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Photo by Emily Burtner

MRR Radio #1503 • 5/1/16

Last Saturday, universally beloved Philly power pop band SHEER MAG played a sold-out show here in ...

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Black Pills (photo by Ricky Castanedo)


“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info ...

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Sorry Not Sorry

MRR Radio #1502 • 4/24/16

Dan is back from punk vacation, and plays what he picked up. Rest In Power, ...

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Techie Blood (photo by Mikey 47)


“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info ...

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Great Punk Hits

MRR Radio #1501 • 4/17/16

Amelia has local punk Chris on her radio show to discuss Oakland’s fast approaching annual ...

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Maximum Rocknroll #396 • May 2016


SPECIAL ISSUE ALERT: Maximum Rocknroll #396 is here, the May 2016 issue, the zines special edition! We’ve got over a dozen features on zines from all over planet Earth, each of them revealing a living print culture that is truly killer, absolutely vital and undeniably punk. Emmy Ramone talks about their zines Cretins of Distortion and the Mental Whiff, digging at the roots of human expression through punk in the Midwest and beyond; Alex Ratcharge conducts an interview with NUTS! fanzine: learn all about the long journey from Olympia to New York City and all the ink stains in between; Golnar Nikpour interviews the world’s number one fan of noisy and psychotic hardcore, Tom Mayhugh of General Speech. Getting personal: Fluke fanzine celebrates its 25th anniversary and Burn Collector’s Al Burian talks about his music and his move from New York to Berlin. From the Bay Area we have As You Were, a comic zine anthology based out of San Francisco from label/publisher Silver Sprocket; Not Shit, a skate fanzine dedicated to the punk/DIY approach, and the Enthusiast, a brilliant and ASCII art-laden email newsletter. The folks behind No Shame, a distro that highlights work by people of color, write about eight of their favorite zines. Across the water there’s Another Subculture, an annual audio mag released on cassette in the UK: editor Ben Perkins expounds on the nature of capturing the moment and keeping the thrill of zinemaking alive in audio. Down in Barcelona, Mierda editor Dani Frutos goes head to head with interviewer Paco Mus on everything from Barcelona punk’s tenuous relationship with Europe and the world to anarchism and Catalonian independence. There’s also an interview highlighting the Finnish Fanzine Archive, a project digitizing over 300 Finnish fanzines dating from 1977 to 1982. Rounding it out is a feature collecting almost half a dozen current video zines, your favorite columnists, all the reviews you can possibly bear to read, and a photo spread from Everything Is Not OK Vol. 2. Don’t miss it.

Buy this issue of MRR

You can also order this issue by mail by sending $4.99 in the US, $7 Canada, $9 Mexico, or $11 worldwide to: MRR • PO Box 460760 • San Francisco, CA 94146 • USA …or just SUBSCRIBE!

Still available: MRR #395 • April 2015 issue…

MRR #395

Fest Mania special edition: Oakland’s Manic Relapse, Washington’s Damaged City, and Oklahoma City’s Everything Is Not OK. Also: NEGATIVE SCANNER from Chicago, Brazil’s the PESSIMISTS, SOUL GLO from Philadelphia, Temecula hardcore from the COLTRANES, Bogotá Punk documentary series, HeartFirst Records interview, and a photo spread by Martin Sorrondeguy.


You can now download MRR #395 for only $3.99!!

MRR Radio #1503 • 5/1/16

May 1st, 2016 by

Last Saturday, universally beloved Philly power pop band SHEER MAG played a sold-out show here in San Francisco and afterwards went directly to the MRR compound to select the tracks you are about to hear in this episode of Maximum Rocknroll Radio.

Sheer Mag (photo by Emily Burtner)

Sheer Mag (photo by Emily Burtner)

Intro song:
SHEER MAG – Night Isn’t Bright

Ian starts and ends things in Philly
LEATHER – Inanna Alter
CRASS – Big A Little A
DC SNIPERS – All Humans Are Garbage

The Seely bros part one: Hart
CCCP – Militanz
SORE THROAT – A Bow to Capital

Turnin up with Tina
EDDIE & THE HOT RODS – Do Anything You Wanna Do
DIRTY FENCES – Heartbeater
DICKS – Rich Daddy
PUSSY DOGS – Ain’t Nothin But a Pussy Dog

The Seely bros part two: Kyle
RUDI – Big Time
FLEETWOOD MAC – Oh Well pt. 1
THE SHAKES – No One Likes My Baby

Matt’s Punk Mix
PRIME TIME – Tied Down

Outro song:
GAI – Hate in the Memories

Maximum Rocknroll Radio is a weekly radio show and podcast featuring DIY punk, garage rock, hardcore, and more from around the world. Our rotating cast of DJs picks the best of the best from MRR magazine’s astounding, ever-growing vinyl archive. You can find MRR Radio archives, specials, and more at radio.maximumrocknroll.com. Thanks for listening!


