa meitä twitterissä: https://twitter.com/moontvfi Käy ostoksilla! http://www.moontv.fi/kauppa
Viime kesänä Ania, Rodolfo ja Marco olivat käymässä Suomessa tutustumassa Tuska-festivaaleihin. Tilaisuus oli liian hyvä käyttämättä jättämiseen, joten istutimme kolmikon sohvalle ja pyysimme heitä arvioimaan kolmen suomalaisen pizzerian margarita-pizzat. Arvioitavana oli helsinkiläinen Mare Chiaro, joka on saanut paljon palautetta autenttisesta suhtautumisestaan asiakkaisiin, yhtä helsinkiläinen Putte's, joka taasen edustaa klassisempaa koulukuntaa - sekä hyvin suomalaiseen makuun tuotteensa tekevä Kotipizza. TILAA MOONTV:n YOUTUBE-KANAVA: http://goo.gl/z4ReA8 Uusimmat videot aina osoitteessa http://www.moontv.fi Liity FB-ryhmäämme: https://www.facebook.com/moontvfi/ Seuraa meitä twitterissä: https://twitter.com/moontvfi Käy ostoksilla! http://www.moontv.fi/kauppa
MoonTV Kaivopuiston Kesäkonsertti 2002 - Osa 1/2 Janina Frostell Linda Lampenius Jaana Pelkonen Tenkanen Jukka Hilden - Extreme Duudsonit Raymond Ebanks - Bomfunk MC's
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sexiest novel of all time
I remember a time and a place
Where Herbie had to hide his face
All my money was spent
And I still don't get one red cent
One black face replaced by a Base
Sown from the seeds of a white disgrace
And money TV made it all for free
Did they really do it for you and for me?
Money TV, money TV, money TV
You're so good to me
So good to me, so good to me
Money TV, money TV, money TV
Money is your baby and you know what you breed
So this skateboard
Knew a burger
Knew a soft drink
And they used to stay at home
Playing videos on computers
And they called it a life and you know what they think they were right
Money TV
Money TV, money TV, money TV
Money is your baby and you know what you breed
Dear surfers you ride as you see
Compute me with lead and your mercury
So I can eat burgers and live life on money TV
Mr Shirty you hide in your place
Sown from the seeds of a white disgrace,
'Cos money's been spent and I still don't get one red cent
Money TV
Money TV, money TV, money TV
You know what you've been