The Dissenter

Father Daniel Berrigan (left)
02 May 2016

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘I Had No Right’ by Dar Williams

Legendary peace activist Father Daniel Berrigan died at 94 years-old on April 30. He was one of the Catonsville Nine, who took draft files and set them on fire with homemade napalm in an act of resistance against the Vietnam War. The action, along with the trial of the Catonsville

From the cover of Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor's book, "From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation," released by Haymarket Books
01 May 2016

The Struggle For Black Liberation: Beyond 2016 Election & Establishment Politics

Possibly the only movement to force a response from presidential candidates in the election is Black Lives Matter. Activists pushed Bernie Sanders to develop a racial justice platform after disrupting his speeches. Activists in South Carolina and Philadelphia have challenged Hillary Clinton over her support for policies of mass incarceration

Hillary Clinton at the Apollo Theater. Photo by Andrew Dallos on Flickr
29 Apr 2016

Clinton Campaign Has Astounding Record Of Smugness Toward Young Voters

With the primary race entering its final phase, Clinton’s smug attitude could keep inspiring young voters to work harder for a contested convention.

TSA agent Rhoades holding his mid-year evaluation, which instructed him to profile. Screenshot from House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on April 27, 2016.
28 Apr 2016

TSA Whistleblower Reveals Supervisors Instructed Him To Profile Somali Imams

A TSA officer in Minneapolis blew the whistle on a request from his supervisors to racially profile Somali imams and community members visiting his office.


The Bullpen

Signatories to Right/Left letter on Defense Cuts
02 May 2016

Right And Left Coalition Propose Over $38 Billion In Cuts For Pentagon

While conservatives and progressives in America may have stark differences, we all agree on reducing waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money.

Old Town San Juan, Puerto Rico. Photo by Bryce Myhre
27 Apr 2016

Wall Street Funds Battle By Proxy In Congress Over Puerto Rico Bailout

Though there is much talk of principle, it looks as though the real battle lines in Puerto Rico are drawn by alliances between funds and elected officials.

World Trade Center, September 11, 2001. Photo by nostri-imago on Flickr
25 Apr 2016

White House May Declassify 9/11 Files As Saudis Ramp Up Lobbying

Former Senator Graham said he believed the White House may release at least some parts of a 28-page secret chapter from a congressional 9/11 inquiry.


Sharp Edges

Eugene Puryear, at "Dump Trump" rally in Washington, DC, in 2015 (Photo by Elvert Barnes)
02 May 2016

Revolutionary Vice-Presidential Candidate On Importance of Alternatives To Two Major Parties

Eugene Puryear, the vice-presidential candidate for the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) in the U.S., talks about electoral politics.

24 Apr 2016

Attempts To Stifle BDS Support Within UAW Local Backfires

The push back against Palestine solidarity work has been growing, but that doesn’t mean resistance has ebbed.

Screen shot from the CNN debate in Brooklyn, New York on April 14
18 Apr 2016

Palestine Activists Warm To Sanders While Clinton Spreads Israeli Propaganda

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, despite sharing the belief that “Israel has a right to defend itself,” are arguably worlds apart on the occupation.

Mike VanElzakker, a 42 year-old neuroscientist, tells Shadowproof why he will likely vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party Nominee.
14 Apr 2016

Voters Share Perspectives On Rejecting Two-Party System In 2016 Election

Shadowproof interviewed a number of Americans who are refusing to vote for Hillary Clinton, come what may.


The Next Cold War

CH-53E Super Stallion during a Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command night raid exercise April, 2016. (By U.S. Marine Corps)
29 Apr 2016

US Marines Arrive in Northern Raqqa, Lavrov Says “Big Mistake”

Next Cold War Roundup 4/29/16 150 Marines arrived in Raqqa governate via Qamishli and 100 more are expected soon. The Russian envoy to the UN announced that the Syrian coalition is planning an offensive on Raqqa. The US blames Syria for the hospital bombing in Aleppo and the Russian ministry of

Composite photo. Image of Fiorina from Gage Skidmore on Flickr. Iran flag by Farzaaaad2000 in persian wikipedia (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
28 Apr 2016

Carly Fiorina’s History Of Illegal Trading With Iran Problem For Ted Cruz

While both Cruz and Fiorina have condemned Obama’s Iran Deal, it was during Fiorina’s tenure as CEO that HP was cited for violating sanctions against Iran.

Army and Marine troops in a training exercise in Djibouti, March 2016. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Dan DeCook)
26 Apr 2016

More Ground Troops to Syria, Warships to Libya, Pentagon Denies Mission Creep

Next Cold War Roundup 4/26/16 Rebels and al Qaeda continue to use “hell bombs” on the government-held part of Aleppo where anger and frustration is building. Syrian coalition seems prepared for a major offensive on Aleppo but it has not begun yet.  More US ground troop “advisors” will be sent


Prison Protest

Senators Chuck Grassley (left), Jeff Cornyn (center), and Dick Durbin (right) announcing the final version of the Sentencing Reform And Corrections Act. Screenshot from committee broadcast.
02 May 2016

Senate May Reform Mandatory Minimum Sentences With More Mandatory Minimum Sentences

The final version of the Senate’s criminal justice reform package no longer reduces sentences for violent crimes, and includes a new drug mandatory minimum.

Federal supermax prison in Florence, Colorado. Photo by The Enigmatic Traveler on Flickr
28 Apr 2016

LIVE: Jean Casella Discusses Solitary Confinement Through Stories Of Prisoners

At 8:00PM East, Brian Sonenstein and Jean Casella discuss Hell Is A Very Small Place, a collection diaries and essays on solitary confinement.

Cover art for Hell Is A Very Small Place
26 Apr 2016

Event Preview: Exploring Dimensions Of Solitary Confinement With Jean Casella

Hell Is A Very Small Place forces readers to reconcile their beliefs about solitary confinement with the words of people enduring it right now.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. contributed over $13 million in asset forfeiture to fund the city's expanded supervised release program. Photo by Jason Kuffer on Flickr.
24 Apr 2016

New York City Expands Bail Alternative Program, Funded Primarily By Manhattan Prosecutor

The complex issue of risk assessment places some people at a disadvantage, despite mitigating factors that could ensure they return to court.


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