April 28th, 2016 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

Band name:
ANTIFACES (not anti-faces. It means eye masks and its pronounced An-tee-fah-says)

image1Date & location formed:
September 2014 in Miami, Fl.

Reason for forming

Having other bands in the past that sang in Spanish, we wanted to keep the Latino punk scene in Miami going and make it strong

What are your lyrics about?
Love, hate, friends, adaptation, politics.

How would you describe your sound?
There’s some hardcore, there’s some pop, it varies a lot.

What’s in the future for this band?
Playing Latino Punk Fest in NY in August, a 7″ coming out on IFB Records later this year. Then a South American tour next year.


Antifaces ( photo by Kris Alan Carter)

Antifaces (photo by Kris Alan Carter)


Links and contact info:





Band name:

abu lol-2

Date & location formed:
Oakland, CA sometime in 2015.

Reason for forming:
Have you listened to the bands here?

What are your lyrics about?
It doesn’t matter.

How would you describe your sound?
Some real ass shit.

What’s in the future for this band?
Tour maybe.

Links and contact info:




Band name:
Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 8.21.05 AM

Date & location formed:
We started this band around late 2013 as a side project of our other bands RAW JUSTICE and REGARDE LES HOMMES TOMBER. We are located in Nantes, western France.

Reason for forming:
During our 2013 summer tour with RAW JUSTICE, a Belgian friend of ours introduced us to the SEX PRISONER debut 7″. We all had a blast. On a random night a few months later we listened to this record again with RJ the bass player and decided that it would be great to start a band like that. We were also getting a lot into Nails or Soul Search at that time so we felt the need to play something harder, faster and rawer than what we were already doing with our other bands. We made a phone call or two to get a line up and a week later we were doing our first practice, with no clue about where we were really going.

What are your lyrics about?
Mostly about the complexity of human relationships, whether it’s with friends, relatives you don’t give a shit about, partnerships, dead family members etc. I write introspective and personal lyrics about very specific events of my life more so than generic, broader topics. We also have a few songs about animal rights, police brutality and authority, excessive proselytism, feminism, love, the difficulties of dealing with your own demons. I’d say this band, or at least our lyrics, are driven by frustration and disappointments.


HD sans logo


How would you describe your sound?
I’ve read many different descriptions of our sound including such terms as Hardcore / Grindcore / Powerviolence / Death Metal / Punk or even Sludge. In my opinion, and considering every member of the original line up who wrote every HD songs were from different scenes from Punk Rock to Death Metal or Youth Crew, I’d say we are a mix of heavy powerviolence / Hardcore ( NAILS or SEX PRISONER), metallic hardcore (SOUL SEARCH), grindcore ( NAPALM DEATH), Death Metal (MORBID ANGEL) and Boston Hardcore’s SSD. What I really like with this band and our sound is that our drummer handled (almost) every aspect of each of our records, from recording to mixing and mastering. Maybe it’s not perfect but at least it gave us the opportunity to really shape our sound the way we wanted: raw, dirty, loud and abrasive.

What’s in the future for this band?
We are now touring a lot to defend the new LP we put out a few months ago. We’ve already done 2 Euro tours in March and April and are about to go for 2 others in May and June. It’s not officially announced yet but we are also doing a 10 day tour in Japan in November 2016. Then I don’t have a clue. We might try to tour USA in 2017 and probably work on a new EP. We’ve had a brand new line up (our original drummer and bass player had to leave) for a few months and we only practiced to get ready for all these tours but never tried to write new Harm Done material with them. Let’s see if we can make it work and have some new songs sooner or later.

Links and contact info:

Our label, which I also run, where you can get all our merch and records :




Band name:


Date & location formed:
February 2016 in Vancouver BC.

Reason for forming:
The need to play ugly music.

What are your lyrics about?
Violence against women, vivisection, anxiety, the misery of being trapped inside your own head.

How would you describe your sound?
Rorschach playing Jesus Lizard covers.


Black Pills (photo by Ricky Castanedo)

Black Pills (photo by Ricky Castanedo)


What’s in the future for this band?
Short term, our demo tape is out in a few weeks. Long term, a 7″, a split and tours in Brazil and Cuba in the next 12 months.

