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slackbastard Anarchy and apathy battle it out on @ndy’s blog.
slackbastard · 1d ago

#TrotGuide 2016

Gosh and bother and tish and fiffle: it’s been just over four years since I last formally updated Trot Guide (April 10, 2012). At that stage I counted a mere fifteen political organisations ...
slackbastard · 1W ago

anarchist notes (april 13, 2016) : APRIL 2016

a few things : • on saturday (april 16), jura books (sydney) will be hosting a discussion w visiting academic alex prichard on the subject of ‘Anarchy, Freedom, and Constitutionalism’ : “How...
slackbastard · 1W ago

antifa notes (april 12, 2016) : hard times for patriots

April 4 was the one-year anniversary of the first ‘Reclaim Australia’ rally. The occasion prompted me to write a few lines on my Facebook page (see below). Since then: • The United Patriots ...
slackbastard · 2W ago

Halal Expo shenanigans : Antifa 1 /// Party For Freedom 0

Gee whiz. A month or two ago the Sydney-based fascist grouplet ‘Party For Freedom’ (PFF) — the organisers of the Cronulla Riot Re-enactment failboat last year (and the ‘anti white genocide’ ...
slackbastard · 2W ago

#UnitedPatriotsFront ~versus~ #Collingwood

The neo-Nazi grouplet United Patriots Front (UPF) staged a(nother) provocative little stunt on Friday night, unfurling a banner reading ‘Go Pies’ and ‘Stop the Mosques’ at the Collingwood-Ri...
slackbastard · 1M ago

#UnitedPatriotsFront Go To #Bendigo. Again …

For the record … Today in Bendigo, around 2-300 patriots/fascists answered their fuehrer’s call and attended the third and final leg of the United Patriot Front’s whirlwind tour of the ‘east...
slackbastard · 1M ago

#TrotGuide : Socialist Party (CWI) resignations

Update (February 25, 2016) : The SP has issued a statement in response to the below : Statement from Socialist Party National Committee (February 24, 2016). Yesterday 14 Socialist Party memb...
slackbastard · 1M ago

Blair Cottrell : ” … and I started getting arrested after I did that.” #Fortitude /// #UnitedPatriotsFront

Blair Cottrell — the leader of the United Patriots Front and Fortitude — appears as ‘Bruce’ in a recent documentary about youth in prison (the maximum-security Youth Unit at Port Phillip Pri...
slackbastard · 2M ago

antifa notes (february 21, 2016) : Whitelaw Towers, United Patriots Front, Etc.

Whitelaw Towers Above : Nathan Sykes. For those of you coming in late, ‘Whitelaw Towers’ (WLT) is a neo-Nazi blog that often functions as a kind of online shit-sheet for Dr Jim Saleam’s ‘Aus...
slackbastard · 2M ago

#UnitedPatriotsFront + #Fortitude : ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US

Somehow or other, material published on the Facebook group “UPF & FORTITUDE ~ INNER CIRCLE” — comprising the ‘inner circle’ of the UPF/Fortitude — done got made public. It provides an intere...