Links and contact info:





Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…

1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.

MRR Radio #1502 • 4/24/16

April 24th, 2016 by

Dan is back from punk vacation, and plays what he picked up. Rest In Power, Erica Botz.

Sorry Not Sorry

Sorry Not Sorry

Intro song:
DENISE AND CO – Boy, What’ll You Do Then?

Stuff I picked up part 1
IRON CAGES – Your Time Will Come
COLLUSION – Don’t Care
DAME – On The Line
FLASHER – Throw It Away
TRIAGE – Dystopic Scene

Stuff I picked up part 2
JJ DOLL – Spit
CCTV – Song About Gossip and Inclusivity
S.L.I.P. – Stick It

Old bands and one new
VKTMS – Roma Rocket
HONEY BANE – Boring Conversations
WATERY LOVE – I’m a Skull
THE BRAT – The Wolf
BOBBY SOXX – Scavenger of Death

A brief perusal of the new bin
MOMMY – I Remember Them
MACE – Sinner

We miss you, Erica

Outro song:

Maximum Rocknroll Radio is a weekly radio show and podcast featuring DIY punk, garage rock, hardcore, and more from around the world. Our rotating cast of DJs picks the best of the best from MRR magazine’s astounding, ever-growing vinyl archive. You can find MRR Radio archives, specials, and more at radio.maximumrocknroll.com. Thanks for listening!


April 21st, 2016 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

Band name:

Date & location formed:
I formed it in the East Bay as a recording project. It was gonna be a split with the legendary JUNKYARD DOG of Alamo, california, but I decided to turn it into a full band. It was originally called Leather Informant, but I knew I could have a stupider band name.

Reason for forming:
I thought the recordings were gonna be lame but they weren’t so it became a band.

What are your lyrics about?
The songs are about aggression and anxiety, just a way to vent and stuff.


Techie Blood (photo by Mikey 47)

Techie Blood (photo by Mikey 47)


How would you describe your sound?
Sonically speaking, I want it to have that same cyberpunk-future sound that Napalm Death’s “Scum” has. How it sounds like it was recorded in a giant metal cube or something dystopian and bizarre like that, if that makes any sense. Listen to Scum with that mindset and you’ll totally feel me. It should sound like the book “Neuromancer” or something. but musically speaking, all I really listen to is Steely Dan and Christopher Cross so I don’t know why it sounds like it does.

What’s in the future for this band?
We have a new tape, it’s re-recordings of old songs and three new songs, and it’s pretty good. I’m also in the works of making a little video documentary about punk bands I like in California, most notably Slobber from the East Bay, Chain Hex from Santa Rosa and the Torpedoes from Merced. So that’s been a lot of my efforts in punk music which has slowed Techie Blood down a bit, but we’re all hoping to keep putting out music and play around more. We wanna go to Texas or Vancouver or really anywhere that isn’t the Bay Area right now.

Links and contact info:

I’m in the process of uploading all california punk music of note to a youtube page I run, called Guy Fieri Official. I am however not Guy Fieri, sorry. So you can find it there.

I also uploaded the tape to a bandcamp account called ledzeppelinofficial.bandcamp.com (also not Led Zeppelin because that band is awful). I didn’t intend on anyone to find it but people did so I guess I will also put stuff up there so you can download it.






Band name:13052470_865012873625841_1525321340_o

Date & location formed:
We formed about two years ago
in London, England.

Reason for forming:
I have an obsession with melodic crust and cellos and wanted to revisit a style of music I missed playing a great deal. I spent
about two years trying to find people to make this project possible, formed other bands in the meantime, but Dave was enthusiastic about the idea and decided to take on writing the music and playing all of the instruments whilst i handled
vocals, lyrics and artwork. We
were joined by our friend Nicole on Cello who recorded her parts
in California, and guest vocals from friends all over the world.

What are your lyrics about?
It has a story, its kind of a post civilisation observation of human cultures living in a world reclaimed by nature, in the skeletons of formers cities, and dense forests. Its about language, the ideas of religion and belief. Earthy visceral stuff!

How would you describe your sound?
Emo crust? Epic crust? Something like that. We’re definitely influenced by stuff like Remains of the day and Madame Germen, and my former band Fall of Efrafa.




What’s in the future for this band?
We have an LP coming out on Halo of flies/Chaos Rural/ Alerta Antifascista. We have a full band now so we hope to be playing shows in the near future!

Links and contact info:




Band name:

Date & location formed:
December 31st 2014 in the basement of The Rocketship (RIP) in Washington, DC.

Reason for forming:
Josh: I wanted to combine my love for shock drag and my disgust with the conservative gay scene in DC. Things needed to be shaken up a bit, so I made a FB post about starting a band (goal: Toiletboys crossed with Limp Wrist) and KC and Kit almost immediately responded. We recruited Anderson shortly thereafter, and everything fell into place pretty quickly. Everyone was on the same page from the beginning.

What are your lyrics about?
Queer identity, dysphoria, hypocrisy, addiction, & 90s mall culture.


Homo Superior (photo by Farrah Skeiky)

Homosuperior (photo by Farrah Skeiky)


How would you describe your sound?
Snotty & rough.

What’s in the future for this band?
We’re doing a Memorial Day weekend tour, visiting super queer-friendly places like North Carolina & West Virginia. Hoping to play some more shows & festivals. We applied to Fed Up Fest in Chicago. And eventually, we’ll finish a couple more songs and put out an album.

Links and contact info:




Band name:

Date & location formed:
Singapore, early 2015.

Reason for forming:
Our bassist is from Athens, landed a job here in a university, got in contact with some punks, hung out, went to shows, and we decided to form a band. None of us have played in a band together before this. Also, for the love of Hardcore and abrasive punk music.

What are your lyrics about?
Anxiety, subjugation, submission, depression, violence from the state and the higher power.




How would you describe your sound?
Hardcore, Anarchy, and Violence.

What’s in the future for this band?
Creating more hard tunes and a 2nd 7″ out soon. Hoping to tour more and play somewhere where there’s no future.

Links and contact info:





Band name:a3606046550_10

Date & location formed:
Winter of 2015 in Seattle, WA.

Reason for forming:
I recorded the demo while living in the bay area with intentions to make it happen as a full band when I moved to the northwest. After living in Seattle for eight months we finally had our first practices.

What are your lyrics about?
The lyrics are all over the place but the general theme is seeking freedom.

How would you describe your sound?
Our sound is like.. I don’t know.. I guess kind of an SST vibe, but I don’t think we do that justice. Mostly I just wanted to be in a band that had pop riffs and hardcore riffs and this is what came of it.

What’s in the future for this band?
Putting out a 7″ single with Painter Man Records. west coast tour with Angel Dust and Gag in June. Full length record on Pop Wig sometime next year, probably.

Links and contact info:




Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…

1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.

MRR Radio #1501 • 4/17/16

April 17th, 2016 by

Amelia has local punk Chris on her radio show to discuss Oakland’s fast approaching annual all-ages Manic Relapse Fest and play some Manic Relapse hits and some of his favorite punk bangers.

Manic Relapse Fest will be held April 29th through May 1st featuring worldwide headliners such as LOS MONJO (Mexico), NEWTOWN NEUROTICS (UK), SCUM RAID (Korea), CRUDE SS (Sweden), ICONOCLAST (Los Angeles), GASMASK TERROR (France), BORN/DEAD (Oakland) and KAFKA (Japan). If you didn’t know, now you know! More information can be found here at: Manic Relapse Facebook. Also, Jesse Cunningham sang in Koward and now sings in PMS 84. Their new line-up will be featured at this year’s Manic Relapse Fest.

Great Punk Hits

Great Punk Hits

ABRASIVE WHEELS – When the Punks Come Marching In

MOB 47 – Animal Liberation
CRUDE SS – Destroy Capitalism
KAAOS – Sekasortoa

RIISTETYT – Yön Painajainen
VAURIO – Jeesus On Herra
O13 – Takaisin Todellisuuteen
APPENDIX – Sinä Ja Minä

LAMA – Sähköä Ilmassa
RATSIA – Ne Ei Haluu Kuunnella

ICONOCLAST (Japan) – After the Blood Shed
THE BONES – Insanity
ZOUO – Making Love with Devil
GISM – Death Exclamations
KAFKA – Kaaos

Bye Bye
LAUGHIN’ NOSE – Get the Glory
WRETCHED – Rifletti

Maximum Rocknroll Radio is a weekly radio show and podcast featuring DIY punk, garage rock, hardcore, and more from around the world. Our rotating cast of DJs picks the best of the best from MRR magazine’s astounding, ever-growing vinyl archive. You can find MRR Radio archives, specials, and more at radio.maximumrocknroll.com. Thanks for listening!